55,823 research outputs found

    Evidence that an RGD-dependent receptor mediates the binding of oligodendrocytes to a novel ligand in a glial-derived matrix.

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    A simple adhesion assay was used to measure the interaction between rat oligodendrocytes and various substrata, including a matrix secreted by glial cells. Oligodendrocytes bound to surfaces coated with fibronectin, vitronectin and a protein component of the glial matrix. The binding of cells to all of these substrates was inhibited by a synthetic peptide (GRGDSP) modeled after the cell-binding domain of fibronectin. The component of the glial matrix responsible for the oligodendrocyte interaction is a protein which is either secreted by the glial cells or removed from serum by products of these cultures; serum alone does not promote adhesion to the same extent as the glial-derived matrix. The interaction of cells with this glial-derived matrix requires divalent cations and is not mediated by several known RGD-containing extracellular proteins, including fibronectin, vitronectin, thrombospondin, type I and type IV collagen, and tenascin

    Expression of a beta 1-related integrin by oligodendroglia in primary culture: evidence for a functional role in myelination.

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    We have investigated the expression of integrins by rat oligodendroglia grown in primary culture and the functional role of these proteins in myelinogenesis. Immunochemical analysis, using antibodies to a number of alpha and beta integrin subunits, revealed that oligodendrocytes express only one detectable integrin receptor complex (alpha OL beta OL). This complex is immunoprecipitated by a polyclonal anti-human beta 1 integrin subunit antibody. In contrast, astrocytes, the other major glial cell type in brain, express multiple integrins including alpha 1 beta 1, alpha 3 beta 1, and alpha 5 beta 1 complexes that are immunologically and electrophoretically indistinguishable from integrins expressed by rat fibroblasts. The beta subunit of the oligodendrocyte integrin (beta OL) and rat fibroblast beta 1 have different electrophoretic mobilities in SDS-PAGE. However, the two beta subunits appear to be highly related based on immunological cross-reactivity and one-dimensional peptide mapping. After removal of N-linked carbohydrate chains, beta OL and beta 1 comigrated in SDS-PAGE and peptide maps of the two deglycosylated subunits were identical, suggesting differential glycosylation of beta 1 and beta OL accounts entirely for their size differences. The oligodendrocyte alpha subunit, alpha OL, was not immunoprecipitated by antibodies against well characterized alpha chains which are known to associate with beta 1 (alpha 3, alpha 4, and alpha 5). However, an antibody to alpha 8, a more recently identified integrin subunit, did precipitate two integrin subunits with electrophoretic mobilities in SDS-PAGE identical to alpha OL and beta OL. Functional studies indicated that disruption of oligodendrocyte adhesion to a glial-derived matrix by an RGD-containing synthetic peptide resulted in a substantial decrease in the level of mRNAs for several myelin components including myelin basic protein (MBP), proteolipid protein (PLP), and cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (CNP). These results suggest that integrin-mediated adhesion of oligodendrocytes may trigger signal(s) that induce the expression of myelin genes and thus influence oligodendrocyte differentiation

    Therapists’ experiences and perceptions of teamwork in neurological rehabilitation: Critical happenings in effective and ineffective teamwork

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    This article reports the second part of an exploratory study into occupational therapists` and physiotherapists` perceptions and experiences of team-work in neurological rehabilitation: the factors that were thought to influence effective and ineffective team-work, and the meaning behind effective and ineffective team work in neurological rehabilitation. The study was undertaken through semi-structured interviews of 10 therapists from three different neurological rehabilitation teams based in the United Kingdom, and used the critical incident technique. Through analysis of the data, several main themes emerged regarding the perceived critical happenings in effective and ineffective team work. These were: team events and characteristics, team members` characteristics, shared and collaborative working practices, communication, specific organisational structures, environmental, external, and patient and family related factors. Effective and ineffective team-work was perceived to impact on a number of levels: having implications for the team, the patient, individual team members, and the neurological rehabilitation service. The study supported the perceived value of team work within neurological rehabilitation. It also indicated the extensive and variable factors that may influence the team working process as well as the complex and diverse nature of the process

    Interaction of rat liver lysosomal membranes with actin.

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    Membranes were prepared from lysosomes purified 80-fold by centrifugation in a discontinuous metrizamide gradient. When salt-washed membranes were combined with rabbit muscle actin, an increase in viscosity could be measured using a falling ball viscometer. The lysosomal membrane-actin interaction was actin- and membrane-concentration dependent and appeared to be optimal under presumed physiological conditions (2 mM MgCl2, 1 mM MgATP, neutral pH, and free calcium concentration less than 10(-8) M). The actin cross-linking activity of the membrane was optimal at pH 6.4. The interaction was maximal between 10(-7) and 10(-9) M free calcium ions and inhibited by approximately 50% at concentrations of calcium greater than 0.5 x 10(-7) M. The actin-lysosomal membrane interaction was destroyed if the membranes were pretreated with Pronase, or if the membranes were purified in the absence of protease inhibitors. The interaction was not destroyed if membranes were washed with high salt or extracted with KCl and urea. In addition, a sedimentation assay for the actin-lysosomal membrane interaction was also performed to corroborate the viscometry data. The results suggest the existence of an integral lysosomal membrane actin-binding protein

    A critical evaluation of training needs for child protection in UK sport

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    Child protection is a relatively new topic in sport about which there was no professional education until the mid-1990s. This paper presents the findings from a study of delegates attending twelve, regional, one-day National Coaching Foundation courses for policy makers in sport during 1997 and 1998 (n= 235). The course was designed to give delegates a basic awareness of the different forms of child abuse and protection and was intended to help them develop appropriate policies and procedures for child protection. Results point to a serious training gap around child protection in sport: whereas sports personnel, at both junior and senior levels, are committed to improving child protection policy and practice they appear to lack the confidence, knowledge or organisational systems for doing this effectively