11 research outputs found

    Model-predicted ammonia emission from two broiler houses with different rearing systems

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    Ammonia (NH3) emissions from broiler production can affect human and animal health and may cause acidification and eutrophication of the surrounding environment. This study aimed to estimate ammonia emissions from broiler litter in two systems of forced ventilation, the tunnel ventilation (TV) and the dark house (DH). The experiment was carried out on eight commercial broiler houses, and the age of the birds (day, d), pH and litter temperature were recorded. Broilers were reared on built-up wood shaving litter using an average flock density of 14 bird m–2. Temperature and relative humidity inside the broiler houses were recorded in the morning during the grow-out period. A factorial experimental design was adopted, with two types of houses, four replicates and two flocks with two replicates each. A deterministic model was used to predict ammonia emissions using the litter pH and temperature, and the day of grow-out. The highest litter temperature and pH were found at 42 d of growth in both housing systems. Mean ambient air temperature and relative humidity did not differ in either system. Mean model predicted ammonia emission was higher in the DH rearing system (5200 mg NH3 m−2h−1 at 42 d) than in the TV system (2700 mg NH3m−2 h−1 at 42 d). TV presented the lowest mean litter temperature and pH at 42 d of growth. In the last week of the broilers’ grow-out cycle, estimated ammonia emissions inside DH reached 5700 mg m−2h−1 in one of the flocks. Ammonia emissions were higher inside DH, and they did not differ between flocks. Assuming a broiler market weight in Brazil of close to 2 kg, ammonia emissions were equivalent to 12 g NH3 bird-marketed−1. Model-predicted ammonia emissions provided comprehensible estimations and might be used in abatement strategies for NH3 emission

    The Occurrence Of Heat Waves In Sao Paulo - Brazil Using Temperature Humidity Index (thi) And Milk Decline Index (mdec)

