72 research outputs found

    Conscious tourism’s dimension in the historical villages of Portugal

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    Recent growth in the tourism sector has promoted the emergence of alternative types of tourism, such as rural tourism. Located in low-density territories, the Historical Villages of Portugal are one of the best examples regarding regional development from the perspective of sustainability. Although it is such an important topic today and gives longevity to destinations, its approach from the conscious tourism perspective is still little valued. This article discusses tourists’ characteristics seeking Historical Villages, their behaviour, as well as their awareness and perception of the possible impacts they may cause. Intends to understand the perspective of the tourist experience in the Historical Villages region, and to ascertain the existence of conscious behaviours in rural destinations. Surveys were applied to 453 tourists of the Historical Villages. The main results obtained show that the sociodemographic profile influences the application of conscious practices, and the conscious tourist’s attitude will contribute to the overall satisfaction concerning the destination. Also, the better the tourist's relationship with the destination and his overall satisfaction, the more likely he is to implement conscious practices. The results obtained should be evaluated by the regional DMOs with a view to implementing and developing conscious practices at these destinations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    ¿El planteamiento de la ley de atención temprana en Canarias es adecuado?

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    A lo largo de este trabajo, trataré de como se ha planteado y desarrollado en la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias la Ley 12/2019, de 25 de abril, por la que se regula la atención temprana en Canarias. Para ello, he investigado sobre la atención temprana, leyes anteriores relacionadas con este tema y leyes puestas en otras CCAA; obteniendo 4 hipótesis de las cuales 3 se confirmaron totalmente y una no se pude confirmar ni rechazar por la falta de puesta en práctica de la misma. Finalmente, he dado diferentes soluciones para resolver los problemas planteados entre las que se encuentran la organización de los recursos y la solicitud de la creación de esta ley en otras CCAA.Throughout this work, I will deal with how Law 12/2019 of April 25, which regulates early care in the Canary Islands, has been proposed and developed in the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands. To do this, I have investigated early care, previous laws related to this topic and laws put in other CCAA; obtaining 4 hypotheses of which 3 were fully confirmed and one could not be confirmed or rejected due to the lack of implementation of the same. Finally, I have given different solutions to solve the problems raised, among which are the organization of resources and the request for the creation of this law in other Autonomous Communities

    O menor e a família no direito português : a alteração de paradigma no tratamento dos menores em Portugal e a sua eficácia atual

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo primário, observar a alteração do paradigma de proteção do menor, assim como, a sua eficácia atual. Sabemos que a necessidade de proteger o menor é algo recente, passando por diversas fases e pensamentos. Com esta dissertação, tentamos perceber a evolução ocorrida, mas também, se a proteção jurídica atual é suficiente. O Direito da Família, ramo familiar onde se centra o direito dos menores, é, ainda hoje, de independência duvidosa. A sua caracterização de ramo de direito é questionada por diversas doutrinas, preferindo a sua inserção no ramo de direito civil. Diversos são os motivos para esta dúvida, contudo o seu recente surgimento, será um dos principais obstáculos à sua independência. Os direitos do menor são uma novidade. O seu nascimento centra-se no século XX e com uma maior incidência e preocupação nos finais do mesmo século. É, por isso, um tema recente, mas com diversas ocorrências nacionais e internacionais. Presentemente estes direitos e a sua eficácia são de observação essencial. A sociedade atribui uma grande importância ao seus seres mais pequenos, aos seus direitos mas também deveres, essencialmente à necessidade de prescrever as devidas medidas para o desenvolvimento integral dos mesmos. A necessidade de envolvimento da sociedade traduz-se numa insistência de intromissão do direito, tornando-se mais do que necessária a proteção jurídica do menor. A sua existência não é de agora, mas sim do século anterior, sofrendo diversas alterações ao longo das décadas, tornando-se essencial neste momento observar, se em Portugal, as leis existentes são suficientes e se são eficazes ou não. Não é nosso objetivo apontar erros, a existirem, fazendo uma critica não construtiva, ou dizimar a evolução até à atualidade. O objetivo principal, será sim, entender a atividade atual, observar os aspetos positivos e negativos e tentar o melhoramento do sistema de proteção do menor. Pretendemos, assim, introduzir a história da proteção jurídica do menor, em Portugal e no estrangeiro, entender o seu caminho, as opções atendidas, principalmente, olhar para as medidas normativas e práticas atuais e perceber se estamos no caminho certo. É essencial entender se está a ser feito o possível para que o menor tenha o desenvolvimento integral tão desejado. Esta dissertação tem esse principal objetivo, observar e concluir se o nosso direito e as diferentes entidades, que o aplicam, estão a fazer o possível (não podemos pedir o impossível) para o desenvolvimento da criança e jovem, tornando-o em seres felizes. Esperamos atingir este objetivo, convidando a leitura para o texto que se segue

