288 research outputs found

    Introduction to News Media Law and Policy in Jordan

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    The goal of this volume is to examine and assess the legal environment-the institutions, laws, and practices in which news media operate in Jordan. It is designed for those in Jordan for whom information and communication is important: citizens, government officials, organizations or civil society, indeed, almost everyone. We seek to describe the system of laws and policies, including basic rights, that affect the way in which information and ideas about public affairs are selected, packaged, distributed, and received. We try to place rules and regulations in context, at least a public context. It is impossible, here, to describe the complex history, the religious institutions, the geopolitical events and other very considerable matters that affect how speech flows. We concentrate, therefore, on press and media laws and their implementation

    Caminhos alternativos: escravidão e reprodução em Minas Gerais no século XIX

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    Among the factors which influenced slave demography in Brazil perhaps the most important was the degree of involvement in the traditional colonial export economy. By the late eighteenth century, the Brazilian domestic market had consolidated and the correponding productive activities demanded a considerable slave labor force. At different periods and in different regions slave populations largely engaged in the production of foodstuffs for domestic consumption proved capable of natural increase. Post gold rush Minas Gerais wasthe largest and most expressive region dedicated to the doiriestic market. Based on new evidence, it will be demonstrated that, despite the enormous pressures of the international slave trade, the mineiro slave population of the 1830s was partially sustained by way of natural increase and that a generation after the termination of the trade it was fully reproductive.Entre os fatores que influenciaram a demografia escrava talvez o mais importante tenha sido o grau de envolvimento na tradicional economia colonial de exportação. Ate o final do seculo XVIII o mercado interno brasileiro havia se consolidado e as atividades produtivas correspondentes demandavam uma força de trabalho escrava considerável. Em períodos e regiões diierentes, varias populações cativas engajadas na produção de gêneros alimentícios, destinados ao consumo interno, se comprovaram capazes de reprodução natural. Apos o ciclo aurífero, Minas Gerais constitui a maior e mais expressiva região dedicada ao mercado interno. Baseado em novas evidências, demonstrar-se-a que, a despeito das enormes pressões do tráfico negreiro internacional, a população escrava mineira da década de 1830 se sustentava, emparte, por meio da reprodução natural e que uma geração após o término do tráfico encontrava-se plenamente reprodutiva

    Determinants of Moral Judgments Regarding Budgetary Slack:An Experimental Examination of Pay Scheme and Personal Values

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    We study moral judgments regarding budgetary slack made by participants at the end of a participative budgeting experiment in which an expectation for a truthful budget was present. We find that participants who set budgets under a slackinducing pay scheme, and therefore built relatively high levels of budgetary slack, judged significant budgetary slack to be unethical on average, whereas participants who set budgets under a truth-inducing pay scheme did not. This suggests that the slack-inducing pay scheme generated a moral frame by setting economic self-interest against common social norms such as honesty or responsibility. We also find that participants who scored high in traditional values and empathy on a pre-experiment personality questionnaire (JPI-R) were more likely to judge significant budgetary slack to be unethical. These results suggest that financial incentives play a role in determining the moral frame of the budgeting setting and that personal values play a role in determining how individuals respond to that moral frame

    1935 The Freshman, vol. 2, no. 13

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    The Freshman was a weekly, student newsletter issued on Mondays throughout the academic year. The newsletter included calendar notices, coverage of campus social events, lectures, and athletic teams. The intent of the publication was to create unity, a sense of community, and class spirit among first year students. The front page of issue 13 is dedicated in memoriam of Emile J. Dawson (1910-1932), who died from a cerebral hemorrhage after he struck his head on a concrete floor at the Armory, knocked down by his opponent in an intramural boxing tournament