226 research outputs found

    Avaliação Nutricional de um Suplemento Alimentar

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    A escolha da nutrição mais adequada tem sido um tema estudado com grande interesse ao longo da história da humanidade tendo em conta a manutenção da Saúde, mas igualmente com outras finalidades como o atraso do envelhecimento ou outros benefícios. O desafio colocado pela ingestão de frutos, vegetais, cereais, azeite e vinho aplicado pela intitulada Dieta Mediterrânica torna possível o entendimento de países com diversas etnias, culturas, economia e religiões, todos eles à volta do mar Mediterrâneo. Por outro lado, o contínuo aparecimento de patologias como os acidentes vasculares cerebrais, o cancro e a aterosclerose podem ser de algum modo minimizadas pela ingestão de alguns compostos bioativos presentes nos alimentos, os chamados nutracêuticos e alimentos funcionais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi fazer uma revisão dos estudos publicados sobre os efeitos do licopeno na saúde humana, uma abordagem da respetiva química, fontes, biodisponibilidade e do potencial possível papel e mecanismos desempenhado na prevenção de determinadas doenças crónicas e no cancro. O licopeno é um dos antioxidantes mais potentes conhecidos, constituindo porventura o carotenóide mais importante presente na dieta, maioritariamente fornecido através do tomate e derivados. Atendendo a que o organismo humano não consegue sintetizar este composto de novo, este tem obrigatoriamente que ser fornecido pela dieta. No entanto, a sua biodisponibilidade pode ser afetada por inúmeros fatores tais como a forma de digestão da matriz alimentar, a temperatura de confecção, pela presença de outras gorduras no alimento, dosagem e outros compostos solúveis, incluindo os outros carotenóides. Esses fatores causam a libertação de licopeno a partir da matriz de alimentos e alteram assim a sua biodisponibilidade.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hyperbaric oxygenation therapy treatment option in perioperative visual loss in spine surgery

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    Perioperative vision loss (POVL) is a catastrophic complication of spine surgery and several risk factors are identified. As spine fusion surgery is rising in number, POVL incidence is increasing. Preventive strategies can decrease the risk of this complication. Prognosis depends on the level of occlusion and how quickly oxygen supply can be restored to retina. We present a 65-year-old female patient with multiple cardiovascular risk factors that who underwent lumbar fusion. Upon waking up from anesthesia, the patient reported total loss of vision in her left eye. An occlusion of the central retinal artery due to a probable embolic cause was diagnosed and the patient promptly started treatment with anti-aggregation therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) with good results. The combination of HBOT with anti-aggregation therapy may have had a synergistic effect contributing to the good outcome presented in this case and may be a good option for the treatment of this patients.

    Thermal conductivity of nanofluids: a review on prediction models, controversies and challenges

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    In recent years, the nanofluids (NFs) have become the main candidates for improving or even replacing traditional heat transfer fluids. The possibility of NFs to be used in various technological applications, from renewable energies to nanomedicine, has made NFs and their thermal conductivity one of the most studied topics nowadays. Hence, this review presents an overview of the most important advances and controversial results related to the NFs thermal conductivity. The different techniques used to measure the thermal conductivity of NFs are discussed. Moreover, the fundamental parameters that affect the NFs thermal conductivity are analyzed, and possible improvements are addressed, such as the increase of long-term stability of the nanoparticles (NPs).The most representative prediction classical models based on fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and experimental fittings are presented. Also, the recent statistical machine learning-based prediction models are comprehensively addressed, and the comparison with the classical empirical ones is made, whenever possible.This work has been funded by Portuguese national funds of FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) through the base funding from the following research units: UIDB/00532/2020 (Transport Phenomena Research Center–CEFT), UIDB/04077/2020 (MEtRICs) and UIDP/04436/2020.The authors are also grateful for the funding of FCT through the projects POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016861, POCI-01- 0145-FEDER-028159, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-029394, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-030171, funded by COMPETE2020, NORTE2020, PORTUGAL2020, and FEDER

    Dry season and soil texture affect the chemical control of Senna obtusifolia in sugarcane