    Funcionamiento familiar y nivel de autoestima del adulto mayor hipertenso. Hospital Distrital Jerusalén Trujillo 2014

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    El presente estudio de investigación es de tipo descriptivo correlacional, tiene como propósito determinar la relación entre Funcionamiento Familiar y el Nivel de Autoestima del Adulto Mayor hipertenso. Se realizó en el Hospital Distrital Jerusalén perteneciente al distrito La Esperanza, la muestra estuvo constituida por 45 adultos mayores hipertensos de ambos sexos, que pertenecen al Programa: “Amigos de la Salud”; para la obtención de datos se utilizó, dos cuestionarios; el primero para identificar el funcionamiento familiar y el segundo para identificar el nivel de autoestima. Nuestros resultados reportan que el 60% de los adultos mayores hipertensos presentan funcionamiento familiar medio, el 31% funcionamiento familiar alto, y el 9% funcionamiento familiar bajo. Según el nivel de autoestima el 74% de adultos mayores hipertensos obtienen nivel medio de autoestima, el 24% tienen nivel alto, en tanto que el 2% de adultos mayores hipertensos obtienen nivel bajo. Respecto a la relación de variables encontramos que el 58% de adultos mayores hipertensos obtienen nivel medio en funcionamiento familiar y tienen nivel medio de autoestima, el 24% obtienen nivel alto en funcionamiento familiar y nivel alto de autoestima; observándose que el nivel de autoestima se relaciona con el funcionamiento familiar; relación significativa que se demuestra con los valores de X2 = 32,496 donde p = 0,000 < 0,05functioning and Self Esteem Level Elderly hypertensive. I was held at the Jerusalem District Hospital belonging to the district La Esperanza, the sample consisted of 45 hypertensive elderly of both sexes belonging to the Program: "Friends of Health"; for data collection was used, two questionnaires; the first to identify family functioning and the second to identify the level of selfesteem. Our results report that 60% of the elderly hypertensive family functioning presents average, 31% higher family functioning, and under 9%. Depending on the level of self-esteem 74% of the elderly hypertensive obtained average level of self-esteem, 24% have high level, while 2% of the elderly hypertensive get low self-esteem. And regarding the relationship of variables found that 58% of the elderly hypertensive average level obtained in the family functioning and have average level of self-esteem, 24% get high on family functioning and have high level of self-esteem; observed that the level of self-esteem is related to the family functioning; as demonstrated with significance values where X2 = 32.496 p = 0.000 <0.05Tesi

    Cerâmica islâmica em Portugal: 150 anos

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    As primeiras referências sobre cerâmica islâmica em Portugal remontam ao final do século XIX. A investigação evolui timidamente até aos anos 80 do século XX, quando se assiste ao incremento dos estudos sobre a temática, impulsionado pelos projectos estruturantes de Mértola e Silves. Nos anos 90, este incremento intensifica-se e, na última década, aumenta o número, a diversidade e a dispersão geográfica de trabalhos e projectos, nomeadamente com origem em arqueologia urbana. O projecto CIGA (Cerâmica Islâmica do Garb al-Andalus), iniciado em 2008, insere-se nesta dinâmica, promovendo a sistematização, problematização e divulgação de toda a informação dispersa e apresentando aqui uma síntese histórica dos estudos sobre cerâmica islâmica em Portugal, suas principais tendências, problemas, virtudes e perspectiva futuras

    a consensus view among methods with different system identification and tracking criteria