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    Climate is not simply defined by the average temperature and precipitation, but also by the type, frequency and intensity of weather events. The climatic changes have the potential to alter the prevalence and severity of extremes, such as, storms, droughts and heatwaves (IPCC, 2007). A heat wave is a period of abnormal intense heat generally followed by high relative humidity with the duration of at least one day; however, conventionally being extended by some days or even some weeks (AhiS, 1989). The occurrence of heat waves can cause heat stress that input a negative influence on animal production. Thus, this research had as its general objective to estimate milk production losses as function of heat wave incidence in Sao Paulo state based on the average temperature and humidity index (THI). A historical of heat wave occurrence was developed based on climatic data over an interval of two to ten years. The estimated average milk production loss in the major dairy regions was also quantified during the identified heat wave periods. The results showed that the counties within the Vale do Paraiba dairy region as well as Presidente Prudente - Sao Paulo presented the highest number of heat waves per year, and that not always the heat wave with longest period presented higher intensity of occurrence. The conclusion is that the study of heat wave occurrence shows in a more effective way the heat stress effect on dairy production, which is not practically identified when studying just the average THI occurrence.881888Aguiar, I.S.Baccari JR., F.Gottshalk, A.F. etal. 1996. Produção de leite de vacas Holandesas em função da temperatura do ar e do indice de temperatura e umidade. Proc. Reunia̧o Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia, 37., Fortaleza. p.617-619(1989) Glossary of Meteorology, , AMS, 5th Edition. Am. Meteorological Society. Boston, MABerry, I.L., Shanklin, M.D., Johnson, H.D., Dairy shelter design based on milk production decline as affected by temperature and humidity (1964) Trans. ASAE, 7, pp. 329-331Bouraoui, R., Lahmar, M., Majdoub, A., Djemali, M., Belyea, R., The relationship of temperature-humidity index with milk production of dairy cows in a Mediterranean climate (2002) Anim.Res, 51, pp. 479-491Campos. A. T.Pires. M. F. A.Silva Junior. J. L.C.Costa. L.C. 2005. Zoneamento bioclimatológico da regia̧o Sudeste do Brasil para prognostico na produção de leite e na taxa de concepçã o de vacas Holandesas em função do Indice de Temperatura e Umidade. Embrapa Gado de Leite. Available al http://wwvv.cnpgl.eiTibrapa.br Accessed 16 March 2005Hubbard, K.G., Stocksbury, D.E., Hahn, G.L., A climatological perspective on feedlot cattle performance and mortality related to the THI (1997) Reprints Tenth Conference on Applied Climatology, pp. 349-353. , American Meteorological Society. Boston, MAHuhnke, R. L.McCowan, L. CMeraz, G. M.Harp, S. L.Payton, M. E. 2003. Using evaporative cooling to reduce the frequency and duration of elevated temperature-humidity indices in Oklahoma. American Society of Agriculture Engineering. ASAE Paper 014111. v. 2 0, p.95-99Huhnke, R.L., McCowan, L.C., Meraz, G.M., Harp, S.L., Payton, M.E., Determining the frequency and duration of elevated Temperature-Humidity Index (2001) American Society of Agriculture Engineering. ASAE, , Paper 01 -4 111. 