16 research outputs found

    Utilização de multilinhas dinâmicas para o manejo da antracnose do sorgo

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência do uso de multilinhas dinâmicas, por meio de misturas genéticas em populações de híbridos triplos, no manejo da antracnose do sorgo, causada pelo fungo Colletotrichum sublineolum. Foram obtidos 18 híbridos triplos a partir de sete linhagens que continham genes distintos para resistência à doença. Os 25 genótipos de híbridos e linhagens foram avaliados em campo. Verificou-se, em alguns híbridos, grau de resistência superior ao observado para a linhagem mais resistente utilizada nos cruzamentos, o que indica efeito aditivo dos genes de resistência das diferentes linhagens na composição da resistência final dos híbridos. O usodas multilinhas dinâmicas reduziu a intensidade da doença no campo e aumentou a produtividade. Essa estratégia torna possível a utilização de linhagens que apresentam características agronômicas desejáveis, mas são suscetíveis à antracnose

    Depression And Suicidal Behavior Of Cancer Inpatients: Prevalence And Associated Factors [depressão E Comportamento Suicida Em Pacientes Oncológicos Hospitalizados: Prevalência E Fatores Associados]

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine prevalence rates of depression and suicidal behavior among cancer inpatients and factors associated with these conditions. METHODS: A total of 5357 patients consecutively admitted to a university hospital were assessed by means of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) and the suicide risk section of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). Univariate analyses adjusted for gender and age groups were performed with depression and suicide risk as dependent variables. RESULTS: Of those assessed, 675 had cancer. The prevalence rates for depression and suicide risk were 18.3% (95%CI = 15.4 -21.4) and 4.7% (95%CI = 3.2-6.7) respectively. Depression was more frequently found in cancer bearers than in the other inpatients (13.2%; p = 0.0009). Female gender, low schooling level, long time of disease, pain, use of psychotropic drugs and suicide risk were associated with depression (p < 0.05). Pain and depression were associated with suicide risk. CONCLUSION: Because prevalence rates of depression and suicide risk are high among cancer inpatients, simple screening instruments and specific questions during interviews are needed to detect these clinical conditions.562173178Van't, S.A., Trusburg, R.W., Duivenvoorden, H.J., Psychological sequelae of cancer diagnosis: A meta-analytical review of 58 studies after 1980 (1997) Psychosom Med, 59, pp. 280-293Härter, M., Reuter, K., Aschenbrenner, A., Schretzmann, B., Marschner, N., Hasen-Burg, A., Psychiatric disorders and associated factors in cancer: Results of an interview study with patients in inpatient, rehabilitation and outpatient treatment (2001) Eur J Cancer, 37, pp. 1385-1393Wasteson, E., Brenne, E., Higginson, I.J., Hotopf, M., Lloyd-Williams, M., Kaasa, S., Sion Assessment and Classification In Palliative Cancer Patients: A Systematic Literature Review. 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