33 research outputs found

    Relationship between vigorous physical activity and health care costs among adolescents: ABCD Growth Study

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    Availability of data and materials: The data collected and analyzed during this study are stored by the authors upon authorization by the leader of the Laboratory of InVestigation in Exercise (LIVE) which involves the ABCD Growth Study.Copyright © The Author(s) 2022. Background: The relationship between physical activity and health care costs among adolescents is not yet clear in the literature. Objective: To analyze the relationship between physical activity and annual health care costs among adolescents. Methods: The present sample was composed of 85 adolescents of both sexes with ages ranging from 11 to 18 years (mean age 15.6 ± 2.1). Health care costs were self‐reported every month for 12 months, and information on health care values was verified with local pharmacies, private health care plans, and the National Health Service. The time spent in different physical activity intensities was objectively measured by accelerometers. Confounding variables were: sex, age, somatic maturation, body fatness, blood pressure, and components of dyslipidemia and insulin resist‐ ance. Multivariate models were generated using generalized linear models with gamma distribution and a log‐link function. Results: The overall annual health care cost was US733.60/R 733.60/ R 2,342.38 (medication: US400.46/R 400.46 / R 1,278.66; primary and secondary care: US333.14/R 333.14 / R 1,063.70). The time spent in vigorous physical activity (minutes/day) was negatively related to health care costs (r = ‐0.342 [95% CI: ‐0.537,—0.139]; β = ‐0.06 cents (95% CI: ‐0.089, ‐0.031). Conclusion: Vigorous physical activity seems to be associated with lower health care costs among adolescents.CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico); CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil - Finance Code 001); São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP RAF (Process: 2018/22593-7); WT (Process: 2018/09131-4))

    The basidiomycetous yeast Trichosporon may cause severe lung exacerbation in cystic fibrosis patients - clinical analysis of Trichosporon positive patients in a Munich cohort

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    Background: The relevance of Trichosporon species for cystic fibrosis (CF) patients has not yet been extensively investigated. Methods: The clinical course of CF patients with Trichosporon spp. in their respiratory secretions was analysed between 2003 and 2010 in the Munich CF center. All respiratory samples of 360 CF patients (0 - 52.4 years; mean FEV1 2010 81.4% pred) were investigated. Results: In 8 patients (2.2%, 3 male, mean age 21.8 years) Trichosporon was detected at least once. One patient carried T. asahii. One patient carried T. mycotoxinivorans and one patient T. inkin as determined by DNA sequencing. As potential risk factors for Trichosporon colonization steroid treatment, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) and CF associated diabetes were identified in 6, 5, and 2 patients respectively. For one patient, the observation period was not long enough to determine the clinical course. One patient had only a single positive specimen and exhibited a stable clinical course determined by change in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), body-mass-index (BMI), C-reactive protein (CRP) and immunoglobulin G (IgG). Of 6 patients with repeatedly positive specimen (mean detection period 4.5 years), 4 patients had a greater decline in FEV1 than expected, 2 of these a decline in BMI and 1 an increase in IgG above the reference range. 2 patients received antimycotic treatment: one patient with a tormenting dry cough subjectively improved under Amphotericin B inhalation; one patient with a severe exacerbation due to T. inkin was treated with i.v. Amphotericin B, oral Voriconazole and Posaconazole which stabilized the clinical condition. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the potential association of Trichosporon spp. with severe exacerbations in CF patients

    Estudo exploratório de custos e conseqüências do pré-natal no Programa Saúde da Família

