4,938 research outputs found

    Joint resummation for pion wave function and pion transition form factor

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    We construct an evolution equation for the pion wave function in the kTk_T factorization theorem, whose solution sums the mixed logarithm lnxlnkT\ln x\ln k_T to all orders, with xx (kTk_T) being a parton momentum fraction (transverse momentum). This joint resummation induces strong suppression of the pion wave function in the small xx and large bb regions, bb being the impact parameter conjugate to kTk_T, and improves the applicability of perturbative QCD to hard exclusive processes. The above effect is similar to those from the conventional threshold resummation for the double logarithm ln2x\ln^2 x and the conventional kTk_T resummation for ln2kT\ln^2 k_T. Combining the evolution equation for the hard kernel, we are able to organize all large logarithms in the γπ0γ\gamma^{\ast} \pi^{0} \to \gamma scattering, and to establish a scheme-independent kTk_T factorization formula. It will be shown that the significance of next-to-leading-order contributions and saturation behaviors of this process at high energy differ from those under the conventional resummations. It implies that QCD logarithmic corrections to a process must be handled appropriately, before its data are used to extract a hadron wave function. Our predictions for the involved pion transition form factor, derived under the joint resummation and the input of a non-asymptotic pion wave function with the second Gegenbauer moment a2=0.05a_2=0.05, match reasonably well the CLEO, BaBar, and Belle data.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figure

    γ-secretase inhibitors and modulators induce distinct conformational changes in the active sites of γ-secretase and signal peptide peptidase

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    γ-Secretase inhibitors (GSIs) and modulators (GSMs) are at the frontline of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease research, respectively. While both are therapeutically promising, not much is known about their interactions with proteins other than γ-secretase. Signal peptide peptidase (SPP), like γ-secretase, is a multispan transmembrane aspartyl protease that catalyzes regulated intramembrane proteolysis. We used active site-directed photophore walking probes to study the effects of different GSIs and GSMs on the active sites of γ-secretase and SPP and found that nontransition state GSIs inhibit labeling of γ-secretase by activity-based probes but enhance labeling of SPP. The opposite is true of GSMs, which have little effect on the labeling of γ-secretase but diminish labeling of SPP. These results demonstrate that GSIs and GSMs are altering the structure of not only γ-secretase but also SPP, leading to potential changes in enzyme activity and specificity that may impact the clinical outcomes of these molecules

    Set Representations of Linegraphs

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    Let GG be a graph with vertex set V(G)V(G) and edge set E(G)E(G). A family S\mathcal{S} of nonempty sets {S1,,Sn}\{S_1,\ldots,S_n\} is a set representation of GG if there exists a one-to-one correspondence between the vertices v1,,vnv_1, \ldots, v_n in V(G)V(G) and the sets in S\mathcal{S} such that vivjE(G)v_iv_j \in E(G) if and only if S_i\cap S_j\neq \es. A set representation S\mathcal{S} is a distinct (respectively, antichain, uniform and simple) set representation if any two sets SiS_i and SjS_j in S\mathcal{S} have the property SiSjS_i\neq S_j (respectively, SiSjS_i\nsubseteq S_j, Si=Sj|S_i|=|S_j| and SiSj1|S_i\cap S_j|\leqslant 1). Let U(S)=i=1nSiU(\mathcal{S})=\bigcup_{i=1}^n S_i. Two set representations S\mathcal{S} and S\mathcal{S}' are isomorphic if S\mathcal{S}' can be obtained from S\mathcal{S} by a bijection from U(S)U(\mathcal{S}) to U(S)U(\mathcal{S}'). Let FF denote a class of set representations of a graph GG. The type of FF is the number of equivalence classes under the isomorphism relation. In this paper, we investigate types of set representations for linegraphs. We determine the types for the following categories of set representations: simple-distinct, simple-antichain, simple-uniform and simple-distinct-uniform

    Study on wave localization in disordered periodic layered piezoelectric composite structures

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    AbstractThe two-dimensional wave propagation and localization in disordered periodic layered 2-2 piezoelectric composite structures are studied by considering the mechanic-electric coupling. The transfer matrix between two consecutive sub-layers is obtained based on the continuity conditions. Regarding the variables of mechanical and electrical fields as the elements of the state vector, the expression of the localization factors in disordered periodic layered piezoelectric composite structures is derived. Numerical results are presented for two cases—disorder of the thickness of the polymers and disorder of the piezoelectric and elastic constants of the piezoelectric ceramics. The results show that due to the piezoelectric effects, the characteristics of the wave localization in disordered periodic layered piezoelectric composite structures are different from those in disordered periodic layered purely elastic ones. The wave localization is strengthened due to the piezoelectricity. And the larger the piezoelectric constant is, the larger the wave localization factors are. It is found that slight disorder in the piezoelectric or elastic constants of the piezoelectric ceramics can lead to more prominent localization phenomenon


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    To reduce the occupational hazard of chemotherapy in different kinds of cancer patients to clinical nurses. Through a lot of researches chemotherapy drug protection in recent years, the harmfulness of chemotherapy drugs on nurses are analyzed based on the current domestic protection status of chemotherapy drugs. The correct chemotherapy protective measures are put forward. Conclusion: The nurses must master the risk factors, protection status and protective measures of the occupational hazards of chemotherapy drugs, so as to enhance their protective skills and improve their self-protection ability. 为了降低各类肿瘤患者化疗对临床护士的职业危害。通过大量检索近几年有关于化疗药物防护的文献,分析了化疗药物对护士的危害性,针对目前国内对化疗药物的防护现状,提出如何正确使用化疗防护措施。总结护士必须掌握化疗药物职业危害的危险因素、防护现状及防护措施,从而增强防护技能,提高自我保护能力

    Hölder Scales of Sea Level

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    The statistics of sea level is essential in the field of geosciences, ranging from ocean dynamics to climates. The fractal properties of sea level, such as long-range dependence (LRD) or long memory, 1/f noise behavior, and self-similarity (SS), are known. However, the description of its multiscale behavior as well as local roughness with the Hölder exponent h(t) from a view of multifractional Brownian motion (mBm) is rarely reported, to the best of our knowledge. In this research, we will exhibit that there is the multiscale property of sea level based on h(t)s of sea level data recorded by the National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) at six stations in the Florida and Eastern Gulf of Mexico. The contributions of this paper are twofold as follows. (i) Hölder exponent of sea level may not change with time considerably at small time scale, for example, daily time scale, but it varies significantly at large time scale, such as at monthly time scale. (ii) The dispersion of the Hölder exponents of sea level may be different at different stations. This implies that the Hölder roughness of sea level may be spatial dependent