351 research outputs found

    The Emergence of Miller's Magic Number on a Sparse Distributed Memory

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    Human memory is limited in the number of items held in one's mind—a limit known as “Miller's magic number”. We study the emergence of such limits as a result of the statistics of large bitvectors used to represent items in memory, given two postulates: i) the Sparse Distributed Memory; and ii) chunking through averaging. Potential implications for theoretical neuroscience are discussed

    Improving the Global Fitting Method on Non-Linear Time Series Analysis

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    In this paper, we are concerned with improving the forecast capabilities of the Global approach to Time Series. We assume that the normal techniques of Global mapping are applied, the noise reduction is performed, etc. Then, using the mathematical foundations behind such approaches, we propose a method that, without a great computational cost, greatly increase the accuracy of the corresponding forecasting

    Agronomic efficiency of granulated organomineral fertilizers based on poultry litter and phosphates.

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    This paper has as aim to evaluate the agronomic efficiency of granulated organomineral fertilizers produced from poultry litter and mineral sources of phosphorus

    Existence of Asymptotic Expansions in Noncommutative Quantum Field Theories

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    Starting from the complete Mellin representation of Feynman amplitudes for noncommutative vulcanized scalar quantum field theory, introduced in a previous publication, we generalize to this theory the study of asymptotic behaviours under scaling of arbitrary subsets of external invariants of any Feynman amplitude. This is accomplished for both convergent and renormalized amplitudes.Comment: 15 pages, LATEX, no figure

    Medidas morfométricas da carcaça de cordeiros de diferentes genótipos submetidos a dois sistemas de produção.

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    Resumo: Objetivou-se avaliar a influência do sistema de produção, bem como de diferentes grupos genéticos sobre as características morfométricas da carcaça de cordeiros. Foram observados 24 animais, machos não castrados, das raças ½Dorper x ½SPRD, ½Santa Inês x ½SPRD e ½Somalis x ½SPRD, submetidos à terminação a pasto e em confinamento. Os animais foram abatidos com peso vivo médio de 30 kg. As carcaças foram pesadas e refrigeradas a 4ºC por 24h, quando então foram mensuradas as seguintes medidas morfométricas: comprimento corporal, perímetro torácico, perímetro da perna, comprimento da perna e comprimento interno. O sistema de produção interferiu nas medidas de perímetro da perna e comprimento interno, não havendo diferença significativa (P>0,05) para as demais medidas. Os genótipos estudados não influenciaram na medida de perímetro. As medidas de comprimento da carcaça, perímetro da perna e comprimento interno não diferiram estatisticamente para os mestiços ½Dorper x ½SPRD e ½Santa Inês x ½SPRD, no entanto esses genótipos apresentaram diferença significativa para a raça ½Somalis x ½SPRD nesses parâmetros. O sistema de produção não acarretou mudanças importantes para as medidas morfométricas de comprimento de carcaça, perímetro torácico e comprimento da perna. O mestiço ½Dorper x ½SPRD apresentou as melhores médias para as medidas estudadas. [Morphometric carcass characteristics of lambs of different genotypes under two production systems]. Abstract: Objectified to evaluate the influence of production system, well as of different genetic groups on the morphometric characteristics of the carcass of lambs. 24 animals had been observed, males not castrated, of breeds ½ Dorper x ½ SPRD, ½ Santa Inês x ½ SPRD and ½ Somalis x ½ SPRD, submitted to termination grass and confinement. The animals had been abated with average alive weight 30 kg. The carcasses had been weighed and cooled 4ºC for 24h, when then following morphometric measures had been measured: corporal length, thoracic perimeter, perimeter of leg, length of leg and internal length. The production system intervened with the measures of perimeter of leg and internal length, not having significant difference (P>0.05) for excessively measures. Studied genotypes had not influenced in measure of perimeter. Measures of length of carcass, perimeter of leg and internal length hanot statistical differed for the mestizos ½ Dorper x ½ SPRD and ½ Santa Inês x ½ SPRD, however these genotypes had presented significant difference for the breed ½ Somalis x ½ SPRD in these parameters. The production system does not cause important changes for morphometric measures of carcass length, thoracic perimeter and length of the leg. The mestizo ½ Dorper x ½ SPRD presented best averages for studied measures

    Características qualitativas da carcaça de cordeiros de diferentes genótipos submetidos a dois sistemas de produção.

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    Resumo: No sistema de produção de carne, as características qualitativas da carcaça são de fundamental importância para complementar a avaliação do desempenho animal. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar a influência do sistema de produção, bem como diferentes genótipos sobre as características qualitativas da carcaça de cordeiros. Foram observados 24 animais, machos inteiros, das raças ½Dorper x ½SPRD, ½Santa Inês x ½SPRD e ½Somalis x ½SPRD, submetidos à terminação a pasto e em confinamento. Os animais foram abatidos com peso vivo médio de 30 kg. As carcaças foram pesadas e refrigeradas por 24h, quando foram extraídos os Longissimus dorsi e neles mensurados grau de marmoreio, distribuição e textura da gordura, além da cor e textura da carne. A distribuição da gordura na carcaça não sofreu influência de nenhum tratamento (P>0,05), enquanto que o grau de marmoreio e textura da gordura teve interferência do sistema de produção, assim como a cor da carne. Os genótipos avaliados não diferiram nos atributos de distribuição da gordura, como também na textura e cor da carne. Os cordeiros ½Santa Inês x ½SPRD apresentaram as menores médias para grau de marmoreio e textura da gordura. O mestiço ½Dorper x ½SPRD proporcionou os melhores resultados para os parâmetros qualitativos avaliados nesta pesquisa. [Qualitative characteristics the Carcass Lambs Different Submitted Genotypes Two Systems of Production]. Abstract: In system meat production, qualitative characteristics of carcass are basic importance to complement the evaluation of animal performance. Thus, objectified to evaluate the influence of production system, as well different genotypes on qualitative characteristics carcass of lambs. Twenty four animals had been observed, entire males, breeds ½ Dorper x ½ SPRD, ½ Saint Ines x ½ SPRD and ½ Somalis x ½ SPRD, submitted the termination the grass and in confinement. The animals had been abated with average alive weight of 30 kg. The carcasses had been weighed and cooled for 24h, when they had been extracted Longissimus dorsi and in them measured degree of marbling, distribution and texture of the fat and texture beyond the color and texture of the meat. Distribution of fat in carcass did not suffer influence from no treatment (P>0.05), whereas the degree of marbling and texture of fat had interference of the production system, as well the color of meat. Evaluated genotypes had not differed in distribution attributes of fat, as well as in texture and color of meat. The lambs ½ Saint Ines x ½ SPRD presented the average minors for the marbling attributes and texture of fat. The mixed race ½ Dorper x ½ SPRD provided the best ones resulted for the attributes evaluated in this research