
Conservative management of low back pain


Back pain is prevalent worldwide, but back pain disability has reached epidemic proportions in many industrialised societies. Few patients have serious medical pathology or direct neurological involvement requiring surgery. Although the causes remain unclear, physical stress and its consequences on discs, facet joints and supporting soft tissues at work or leisure are important, sometimes aggravated by adverse psychosocial factors. Modern management emphasises the role of self-care, beginning in primary care with the first episode. Without root compression, bed rest should not exceed 48 hours. Emphasis is on encouraging a rapid return to physical fitness and other activities, including employment, acknowledging that returning to a normal life may require working through pain. Medication facilitates this. No one should remain in pain beyond six weeks without being referred to a specialist service for a physical and psychosocial assessment by appropriately trained professionals and with consultant support for investigation, pain management and rehabilitation when needed

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