12p(2001) Climate Change 2001: Impacts Adaptation and Vulnerability, , IPPCC, Intergovernmental Panel in Climate Changes, Genebra, SuiçaLaloni, L.A., Naas, I.A., Macari, M., Pereira, D.F., Pinheiro, M.G., (2003) Model for predicting milk production in jersey cows in hot weather, pp. 320-324. , ASAE paper 701P0203 pMeehl, G.A., Tebaldi, C., More intense, more frequent, and longer lasting heat waves in the 21 st century (2004) Science, 305 (5686), pp. 994-997Moura, F., Degradação Ambiental Muda Clima do Vale. Vale Verde (Associação de Defesa do Meio-Ambiente) Available at: Htip, , www.valeverde.org.br/html/midia2.phn?id=l7, Accessed 21 July 2006Nienaber, J. A.Hahn, G. L. 2004. Engineering and management practices to ameliorate livestock heat stress. In: Proc, International Symposium of The Cigr. New Trends In Farm Buildings, Lecture 6, 1-18. May 2-6, 2004, Evora, Portugal. CdromNienaber, J.A., Hahn, G.L., Brown-Brandl, T.M., Eigenberg, R.A., Heat Stress Climatic Conditions and physiological Responses of Cattle (2003) Proc. International Dairy Housing Conference, 5. , Fort Worth, Fort Worth: ASAEOliver, J.C.H.M., Hellman, S.E., Bishop, C.L., Bennett, P.L.F., Heat stress survey (1979) Calif. Agric, 33, pp. 6-8Ravagnolo, O., Misztal, I., Studies on genetics of heat tolerance in dairy cattle with reduced weather information via cluster analysis (2002) Journal of Dairy1 Science, 85, pp. 1586-158

    Development Of Software For Swine Welfare Assessment Using Animal Vocalization

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    Pork export in Brazil represents 625 thousand tons/year (ABIPECS, 2005) and it is an important item in the county's agribusiness. Lately Brazilian swine production has been strongly impacted by the new consumer market demand regarding welfare norms and standards. The analysis of animal vocalization allows the interpretation of welfare pattern in a non-invasive way, and it may be used for both identify the animal and to assess welfare issue as well as health status and social adaptation. This paper exposes partial results of a project with the objective to develop an expert system to register and analyze distinct sounds emitted by swine in different growing stages correlating it with levels of stress, for assessment and controlling decision making process. The software was developed sing Delphi5. Through the component Uwaveln the PC hardware registered the signal converting them into bytes. Using Fourier Tranform it was possible to describe the sound spectrum and transform it into frequency and intensity. Validation of the software was done in a commercial swine farm using animal from growing phase. Results showed that it was possible to make decision as far as environmental control is concerned, based on the sound level recorded.572576Hopp, S.L., Owren, M.J., Evans, C.S., (1997) Animal Acoustic Communication: Sound Analysis and Research Methods, , Springer, HeidelbergJAHNS, G. Understanding Animal Vocalization. Disponível [on line] em http://www.tb.fal.de/staff/jahns/animal.htm. Data de acesso em 28/04/2004Manteuffel, G.Puppe, B. and P. C. Schön. 2004. Vocalization of farm animals as a measure of welfare. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 88.163-182Marx, G., Horn, T., Thielebein, J., Knubel, B., Von Borell, E., Analysis of pain-related to vocalization in young pigs (2003) Journal of Sound and Vibration, 266, pp. 687-698Muñoz, L.A., (2004) Algunas consideraciones sobre los conceptos de bienestar en la especie porcina, pp. 20-10. , http://www.portalveterinaria.com, on line] Disponível no site, Acesso emOwren, M.J. and R.H. Bernacki. 1997. Applying linear predictive coding (LPC) to frequency-spectrum analysis of animal acoustic signals. In: Hopp S.L., Owren M.J. and C.S. Evans. (Eds.), Animal Acoustic Communication:Sound Analysis and Research Methods. Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 129-162Puppe, B., Schon, P.C., Tuchscherer, A., Manteuffel, G., Castration-induced vocalization in domestic piglets, Sus scrofa: Complex and specific alterations of the vocal quality (2005) Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 95, pp. 67-78(2006) Livestock and Poultry: World Markets and Trade, , USDA, MarchWeary, D.M., Fraser, D., Vocal response of piglets to weaning: Effect of piglet age (1997) Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 54, pp. 153-16