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    Devido às suas características intrínsecas, o fedegoso (Senna obtusifolia) tem ganhado importância em canaviais, principalmente onde há predomínio de palhada após a colheita mecânica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficácia de herbicidas pré-emergentes utilizados na cultura da cana-de-açúcar no controle de fedegoso em solos de diferentes texturas e épocas de aplicação. Foram realizados dois experimentos para cada época de aplicação (seca e úmida), sendo um para cada classe textural de solo (muito-argiloso e franco-argilo-arenoso), totalizando quatro experimentos. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por 17 herbicidas na época úmida e 11 herbicidas na época seca (todos os herbicidas foram aplicados em 50 e 100% da dose recomendada), além da testemunha sem aplicação para cada época e solo, sendo o delineamento inteiramente ao acaso. O tipo de solo e a época de aplicação alteraram a eficiência dos herbicidas. Para a época úmida, inicialmente, todos os herbicidas, exceto trifluralin e s-metolachlor, resultaram em controle satisfatório de fedegoso. Tebuthiuron foi o herbicida que proporcionou maior período residual de controle. Para a época seca, amicarbazone, flumioxazin, hexazinone, imazapic, [diuron + hexazinone] F1 e isoxaflutole foram eficazes em ambos os solos, mas somente em avaliações iniciais; [diuron + hexazinone] F1 e amicarbazone foram os herbicidas que proporcionaram maior período residual de controle. Because of its intrinsic characteristics, sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia) has gained importance in sugarcane, especially where there is a predominance of straw after mechanical harvest. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of preemergence herbicides used in sugarcane to control sicklepod in different soil textures and application timings. Two experiments were carried out for each application season (dry and wet), and one experiment for each soil textural class (clay and sandy clay loam), totaling four experiments. The treatments consisted in 17 herbicides in the wet season and 11 herbicides in the dry season (all herbicides were applied at 50 and 100% of the recommended dose) and a check without application for each season and soil, and the design was completely randomized. Soil texture and application timing have altered the herbicide efficacy. For the wet season, initially, all herbicides, except trifluralin and s-metolachlor, resulted in satisfactory control of sicklepod. Tebuthiuron was the herbicide that provided the longest period of residual control. For the dry season, amicarbazone, flumioxazin, hexazinone, imazapic, [diuron + hexazinone] F1 and isoxaflutole were efficient in both soils, but only in initial evaluations; [diuron + hexazinone] F1 and amicarbazone were the herbicides that provided the longest period of residual control.

    Numerical optimization of a microchannel geometry for nanofluid flow and heat dissipation assessment

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    In this study, a numerical approach was carried out to analyze the effects of different geometries of microchannel heat sinks on the forced convective heat transfer in single-phase flow. The simulations were performed using the commercially available software COMSOLMultiphysics 5.6® (Burlington, MA, USA) and its results were compared with those obtained from experimental tests performed in microchannel heat sinks of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). Distilled water was used as the working fluid under the laminar fluid flow regime, with a maximum Reynolds number of 293. Three sets of geometries were investigated: rectangular, triangular and circular. The different configurations were characterized based on the flow orientation, type of collector and number of parallel channels. The main results show that the rectangular shaped collector was the one that led to a greater uniformity in the distribution of the heat transfer in the microchannels. Similar results were also obtained for the circular shape. For the triangular geometry, however, a disturbance in the jet impingement was observed, leading to the least uniformity. The increase in the number of channels also enhanced the uniformity of the flow distribution and, consequently, improved the heat transfer performance, which must be considered to optimize new microchannel heat sink designs. The achieved optimized design for a heat sink, with microchannels for nanofluid flow and a higher heat dissipation rate, comprised a rectangular collector with eight microchannels and vertical placement of the inlet and outlet.This work has been funded by Portuguese national funds of FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) through base funding from the following research units: UIDB/00532/2020 (Transport Phenomena Research Center-CEFT), UIDB/04077/2020 (MEtRICs) and UIDP/04436/2020. The authors are also grateful for the funding of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia-FCT through the projectsLISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-030171/NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-030171 (PTDC/EMESIS/30171/2017), funded by COMPETE2020, NORTE2020, PORTUGAL2020, and FEDER. The authors also acknowledge FCT for partially financing the research under the framework of the project JICAM/0003/2017. Finally, I. Gonçalves acknowledges FCT for supporting her PhD fellowship, ref.: 2020.08646.B

    Small bowel obstruction by enterolith in an elderly woman: a case study

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              Enteroliths are intraluminal calculi formed in the small bowel, commonly caused by chronic intestinal constipation associated with other comorbidities. We describe an atypical case of enterolithiasis diagnosed with computed tomography scan (CT) and which was confirmed during subsequent surgical resection. A 66-year-old female patient had a history of chronic constipation and use of laxatives and presented with abdominal pain. A CT scan showed heterogeneous annular formations with a hyperdense halo and a hypodense center within the loops of small bowel. A segment was resected for enterectomy, allowing several yellowish stony structures to be identified, corresponding to enteroliths.Enterólitos são cálculos intraluminais formados no intestino delgado, comumente causados por constipação intestinal crônica associada a outras comorbidades. Descrevemos um caso atípico de enterolitíase diagnosticado com tomografia computadorizada (TC) e que foi confirmado durante a ressecção cirúrgica subsequente. Uma paciente do sexo feminino de 66 anos tinha história de constipação crônica e uso de laxantes e apresentou-se com dor abdominal. A TC mostrou formações anulares heterogêneas com halo hiperdenso e centro hipodenso dentro das alças do intestino delgado. Um segmento foi ressecado para enterectomia, permitindo que várias estruturas pétreas amareladas fossem identificadas, correspondendo a enterólitos

