602 research outputs found

    Measurement of disruption forces in JET using fiber-optic sensors

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    Monitoring the forces induced on the vacuum vessel when a disruption occurs is essential for the protection of the machine. Since divertor coils have been installed in JET, during disruptions a significant difference between the forces measured on the top and the bottom of the machine has been observed. In order to investigate these further, optical fiber transducers FBGs (Fiber Bragg Gratings) were installed in addition to the currently used strain gauges. During VDE (Vertical Displacement Event) tests, these new transducers were used to measure different level of disruptions ranging from 80T up to 230T vertical forces. The results were then compared with the strain gauges. The FBG measurement was carried out using a broadband light source illuminating an array of 4 FBGs through a combination of directional couplers, connectors and fiber-optic cable. The forces measured both by FBG and by the strain gauges are within the same range, except for the initial swing where large random differences are observed. The tests have demonstrated that the FBG-based force measurement system has adequate resolution (±1.52strain corresponding to a force of 4kN due to the geometry of the leg) and measurement range (50002strain or 13000kN) for this application

    Volumineux lipome de la base du cou chez une chienne

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    Lombard Charles, Lescure Francis. Volumineux lipome de la base du cou chez une Chienne. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 116 n°5, 1963. pp. 235-238

    Sur un syndrome de vasodilatation paroxystique du cheval en course

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    Darraspen Ernest Vincent, Lescure Francis. Sur un syndrome de vasodilatation paroxystique du Cheval en course. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 117 n°9, 1964. pp. 423-426

    Les formateurs d’adultes et leur formation

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    En 1998, paraĂźt un ouvrage sur les professions de l’éducation et de la formation. Le propos de l’ouvrage, rĂ©unissant une quarantaine de spĂ©cialistes, est de revenir sur les transformations rapides que subissent ces professions, il prend acte de la « dĂ©stabilisation » dont elles sont l’objet. Les diffĂ©rentes fonctions, mĂ©tiers et professions des trois grands secteurs de la transmission des savoirs — la formation initiale, la formation continue et l’enseignement supĂ©rieur — sont ainsi passĂ©es e..

    Les formateurs d’adultes et leur formation

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    En 1998, paraĂźt un ouvrage sur les professions de l’éducation et de la formation. Le propos de l’ouvrage, rĂ©unissant une quarantaine de spĂ©cialistes, est de revenir sur les transformations rapides que subissent ces professions, il prend acte de la « dĂ©stabilisation » dont elles sont l’objet. Les diffĂ©rentes fonctions, mĂ©tiers et professions des trois grands secteurs de la transmission des savoirs — la formation initiale, la formation continue et l’enseignement supĂ©rieur — sont ainsi passĂ©es e..

    Improper colourings inspired by Hadwiger’s conjecture

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    Hadwiger’s Conjecture asserts that every Kt-minor-free graph has a proper (t − 1)-colouring. We relax the conclusion in Hadwiger’s Conjecture via improper colourings. We prove that every Kt-minor-free graph is (2t − 2)-colourable with monochromatic components of order at most 1/2 (t − 2). This result has no more colours and much smaller monochromatic components than all previous results in this direction. We then prove that every Kt-minor-free graph is (t − 1)-colourable with monochromatic degree at most t − 2. This is the best known degree bound for such a result. Both these theorems are based on a decomposition method of independent interest. We give analogous results for Ks,t-minorfree graphs, which lead to improved bounds on generalised colouring numbers for these classes. Finally, we prove that graphs containing no Kt-immersion are 2-colourable with bounded monochromatic degree

    Recurrent Bacteremia, a Complication of Cyanoacrylate Injection for Variceal Bleeding: Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature

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    We report the first description of recurrent bacteremia in two patients after cyanoacrylate injection for gastric varices bleeding treated with antibiotics alone. Adapted and prolonged antibiotic treatment allowed a complete resolution of the infection with no relapse after more than 6 months. According to recent data, prophylactic antibiotics should be further investigated for patients with bleeding varices undergoing cyanoacrylate injection

    Relations entre qualité du substrat, flux de matiÚres et activités humaines. Connaissance pour la gestion des ressources en eau de la Région Aquitaine

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    Les résultats de ce travail de recherche, confirment une fois de plus l'absence de déterminisme apparent entre qualité du substrat et occupation des sols. Ils montrent qu'il n'y a pas de variables prépondérantes ou explicatives de facteurs sociaux ou physiques qui soient responsables des variations affectant les milieux étudiés. Cependant, les analyses régressives des rapports entre homme et milieu montrent les liens étroits entre habitat et types de sol. L'action humaine a des effets sur la couverture végétale, sur les sols et sur l'hydraulique qui avec le climat et la topographie constituent les principaux facteurs d'érosion