    Development Of A Software To Estimate Piglets Welfare Using The Computational Vision

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    The producer's need to increase productivity and process economics leads to the use of technologies directed to the management of both production and environment in order to reach thermal comfort and animal welfare. The understanding of animal behavior through the use of image analysis may be an efficient method for estimating welfare in a non-invasive way. Among the systems and techniques used in controlling process, computer vision and image processing have been studied and applied in the animal production process as well as in final product processing. This research had the objective to develop an algorithm using computational vision, to recognize animal behavior data and identify piglet's thermal comfort and welfare status. The software was validated in a commercial swine farrowing house. The developed algorithm automatically found the centre of mass of each animal, the dispersion of the piglets and their occupied area. Based on these results it was possible through the image analysis, characterize different piglet's behavior patterns inside the farrowing house facilities, based on the dispersion of their centre of mass in different environment conditions.577580Fialho, F.B. 1999. Modernização no controle da produção de suínos: zootecnia de precisão. In: Silva, I.J.O. (Ed.). Ambiência e qualidade na produção industrial de suínos. Piracicaba: FEALQ. Cap.3, p.61-80Geers, R., Ville, H., Goedseels, V., Houkes, M., Goosens, K., Parduyns, G., Van Bael, J., Environmental temperature control by the pig's comfort behavior through image processing (1991) Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 34 (6), pp. 2583-2586Hoy, J.B., Koehler, P.G., Patterson, R.S., A microcomputer-based system for real-time analysis of animal movement (1996) Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 64 (2), pp. 157-161Hu, J. and H. Xin, H. 2000.Image-processing algorithms for swine postural behavior analysis. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers. 32 (1): 72-85Marchant, J.A. and C.P. Schofield. 1990. Pigs, Snakes and Maggots. Div. Note, Silsoe Research Institute, Silsoe, BedfordMinagawa, H., Iechikawa, T., (1992) Measurement of pig weights by an image analysis, , ASAE Paper No. 92-0000. St. Joseph, Mich, ASABENoldus, L.P.J.J., Spink, A.J., Tegelenbosch, R.A.J., EthoVision: A versatile video tracking system for automation of behavioral experiments (2001) Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, 33 (3), pp. 398-414Sergeant, D., Boyle, R., Forbes, M., Computer visual tracking of poultry (1998) Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 21, pp. 1-18Sesti, L.A.C. and J. Sobestiansky. 1998. Aspectos da produtividade. In: Sobestiansky, J., Wentz, I., Silveira, P.R.S. and L.A.C. Sesti, (Ed). Suinocultura intensiva: produção, manejo e saúde do rebanho.Brasília: Embrapa-SPI, Concórdia-CNPSA, cap. 2: 27-44Shao, J., Xin, H., Harmon, J.D., Comparison of image feature extraction for classification of swine thermal comfort behavior (1998) Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 19, pp. 223-232Shao, J., Xin, H., Harmon, J.D., Neural network analysis of postural behavior of young swine to determine their thermal comfort (1997) Transactions of the ASAE, 40 (3), pp. 755-760Spink, A.J., Tegelenbosch, R.A.J., Buma, M.O.S., Noldus, L.P.J.J., The EthoVision video tracking system - A tool for behavioral phenotyping of transgenic mice (2001) Physiology & Behavior, 73, pp. 731-744Tillett, R.D., Onyango, C.M., Marchant, J.A., Using model-based image processing to track animal movements (1997) Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 17, pp. 249-261Wouters, P., Geers, R., Parduyns, G., Goossens, K., Truyen, B., Goedseels, V. and E.Van Deer Stuyft. 1990. Image analysis parameters as inputs for automatic environmental temperature control in the piglet's houses. Computers & Eletronics in agriculture. 5: 233-246Xin, H. and B. Shao. 2002. Real-time assessment of swine thermal comfort by computer vision. In: Proceedings of the world congress of computers in agriculture and natural resources. ASAE publication number 701P0301. p. 362-36

