22 research outputs found

    Armazenamento da castanha do pará com e sem casca: efeito da temperatura na resistência ao ranço

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    The objective of this study on whole and shelled Brazil nuts was to determine the changes in the lipid fraction when stored for four months in ordinary paper bags, at ambient temperature, 2°C and -15°C. Whole nuts kept at room temperature had an increase in peroxide formation in the second month of storage, reaching 0.16 meq O2/kg oil. The nuts kept at 2°C and -15°C, had a lower increase, reaching 0.10 meq O2/kg in both treatments, within the same period. Shelled nuts had an initial peroxide value of 9.18 meq O2/kg oil and 1 mg KOH/g oil of acid value. After four months at room temperature, the peroxide value reached 23.3 meq O2/kg and acidity, 2 mg KOH/g, with a reduction in iodine number. The nuts at 2°C showed minor changes. The nuts at -15° showed reduction in peroxide value to 7.5 meq O2/kg in the first month which was mantained until the end of the experiment. Iodine numbers and acid values were relatively stable as confirmed by spectrophotometric determinations. The conclusion is that the reduction in storage temperature contributed to the increase in time of conservation of the Brazil nuts, specially if they are not shelled.O presente trabalho visou ao estudo do comportamento da fração lipídica de castanhas do Pará em casca e descascadas, conservadas por 4 meses em sacos de papel Kraft, nas seguintes condições: ao ambiente, a 2°C e -15°C. Nas castanhas em casca, mantidas ao ambiente, a formação de peróxidos somente ocorreu a partir do 2° mês, alcançando o valor de 0,16 meq O2/kg de óleo. Dentro do mesmo período, a 2°C e -15°C, isto ocorreu de forma mais lenta, chegando a 0,10 meq O2/kg, nos dois tratamentos. As castanhas descascadas apresentaram, no início, 9,18 meq O2/Kg de índice de peróxido e l mg KOH/g de óleo de índice de acidez. Após 4 meses ao ambiente, o índice de peróxido chegou a 23,3 meq O2/Kg e a acidez a 2 mg KOH/g, com redução do índice de iodo. Para as castanhas a 2°C, os índices se mantiveram estáveis, enquanto que, para aquelas a -15°C, ocorreu redução no índice de peróxido, no 1° mês para 7,5 meq O2/Kg de amostra, mantido até o final do experimento. Os índices de iodo e de acidez se mantiveram estáveis e o exame espectrofotométrico na faixa ultravioleta confirmaram estes dados. De uma maneira geral, observou-se que o abaixamento da temperatura de armazenamento contribuiu para aumentar o tempo de conservação das castanhas, que será ainda maior se forem armazenadas em casca

    Microbiological quality in the flour and starch cassava processing in traditional and model unit

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de farinha e fécula durante as diferentes etapas do processamento de mandioca, em unidades tradicionais e em uma unidade modelo. Foram determinados índices de coliformes totais e termotolerantes, Bacillus cereus, Salmonela spp., bactérias e fungos nas farinhas e féculas. Não foram observadas presenças de B. cereus e Salmonella spp. na farinha e fécula de mandioca produzidas nas unidades estudadas. A incidência microbiana diminui com o avanço da etapa do processamento para obtenção de farinha e foi menor na unidade modelo. Após o processo de torra, a carga microbiana estava de acordo com os valores preconizados pela legislação brasileira, concluindo-se que essa etapa pode ser considerada como crítica na obtenção de farinha. Na obtenção de fécula, a carga microbiana nas unidades tradicionais são maiores que na modelo, e o aumento do número de extrações promove o aumento da incidência de microrganismos, sendo recomendadas apenas quatro extrações. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: The objective of this research was to evaluate microbiological contamination in the flour and starch during cassava processing in traditional and model units. The total and fecal coliforms indexes, Bacillus cereus, Salmonella, bacteria, yeast and fungi were determined. Bacillus cereus and Salmonella were not detected in any sample. The incidence of microorganisms decreased along the processing to obtain cassava flour, and is lower in model unit. After the roasting process, the microbial load was below the values established by the Brazilian legislation, and can be regarded as a critical step in obtaining cassava flour. Concerning starch production, the microbial load in the traditional units was higher than in the model units, and the increase of the extraction steps has promoted the growth of microorganisms. It’s recommended the used of only 4 extractions

    Use of fractional factorial design for selection of nutrients for culturing Paecilomyces variotii in eucalyptus hemicellulosic hydrolysate

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    A eucalyptus hemicellulose fraction was hydrolysed by treating eucalyptus wood chips with sulfuric acid. The hydrolysate was used as the substrate to grow Paecilomyces variotii IOC-3764 cultured for 72 or 96 hours. The influence of the inhibitors, nutrients and fermentation time was verified by a 28-4 and, subsequently, a 25-1 fractional factorial design. The effects of the inhibitors (acetic acid and furfural), nutrients (rice bran, urea, potassium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, magnesium sulfate and sodium phosphate) and fermentation time were investigated. The highest yield (10.59 g/L of biomass) was obtained when the microorganisms were cultivated for 72 hours in a medium composed of 30 g/L rice bran, 9.4 g/L ammonium sulfate (2 g/L nitrogen) and 2 g/L sodium phosphate

    Chemical characteristics of grape juices from different cultivar and rootstock combinations.

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of different combinations of grape cultivars and rootstocks on chemical characteristics of grape juices. Six treatments were evaluated, consisting of combinations between the Isabel Precoce and BRS Cora grape cultivars and the 'IAC 766', 'IAC 313', and 'IAC 572' rootstocks. Approximately 10 L of juice were obtained per treatment. Analyses of color, total soluble solids content, pH, anthocyanins, total phenolics, total sugars, and quantification and identification of biogenic amines by HPLC were performed. Biogenic amines, such as putrescine, cadaverine, spermidine, and spermine, were found in all evaluated cultivars. By principal component analysis (PCA), treatments can be divided into two groups, according to the cultivar. Juices obtained from 'Isabel Precoce' are characterized by higher levels of total sugar content and soluble solids; however, juices from 'BRS Cora' are positively correlated with phenolic content, anthocyanins, and color and acidity parameters. The differences found by PCA for juices from the Isabel Precoce and BRS Cora cultivars indicate that, regardless of the rootstock used, the most important factor in the chemical characterization of juices is the grape cultivar.2014DOI: 10.1590/S0100-204X201400070000