498 research outputs found

    Game Theoretic Approaches to Massive Data Processing in Wireless Networks

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    Wireless communication networks are becoming highly virtualized with two-layer hierarchies, in which controllers at the upper layer with tasks to achieve can ask a large number of agents at the lower layer to help realize computation, storage, and transmission functions. Through offloading data processing to the agents, the controllers can accomplish otherwise prohibitive big data processing. Incentive mechanisms are needed for the agents to perform the controllers' tasks in order to satisfy the corresponding objectives of controllers and agents. In this article, a hierarchical game framework with fast convergence and scalability is proposed to meet the demand for real-time processing for such situations. Possible future research directions in this emerging area are also discussed

    Study on the Affection of Drilling Tools’ Abrasion to the Regular Pattern of Tensile Strength

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    Drilling tool is a necessary tool in oil drilling engineering, its performance directly affects the penetration rate of drilling engineering, to a well, reasonable selection of drilling tools will be conductive to high-quality, efficient and fast drilling construction. Reasonable optimization of drilling tools, based on the field testing of drilling tools in use, and according to the results of field testing, correctly guide the selection of drilling tools. According to the different drilling conditions, the drilling tools should be reasonably allocated to match the drilling performance with the drilling conditions. Analyze the problems and causes of drilling tools found in testing, and determine the rational solutions and preventive measures. The abrasion and thinning of drilling tools often occurs in the drilling process of oil and gas, which affects the bearing capacity of drilling tools. Tensile load is one of the main load-bearing modes of drilling tools and an important evaluation index of drilling tool safety. By simplifying the drilling tool model, confirm the tensile strength of the wearing drilling tool and the stress state at different well depths, and reach the relationship between the wearing degree of drilling tool and the safe well depth

    Kūkai 空海 (774–835) and Saichō’s 最澄 (766–822) theories on gotra 種姓 (caste)

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    In this article, I argue that although the Pusa yingluo benye jing 瓔珞 本業經 [Sutra of the Diadem of the Primary Activities of the Bodhisattvas] utilised the theory of zhongxing 種姓 (Skt. gotra; Jp. shushō; caste) in the Pusa dichi jing 菩薩地持經 [Sutra of Stages of Bodhisattvas], the Pusa yingluo benye jing changed the explanation of zhongxing with the stages of bodhisattvas. According to Kūkai and Saichō’s interpretations of shushō related issues, the Pusa dichi jing and the Pusa yingluo benye jing were still mainstream. The theory of zhongxing in these two texts strongly influenced their thoughts on shushō

    Backdoors in Satisfiability Problems

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    Although satisfiability problems (SAT) are NP-complete, state-of-the-art SAT solvers are able to solve large practical instances. The notion of backdoors has been introduced to capture structural properties of instances. Backdoors are a set of variables for which there exists some value assignment that leads to a polynomial-time solvable sub-problem. I address in this thesis the problem of finding all minimal backdoors, which is essential for studying value and variable ordering mistakes. I discuss our definition of sub-solvers and propose algorithms for finding backdoors. I implement our proposed algorithms by modifying a state-of-the-art SAT solver, Minisat. I analyze experimental results comparing our proposed algorithms to previous algorithms applied to random 3SAT, structured, and real-world instances. Our proposed algorithms improve over previous algorithms for finding backdoors in two ways. First, our algorithms often find smaller backdoors. Second, our algorithms often find a much larger number of backdoors

    Physics Informed Token Transformer

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    Solving Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) is the core of many fields of science and engineering. While classical approaches are often prohibitively slow, machine learning models often fail to incorporate complete system information. Over the past few years, transformers have had a significant impact on the field of Artificial Intelligence and have seen increased usage in PDE applications. However, despite their success, transformers currently lack integration with physics and reasoning. This study aims to address this issue by introducing PITT: Physics Informed Token Transformer. The purpose of PITT is to incorporate the knowledge of physics by embedding partial differential equations (PDEs) into the learning process. PITT uses an equation tokenization method to learn an analytically-driven numerical update operator. By tokenizing PDEs and embedding partial derivatives, the transformer models become aware of the underlying knowledge behind physical processes. To demonstrate this, PITT is tested on challenging 1D and 2D PDE neural operator prediction tasks. The results show that PITT outperforms popular neural operator models and has the ability to extract physically relevant information from governing equations.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    A Physics-informed Diffusion Model for High-fidelity Flow Field Reconstruction

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    Machine learning models are gaining increasing popularity in the domain of fluid dynamics for their potential to accelerate the production of high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics data. However, many recently proposed machine learning models for high-fidelity data reconstruction require low-fidelity data for model training. Such requirement restrains the application performance of these models, since their data reconstruction accuracy would drop significantly if the low-fidelity input data used in model test has a large deviation from the training data. To overcome this restraint, we propose a diffusion model which only uses high-fidelity data at training. With different configurations, our model is able to reconstruct high-fidelity data from either a regular low-fidelity sample or a sparsely measured sample, and is also able to gain an accuracy increase by using physics-informed conditioning information from a known partial differential equation when that is available. Experimental results demonstrate that our model can produce accurate reconstruction results for 2d turbulent flows based on different input sources without retraining

    Scalable Transformer for PDE Surrogate Modeling

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    Transformer has shown state-of-the-art performance on various applications and has recently emerged as a promising tool for surrogate modeling of partial differential equations (PDEs). Despite the introduction of linear-complexity variant, applying attention to a large number of grid points can result in instability and is still expensive to compute. In this work, we propose Factorized Transformer(FactFormer), which is based on an axial factorized kernel integral. Concretely, we introduce a learnable projection operator that decomposes the input function into multiple sub-functions with one-dimensional domain. These sub-functions are then evaluated and used to compute the instance-based kernel with an axial factorized scheme. We showcase that the proposed model is able to simulate 2D Kolmogorov flow on a 256 by 256 grid and 3D smoke buoyancy on a 64 by 64 by 64 grid with good accuracy and efficiency. In addition, we find out that with the factorization scheme, the attention matrices enjoy a more compact spectrum than full softmax-free attention matrices

    Graph Neural Networks for Molecules

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs), which are capable of learning representations from graphical data, are naturally suitable for modeling molecular systems. This review introduces GNNs and their various applications for small organic molecules. GNNs rely on message-passing operations, a generic yet powerful framework, to update node features iteratively. Many researches design GNN architectures to effectively learn topological information of 2D molecule graphs as well as geometric information of 3D molecular systems. GNNs have been implemented in a wide variety of molecular applications, including molecular property prediction, molecular scoring and docking, molecular optimization and de novo generation, molecular dynamics simulation, etc. Besides, the review also summarizes the recent development of self-supervised learning for molecules with GNNs.Comment: A chapter for the book "Machine Learning in Molecular Sciences". 31 pages, 4 figure

    On Positional and Structural Node Features for Graph Neural Networks on Non-attributed Graphs

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have been widely used in various graph-related problems such as node classification and graph classification, where the superior performance is mainly established when natural node features are available. However, it is not well understood how GNNs work without natural node features, especially regarding the various ways to construct artificial ones. In this paper, we point out the two types of artificial node features,i.e., positional and structural node features, and provide insights on why each of them is more appropriate for certain tasks,i.e., positional node classification, structural node classification, and graph classification. Extensive experimental results on 10 benchmark datasets validate our insights, thus leading to a practical guideline on the choices between different artificial node features for GNNs on non-attributed graphs. The code is available at https://github.com/zjzijielu/gnn-exp/.Comment: This paper has been accepted to the Sixth International Workshop on Deep Learning on Graphs (DLG-KDD'21) (co-located with KDD'21