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    The Mediterranean storm track constitutes a well-defined branch of the North Hemisphere storm track and is characterised by small but intense features and frequent cyclogenesis. The goal of this study is to assess the level of consensus among cyclone detection and tracking methods (CDTMs), to identify robust features and to explore sources of disagreement. A set of 14 CDTMs has been applied for computing the climatology of cyclones crossing the Mediterranean region using the ERA-Interim dataset for the period 1979–2008 as common testbed. Results show large differences in actual cyclone numbers identified by different methods, but a good level of consensus on the interpretation of results regarding location, annual cycle and trends of cyclone tracks. Cyclogenesis areas such as the north-western Mediterranean, North Africa, north shore of the Levantine basin, as well as the seasonality of their maxima are robust features on which methods show a substantial agreement. Differences among methods are greatly reduced if cyclone numbers are transformed to a dimensionless index, which, in spite of disagreement on mean values and interannual variances of cyclone numbers, reveals a consensus on variability, sign and significance of trends. Further, excluding ‘weak’ and ‘slow’ cyclones from the computation of cyclone statistics improves the agreement among CDTMs. Results show significant negative trends of cyclone frequency in spring and positive trends in summer, whose contrasting effects compensate each other at annual scale, so that there is no significant long- term trend in total cyclone numbers in the Mediterranean basin in the 1979–2008 period

    Identification of a 0.4 Kb deletion region in 10q26 associated with endometrial carcinoma

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    We have identified an allelic deletion common region in the q26 region of chromosome 10 in endometrial carcinomas, which has been reported previously as a potential target of genetic alterations related to this neoplasia. An allelotyping analysis of 19 pairs of tumoral and non-tumoral samples was accomplished using seven microsatellite polymorphic markers mapping in the 10q26 chromosomal region. Loss of heterozygosity for one or more loci was detected in 29% of the endometrial carcinoma samples. The observed pattern of loss enabled the identification of a 3.5 Mb common deleted region located between the D10S587 and D10S186 markers. An additional result from an endometrial sample with evidence of a RER phenotype may suggest a more centromeric region of loss within the above-mentioned interval. This 401.84 Kb interval flanked by the D10S587 and D10S216 markers may be a plausible location for a putative suppressor gene involved in early stage endometrial carcinogenesis

    Giardia duodenalis in colony stray cats from Italy

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    Giardia duodenalis is the most common intestinal protozoan in humans and animals worldwide, including eight morphologically identical assemblages, infecting pets, livestock, wildlife and human beings. Assemblages A and B are those with the higher zoonotic potential, and they have been detected in several mammals other than humans; the others (C to H) show a higher host specificity. Cats can harbour both the specific Assemblage F and the zoonotic ones A and B. Several studies have been carried out on G. duodenalis genotypes in cats; however, the role of this species in the epidemiology of giardiasis is still poorly understood. In this scenario, the present study carried out the detection and genetic characterization at sub-assemblage level of G. duodenalis from colony stray cats in central Italy. In the period 2018-2019, 133 cat faecal samples were analysed for the presence of G. duodenalis cysts by a direct immunofluorescence assay. Positive samples were subsequently subjected to molecular analyses for assemblage/sub-assemblage identification. Forty-seven samples (35.3%) were positive for G. duodenalis cysts by immunofluorescence. G. duodenalis DNA was amplified at SSU-rDNA locus from 39 isolates: 37 were positive for zoonotic Assemblage A and 2 showed a mixed infection (A + B). Positive results for the beta-giardin gene were achieved for 25 isolates. Sequence analysis revealed 16 isolates belonging to Sub-assemblage AII and 8 to Sub-assemblage AIII. One isolate resulted as ambiguous AI/AIII. Large sequence variability at the sub-assemblage level was detected, with several double peaks and mutations, making complex a proper isolate allocation. When compared with previous studies, the 35.3% prevalence of G. duodenalis in cats reported in the present article was surprisingly high. Moreover, all positive cats resulted to be infected with zoonotic assemblages/sub-assemblages, thus indicating stray cats as a possible source of human giardiasis and highlighting the sanitary relevance of cat colonies in the study area