    The protein intake of trained bodybuilders is concentrated in lunch and dinner

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    Regular protein intake throughout the day can contribute to maximising protein synthesis and improve recovery and muscle mass gain. The objective of this study was to evaluate the dietary intake and the distribution of protein, carbohydrate, lipid and energy intakes of trained bodybuilders. Twelve men with experience in resistance training participated in the study. Body composition was determined by octapolar bioimpedance. Food intake was assessed using five 24-hour food recall schedules. The subjects presented the following characteristics: Age = 25.2 ± 3.4 years; Height = 179.5 ± 4.6 cm; Weight = 84.9 ± 8.7 kg; Body Fat = 14.7 ± 5.6% and Fat Free Mass = 85.3 ± 5.6%. The average time of weight training practice was 5.9 ± 3.1 years, with a weekly frequency of 5.0 ± 0.6 workouts and each session lasting an average of 64.2 ± 17.8 minutes. The average caloric intake was 2201 ± 223 kcal which represented 26.2 ± 6.0 kcal/kg. Only 33.3% of the individuals had adequate energy intake. The participants had a mean daily consumption of 1.6 ± 0.5 g/kg/day for proteins, 2.9 ± 0.8 g/kg/day for carbohydrates and 0.9 ± 0.4 g/kg/day for fat. The percentage of adequacy was 58.3%, 50%, and 91.7% for carbohydrates, proteins, and fat, respectively. Protein consumption was irregular throughout the day, being concentrated at lunch (52.2 ± 17.8 g) and dinner (40.2 ± 20.5 g). We conclude that the individuals consumed a diet with low energy content and irregular distribution throughout the day, especially of protein. Thus, the results indicate that the dietary intake of the volunteers can be improved expressively


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    Objective: to assess the risk of developing injuries related to surgical positioning. Method: a cross-sectional study was carried out at the Surgical Center of a public university hospital in Paraná, Brazil. A sample (n=146) of elective surgical adults was evaluated from February to April 2019, using the Risk Assessment Scale for the Development of Injuries resulting from Surgical Positioning and extraction of sociodemographic variables. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was performed. Results: we identified a homogeneous distribution between men (49.3%) and women (50.7%). Orthopedics was the most frequent surgical specialty (39.7%). According to the Risk Assessment Scale for the Development of Injuries Resulting from Surgical Positioning, the following variables were disregarded: use of conventional mattress + cotton field cushions as a support surface (100%); supine position (78%); upper limbs with an opening less than 90º (70.5%); regional anesthesia (54.1%); surgical time of 1-2 hours (46.6%) and age group from 18 to 39 years (41.1%). The mean score was 17.6 (±3.29) points, indicating that 75.3% of the sample had a low risk of developing injuries related to surgical positioning. Conclusion: around a quarter of the sample had a higher risk of injury due to the surgical position.Objetivo: evaluar el riesgo de desarrollar lesiones relacionadas con el posicionamiento quirúrgico. Método: estudio transversal realizado en el Centro Quirúrgico de un hospital universitario público de Paraná, Brasil. Se evaluó una muestra (n = 146) de adultos quirúrgicos electivos de febrero a abril de 2019, utilizando la Escala de Evaluación de Riesgo para el Desarrollo de Lesiones resultantes del Posicionamiento Quirúrgico y extracción de variables sociodemográficas. Se realizó análisis estadístico descriptivo e inferencial. Resultados: identificamos una distribución homogénea entre hombres (49,3%) y mujeres (50,7%). La ortopedia fue la especialidad quirúrgica más frecuente (39,7%). De acuerdo con la Escala de Evaluación de Riesgos para el Desarrollo de Lesiones por Posicionamiento Quirúrgico, se descartaron las siguientes variables: uso de colchón convencional + cojines de campo de algodón como superficie de apoyo (100%); posición supina (78%); miembros superiores con apertura menor a 90º (70,5%); anestesia regional (54,1%); tiempo quirúrgico de 1-2 horas (46,6%) y grupo de edad entre 18 y 39 años (41,1%). La puntuación media fue de 17,6 (± 3,29) puntos, lo que indica que el 75,3% de la muestra tenía un riesgo bajo de desarrollar lesiones relacionadas con el posicionamiento quirúrgico. Conclusión: alrededor de una cuarta parte de la muestra tenía un mayor riesgo de lesión debido a la posición quirúrgica.Objetivo: avaliar o risco para desenvolvimento de lesões relacionadas ao posicionamento cirúrgico. Método: estudo transversal com amostra (n=146) de adultos cirúrgicos eletivos do Paraná, Brasil. Aplicou-se a Escala de Avaliação de Risco para o Desenvolvimento de Lesões decorrentes do Posicionamento Cirúrgico e extração de variáveis sociodemográficas. Procedeu-se análise estatística descritiva e inferencial. Resultados: homens (49,3%) e mulheres (50,7%) tiveram distribuição equânime de atendimento majoritariamente pela ortopedia (39,7%). Pela escala aplicada, destacou-se: uso de colchão convencional+coxins de campo de algodão como superfície de suporte (100%); posição supina (78%); membros superiores com abertura inferior a 90º (70,5%); anestesia regional (54,1%) e tempo cirúrgico de 1-2h (46,6%). Constatou-se escore médio de 17,6±3,29 pontos e 75,3% da amostra apresentou baixo risco de desenvolver lesões do posicionamento cirúrgico. Conclusão: em torno de um quarto da amostra apresentou maior risco de lesão decorrente da posição cirúrgica