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess costs and consequences of prenatal care on perinatal morbidity and mortality. METHODS: Evaluation study using two types of analysis: implementation and efficiency analysis, carried out at 11 Family Health Units in the Recife, Northeastern Brazil, in 2006. The costs were calculated by means of the activity-based costing technique and the cost-effectiveness ratio was calculated for each consequence. Data sources were information systems of the Ministry of Health and worksheets of costs provided by the Health Department of Recife and Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira. Healthcare units with implemented or partially implemented prenatal care were compared in terms of their cost-effectiveness and perinatal results. RESULTS: In 64% of the units, prenatal care was implemented with a mean total cost of R39,226.88andvariationofR 39,226.88 and variation of R 3,841,87 to R8,765.02perhealthcareunit.Intheunitswithpartiallyimplementedprenatalcare(36 8,765.02 per healthcare unit. In the units with partially implemented prenatal care (36%), the mean total cost was R 30,092.61 (R4,272.12toR 4,272.12 to R 11,774.68). The mean cost per pregnant woman was R196.13withimplementedprenatalcareandR 196.13 with implemented prenatal care and R 150.46 with partially implemented prenatal care. A higher proportion of low birth weight, congenital syphilis, perinatal and fetal deaths was found in the partially implemented group. CONCLUSIONS: Prenatal care is cost-effective for several studied consequences. The adverse effects measured by the health indicators were lower in the units with implemented prenatal care. The mean cost in the partially implemented group was higher, which suggests a possible waste of resources, as the teams' productivity is insufficient for the installed capacity.OBJETIVO: Avaliar custos e conseqüências da assistência pré-natal na morbimortalidade perinatal. MÉTODOS: Estudo avaliativo com dois tipos de análise - de implantação e de eficiência, realizado em 11 Unidades de Saúde da Família do Recife, PE, em 2006. Os custos foram apurados pela técnica activity-based costing e a razão de custo-efetividade foi calculada para cada conseqüência. As fontes de dados foram sistemas de informação do Ministério da Saúde e planilhas de custos da Secretaria de Saúde do Recife e do Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira. As unidades de saúde com pré-natal implantado ou parcial foram comparadas quanto ao seu custo-efetividade e resultados perinatais. RESULTADOS: Em 64% das unidades, o pré-natal estava implantado com custo médio total de R39.226,88evariac\ca~odeR 39.226,88 e variação de R 3.841,87 a R8.765,02porUnidadedeSauˊde.Nasunidadesparcialmenteimplantadas(36 8.765,02 por Unidade de Saúde. Nas unidades parcialmente implantadas (36%), o custo médio total foi de R 30.092,61 (R4.272,12aR 4.272,12 a R 11.774,68). O custo médio por gestante foi de R196,13compreˊnatalimplantadoeR 196,13 com pré-natal implantado e R 150,46 no parcial. Encontrou-se maior proporção de baixo peso ao nascer, sífilis congênita, óbitos perinatais e fetais no grupo parcialmente implantado. CONCLUSÕES: Pré-natal é custo-efetivo para várias conseqüências estudadas. Os efeitos adversos medidos pelos indicadores de saúde foram menores nas unidades com pré-natal implantado. O custo médio no grupo parcialmente implantado foi mais elevado, sugerindo possível desperdício de recursos, uma vez que a produtividade das equipes é insuficiente para a capacidade instalada.OBJETIVO: Evaluar costos y consecuencias de la asistencia prenatal en la morbimortalidad perinatal. MÉTODOS: Estudio evaluativo con dos tipos de análisis: de implantación y de eficiencia, realizado en 11 Unidades de Salud de la Familia de Recife, Sureste de Brasil, en 2006. Los costos fueron mejorados por la técnica activity-based costing y la razón de costo-efectividad fue calculada para cada consecuencia. Las fuentes de datos fueron sistemas de información del Ministerio de la Salud y planillas de costos de la Secretaria de la Salud de Recife y del Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira. Las unidades de salud con prenatal implantado o parcial fueron comparadas con relación a su costo-efectividad y resultados perinatales. RESULTADOS: En 64% de las unidades, el prenatal estaba implantado con costo promedio total de R39.226,88yvariacioˊndeR 39.226,88 y variación de R 3.841,87 a R8.765,02porunidaddesalud.Enlasunidadesparcialmenteimplantadas(36 8.765,02 por unidad de salud. En las unidades parcialmente implantadas (36%), el costo promedio total fue de R 30.092,61 (R4.272,12aR 4.272,12 a R 11.774,68). El costo promedio por gestante fue de R196,13conprenatalimplantadoyR 196,13 con prenatal implantado y R 150,46 en el parcial. Se encontró mayor proporción de bajo peso al nacer, sífilis congénita, óbitos perinatales y fetales en el grupo parcialmente implantado. CONCLUSIONES: El prenatal es costo-efectivo para varias consecuencias estudiadas. Los efectos adversos medidos por los indicadores de salud fueron menores en las unidades con prenatal implantado. El costo promedio en el grupo parcialmente implantado fue más elevado, sugiriendo posible desperdicio de recursos, dado que la productividad de los equipos es suficiente para la capacidad instalada