    Heat Transfer To Calculate Minimum Ventilation Rates For Broilers House

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    The correct use of minimum ventilation and heating system on broiler's brooding phase is important even in tropical climates such as Brazil. Thus, the study of heat exchange is important to determine new materials of insulation for the walls and roof, in order to achieve optimal levels of thermal comfort to raise the birds. The objective of this study was to evaluate the actual minimum ventilation rate compared to the ideal ventilation rate calculated throw the heat balance of the brooding area from a tunnel ventilated broiler house totally closed with black side curtains and to improve the minimum ventilation and the heating systems to reach the ideal temperature inside the brooding area. The trail was performed at Mombuca city, State of São Paulo. The broiler house had a brooding area that was divided in 80 grids to collect the climatic variables (dry bulb temperature, relative humidity and air velocity) at the birds' level and inside and outside the broiler house and the CO2 concentration was collected only inside the brooding area. The inside and outside surface temperature of all the brooding area (curtains, ceiling and roof) was collected using a thermograph camera. All data were collected 4 times a day (9AM, 2PM, 5PM and 9PM), in winter-time. The minimum ventilation rate was calculated according the methodology proposed by Albright (1990). The temperature was always below the ideal temperature according Nicholson et al. 2004 demonstrating the need of a 58Kg of diesel/day to reach the birds ideal temperature.381387Albright, L.D., (1990) Environmental Control for Animals and Plants, , St. Joseph, MI: ASAE Textbook(1989) Handbook of Fundamentals, , ASHRAE, Atlanta, G.A.: American Society of heating, refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers, IncBarnwell, B., Wilson, M., Importance of minimum ventilation (2005) Technical Focul Cobb, 1Blanes, V., Pedersen, S., Ventilation flow in pig houses measured and calculated by carbon dioxide, moisture and heat balance equations (2005) Biosystems Engineering, 92 (4), pp. 483-493. , DOI 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2005.09.002, PII S1537511005002114(2008) Manual de Manejo de Frangos de Corte, , COBB - VANTRESS, INC. Cobb - Vantress Brasil, LTDACordeau, S., Barrington, S., Heat balance for two commercial broiler barns with solar preheated ventilation air Biosystems Engineering, 107, pp. 232-241Furtado, D.A., Dantas, R.T., Nascimento, J.W.B., Santos, J.T., Costa, F.G.P., Efeitos de diferentes sistemas de acondicionamento ambiente sobre o desempenho produtivo de frangos de corte Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 10 (2), pp. 484-489(2007) V.3.0-2-Sep07: Pontos de Controle e Critérios de Cumprimento: Garantia Integrada Da Fazenda - Aves, p. 22. , GLOBALG.APManning, L., Chadd, S.A., Baines, R.N., Key health and welfare indicators for broiler production (2007) Poultry Science, 63, pp. 63-68Medeiros, C.M., Baêta, F.C., Oliveira, R.F.M., Tinôco, I.F.F., Albino, L.F.T., Cecon, P.R., Efeitos da temperatura, umidade relativa e velocidade do ar em frangos de corte (2005) Engenharia Na Agricultura, 13 (4), pp. 277-286Miles, D.M., Owens, P.R., Rowe, D.E., Spatial variability of litter gaseous flux within a commercial broiler house: Ammonia, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, and methane (2006) Poultry Science, 85 (2), pp. 167-172. , http://ps.fass.org/cgi/reprint/85/2/167Miles, D.M., Rowe, D.E., Owens, P.R., Winter broiler litter gases and nitrogen compounds: Temporal and spatial trends (2008) Atmospheric Environment, 42 (14), pp. 3351-3363. , DOI 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.11.056, PII S1352231006012027Miles, J.W., Cardona, C., Sotelo, G., Recurrent selection in a synthetic brachiaria grass population improves resistance to three spittlebug species (2006) Crop Science, 46, pp. 1088-1093Nicholson, F.A., Chambers, B.J., Walker, A.W., Ammonia emissions from broiler litter and laying hen manure management systems (2004) Biosystems Engineering, 89 (2), pp. 175-185. , DOI 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2004.06.006, PII S1537511004001199Pauli, D.G., Silva, J.N., Vigoderis, R.B., Tinoco, I.F.F., Galvarro, S.F.S., Desenvolvimento de um software para o dimensionamento de sistemas de ventilação e resfriamento evaporativo em instalações avícolas climatizadas (2008) Revista Engenharia Na Agricultura, 16 (2), pp. 167-179Redwine, J.S., Lacey, R.E., Mukhtar, S., Carey, J.B., Concentration and emissions of ammonia and particulate matter in tunnel-ventilated broiler houses under summer conditions in Texas (2002) Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 45 (4), pp. 1101-1109Tao, X., Xin, H., Temperature-Humidity-Velocity Index for market-size broilers (2003) Proc of the 2003 ASAE Annual International Meeting, , Paper No. 03403

