10,344 research outputs found

    Multiple core hole formation by free-electron laser radiation in molecular nitrogen

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    We investigate the formation of multiple-core-hole states of molecular nitrogen interacting with a free-electron laser pulse. We obtain bound and continuum molecular orbitals in the single-center expansion scheme and use these orbitals to calculate photo-ionization and Auger decay rates. Using these rates, we compute the atomic ion yields generated in this interaction. We track the population of all states throughout this interaction and compute the proportion of the population which accesses different core-hole states. We also investigate the pulse parameters that favor the formation of these core-hole states for 525 eV and 1100 eV photons

    The shapes of the circumstellar silicate features

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    Around oxygen-rich stars the spectra of most long-period variables (LPV) show an excess infrared emission which is attributed to circumstellar silicate dust grains. It is known that the spectral energy distribution of the 10 micron emissions shows variations from star to star. With the availability of many Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) Low Resolution Spectra (LRS) in the 8 to 22 micron region, the 10 micron feature can be studied to determine its uniformity (or lack thereof). The excess silicate emissions (10 micron emission), divided into three groups characterized by similar spectral shapes, are discussed

    Dynamic FOV visible light communications receiver for dense optical networks

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    This study explores how the field-of-view (FOV) of a visible light communications (VLCs) receiver can be manipulated to realise the best signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) while supporting device mobility and optimal access point (AP) selection. The authors propose a dynamic FOV receiver that changes its aperture according to receiver velocity, location, and device orientation. The D-FOV technique is evaluated through modelling, analysis, and experimentation in an indoor environment comprised of 15 VLC APs. The proposed approach is also realised as an algorithm that is studied through analysis and simulation. The results of the study indicate the efficacy of the approach including a 3X increase in predicted SNR over static FOV approaches based on measured received signal strength in the testbed. Additionally, the collected data reveal that D-FOV increases effectiveness in the presence of noise. Finally, the study describes the tradeoffs among the number of VLC sources, FOV, user device velocity, and SNR as a performance metric.Accepted manuscrip

    Single-stage, low-noise, advanced technology fan. Volume 4: Fan aerodynamics. Section 1: Results and analysis

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    Test results at design speed show fan total pressure ratio, weight flow, and adiabatic efficiency to be 2.2, 2.9, and 1.8% lower than design goal values. The hybrid acoustic inlet (which utilizes a high throat Mach number and acoustic wall treatment for noise suppression) demonstrated total pressure recoveries of 98.9% and 98.2% at takeoff and approach. Exhaust duct pressure losses differed between the hardwall duct and treated duct with splitter by about 0.6% to 2.0% in terms of fan exit average total pressure (depending on operating condition). When the measured results were used to estimate pressure losses, a cruise sfc penalty of 0.68%, due to the acoustically treated duct, was projected

    Advancing the Liberal Order in British Columbia: The Role Played by Lieutenant-Governor Sir Hector-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière, 1900–1906

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    This essay focuses on the role of Lieutenant-Governor Hector-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière in bringing political stability to British Columbia after the turn of the twentieth century. As well as ensuring that the composition of the executive council was based on federal party lines, he worked to ease federal-provincial tensions and exercised a significant influence on the McBride government’s highly effective economic reform programme. Joly has been largely ignored by historians, aside from his short term as Quebec premier, but his socially conservative liberalism made him an ideal promoter of Canada’s liberal order on the west coast.La présente étude porte sur le rôle du lieutenant-gouverneur Hector-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière dans l’avènement de la stabilité politique en Colombie-Britannique après le tournant du XXe siècle. En plus de veiller à ce que la composition du Conseil exécutif respecte les lignes de partis fédérales, il a cherché à atténuer les tensions fédérales-provinciales et a exercé une influence significative sur le programme très réussi de réforme économique du gouvernement McBride. À l'exception de sa courte période à titre de premier ministre au Québec, les historiens ont tendance à ignorer les activités de Joly, mais son libéralisme empreint de conservatisme social en a fait un agent idéal de l’ordre libéral canadien sur la côte Ouest

    "In the desert places of the wilderness": The Frontier Thesis and the Anglican Church in the Eastern Townships, 1799-1831