    Thermal Comfort On Subtropical And Mediterranean Climate Analyzing Some Physiological Data Through Fuzzy Theory [conforto Térmico De Bovinos Leiteiros Confinados Em Clima Subtropical E Mediterrâneo Pela Análise De Parâmetros Fisiológicos Utilizando A Teoria Dos Conjuntos Fuzzy]

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    The objective of this study was to model and evaluate, through fuzzy logic, the level of thermal comfort experienced by housed animals as a function of their physiologic variables of rectal temperature (RT) and breath rate (BR), and setting their critical thresholds. The database was setup using two distinct environments: Subtropical climate (São Pedro area, Brazil) and mediterranean climate (Évora area, Portugal). Holstein cows temperature and breath rates were obtained in order to build a physiologic parameters database. meteorological data of environment temperature and air relative humidity were obtained for physical analysis during a 24 hours interval every 30 minutes. Data minning techniques were used for the initial data analysis aiming to build a decision making three and the further construction of rule database. For that, the computational program WEKA® was used. The results obtained were applied for the fuzzy logic application, using the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox do MATLAB® 6.1 software, according to AMENDOLA et al. (2005b). The use of this tool allowed the establishment of thermal comfort parameters for total confined Holsteins cows.39514921498Amendola, M., Análise matemática de condições de conforto térmico para avicultura usando a teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy (2004) Biomatemática, 14 (1), pp. 87-92Amendola, M., Using fuzzy sets theory to analyze environmental conditions in order to improve the milk production (2006) Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional-CNMAC, 1, pp. 1-1. , Campinas, SP, Anais... Campinas: CNMAC-2006Alves, S.P., (2006) Uso da zootecnia de precisão na avaliação do bem-estar bioclimático de aves poedeiras em diferentes sistemas de criação, , 128f. Tese (Doutorado em Física do Ambiente Agrícola) - Curso de Pós-graduação em Física do Ambiente Agrícola. Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", Universidade de São PauloAmendola, M., Using fuzzy sets theory to analyse environmental conditions in order to improve animal productivity (2005) World Congress on Computation in Agriculture, 1, pp. 1-8. , In: 4., 2005a, Vila Real. Proceedings... Vila Real: UEVORAAmendola, M., (2005) Manual do uso da teoria dos conjuntos Fuzzy no MATLAB 6.5, p. 46. , http://www.ime.unicamp.br/laeciocb/manual_fuzzy_matlab.pdf, Campinas: UNICAMP, FEAGRI & IMECC, Capturado em 4 mai, 2007. Online. Disponível em:Brunassi, L.A., Teste de um sistema fuzzy de identificação de estro em uma fazenda comercial de vacas leiteiras (2006) Simpósio de Construções Rurais e Ambientes Protegidos, SIMCRA 2006, , In: Campinas, SP, Anais? Campinas: FEAGRI/UNICAMP, 1 CDChapman, P., (2007) Step-by-Step Data Mining Guide, , http://www.crisp-dm.org/CRISPWP-0800.pdf, CRISP-DM 1.0, 2000. 78p. Capturado em 10 Abr, Online. Disponível em:Chiarini, A.M., Uso da lógica fuzzy para o desenvolvimento de um modelo padrão de avaliação do ambiente de maternidade de suínos (2006) Simpósio de Construções Rurais e Ambientes Protegidos, SIMCRA 2006, , In: Campinas, SP, Anais? Campinas: FEAGRI/UNICAMP, 1 CDGates, R.S., (2006) Fuzzy Control Simulation of Plant and Animal Environments, p. 24. , http://www.bae.uky.edu/gates/freebies/ASAE99/, In: ASAE ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL MEETING, 1999, Toronto, Canada. Capturado em 10 Nov, Online. Disponível em: capetaHahn, G.L., Cattle respiration rate as a function of ambient temperature (1997) Transactions of American Society of Agricultural Engineering, 40, pp. 97-121Mandani, E.H., Advances in the linguistic syntesis of fuzzy controllers (1976) International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 8 (6), pp. 669-678Martello, L.S., (2006) Interação animal-ambiente: Efeito do ambiente climático sobre as respostas fisiológicas e produtivas de vacas Holandesas em free-stall, , 113f. Tese (Doutorado em Qualidade e Produtividade Animal) - Curso de Pós-graduação em Zootecnia.,Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos, Universidade de São PauloMota, L.S., (1997) Adaptação e interação genótipo-ambiente em vacas leiteiras, , 69f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências) - Curso de Pós-graduação em Biologia Comparada, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São PauloOliveira, H.L., Estimated thermal comfort condition for layers according to fuzzy theory (2005) Engenharia Agrícola, 25 (2), pp. 300-307Owada, A.N., Nääs, I.A., Utilização da lógica fuzzy para avaliação do bem-estar de frangos de corte (2006) Anais., , In: SIMPÓSIO DE CONSTRUÇÕES RURAIS E AMBIENTES PROTEGIDOS, SIMCRA 2006, Campinas. SP., Campinas: FEAGRI/UNICAMP, 1 CDPandorfi, H., Uso da tecnologia da informação para análise de sinais e padrões com ênfase no conforto e bem-estar de matrizes suínas gestantes (2006) Anais., , In: REUNIÃO ANUAL DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE ZOOTECNIA, 43., 2006, João Pessoa, PB, João Pessoa: SBZ, 1 CDPerissinotto, M., (2003) Avaliação da eficiência produtiva e energética de sistemas de climatização em galpões tipo freestall para confinamento de gado leiteiro, , 140f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Física do Ambiente Agrícola) - Curso de Pós-graduação em Física do Ambiente Agrícola. Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", Universidade de São PauloSantos, R.C., Nääs, I.A., Utilização da lógica fuzzy para a simulação do estro de bovino leiteiro exposto a diferentes valores de temperatura e UR (2006) Anais., , In: SIMPÓSIO DE CONSTRUÇÕES RURAIS E AMBIENTES PROTEGIDOS, 2006, Campinas, SP, Campinas: FEAGRI/UNICAMP, 1 CDThom, E.C., The discomfort index (1959) Weatherwise, 12, pp. 57-59Watanabe, B.M., Análise das condições de conforto de frangos de corte utilizando a teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy (2005) Anais., , In: WORKSHOP DA PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO DA FEAGRI/UNICAMP, 5., 2005, Campinas, SP, Campinas, FEAGRI/UNICAMP, 1 C