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    The Church of England was better able to meet the challenges of the settlement frontier in British North America than historians have sometimes acknowledged. Even in Quebec’s Eastern Townships, a region largely populated by American settlers, the British-backed religion of order tended to dominate the religion of dissent during the early settlement period. It was thus well entrenched by the 1830s and 1840s, when American missionary societies and revivalist sects began to take a greater interest in the region. Not only did the Anglican Church have substantial material advantages over its competitors, but the Anglican hierarchy was willing to adapt, within limits, to local conditions. This case study of the two neighbouring parishes in St. Armand, near the Vermont border, also shows that each British-born Anglican missionary responded to the challenges posed by an alien cultural environment in a somewhat different way.L’Église anglicane était plus apte à relever les défis du peuplement de l’Amérique du Nord britannique que les historiens ne l’ont parfois reconnu. Même dans les Cantons de l’Est, au Québec, une région largement peuplée par des colons américains, la religion de l’ordre, qui jouissait du soutien britannique, avait tendance à dominer la religion de la dissension aux débuts du peuplement. Elle était donc bien enracinée quand, durant les années 1830 et 1840, les sociétés missionnaires américaines et les sectes revivalistes commencèrent à s’intéresser davantage à la région. Non seulement l’Église anglicane possédait-elle des avantages matériels substantiels sur ses compétiteurs, mais la hiérarchie anglicane était prête à s’adapter, à l’intérieur de certaines limites, aux conditions locales. Comme le montre la présente étude de cas de deux paroisses voisines de St. Armand, près de la frontière du Vermont, chaque missionnaire anglican britannique de naissance réagit différemment aux défis posés par un milieu culturel étranger

    Seeing Icebergs and Inuit as Elemental Nature: An American Transcendentalist on and off the Coast of Labrador, 1864

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    In 1865 a series of Atlantic Monthly articles written by the Transcendentalistminister David Atwood Wasson described the voyage to Labrador organized byAmerican landscape painter William Bradford. Bradford was inspired by thesuccess of fellow Hudson River school artist Frederic Edwin Church’s monumentalpainting, The Icebergs (1861), and Wasson’s role was to generate publicity forwhat would be Bradford’s own “great picture,” Sealers Crushed by Icebergs.Wasson produced many colourful descriptions of the icebergs encountered onthe voyage, but he also depicted the Labrador shorescape as the planet earth atthe dawn of time and the Inuit of Hopedale as unevolved, pre-adamic man. Thisarticle suggests that Wasson’s racism and rejection of the benign, mystical Natureof first-generation Transcendentalists Thoreau and Emerson reflects the rise ofevolutionary theory and the cultural impact of the American Civil War.En 1865, l’Atlantic Monthly décrivait, dans une série d’articles parus sousla plume du ministre transcendentaliste David Atwood Wasson, le voyage auLabrador organisé par William Bradford, un peintre de paysages américain. Cedernier était inspiré par le succès de The Icebergs (1861), peinture monumentaled’un confrère de l’école de l’Hudson, l’artiste Frederic Edwin Church, et Wassonavait pour rôle de susciter de la publicité autour de ce qui allait être la propre« grande œuvre picturale » de Bradford, Sealers Crushed by Icebergs. Wasson aproduit de nombreuses descriptions pittoresques des icebergs rencontrés en coursde route, mais il a aussi dépeint le paysage côtier du Labrador comme s’il s’agissaitde la Terre au début des temps et l’Inuit de Hopedale comme s’il était une racenon évolué, antérieur à Adam. Le présent article laisse entendre que le racisme deWasson et son rejet de la Nature mystique et bénigne des transcendantalistes dela première génération, Thoreau et Emerson, reflètent la montée de la théorie del’évolution et l’impact culturel de la Guerre civile américaine

    Serving "the North East Corner of Creation": The Community Role of a Rural Minister in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, 1829-1870

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    Ammi Parker, a nineteenth-century Congregational minister in Danville, Quebec, was the only clergyman in his community for many years, as well as senior representative of a church which had begun to decline just as American settlers were moving onto this northern frontier. As elsewhere in the Eastern Townships, the Congregational Church in Danville was caught between the growth of aggressively revivalistic denominations, on the one hand, and the well-endowed Church of England on the other. Given the additional impact in later years of the growing English-Canadian exodus from the region, Reverend Parker’s pragmatism and resourcefulness were essential to the survival of his family and the endurance of his congregation. Viewed from a broader perspective, Parker was a somewhat belated transitional figure, combining aspects of New England’s community-tied pastorate of the eighteenth century and its more professional ministry of the nineteenth century.Ammi Parker, un ministre congrégationaliste du XIXe siècle de Danville, au Québec, fut longtemps le seul membre du clergé de sa communauté et le représentant principal d’une église dont le déclin s’était amorcé au moment même où les colons américains avaient commencé à franchir cette frontière septentrionale. Comme ailleurs dans les Cantons de l’Est, l’Église congrégationaliste de Danville était coincée entre les confessions farouchement revivalistes, en pleine expansion, d’une part, et la bien nantie Église anglicane, d’autre part. En raison de l’impact additionnel qu'eut plus tard l’exode grandissant des Canadiens anglais de la région, le pragmatisme et la débrouillardise du révérend Parker furent essentiels à la survie de sa famille et à l’endurance de sa congrégation. Dans une perspective plus large, le révérend Parker fut une figure de transition quelque peu tardive, dépositaire d’éléments du pastorat communautaire de la Nouvelle-Angleterre du XVIIIe siècle et du saint ministère, plus professionnel, de celle-ci au XIXe siècle
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