1,104 research outputs found

    Moduli stacks of Serre stable representations in tilting theory

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    We introduce a new moduli stack, called the Serre stable moduli stack, which corresponds to studying families of point objects in an abelian category with a Serre functor. This allows us in particular, to re-interpret the classical derived equivalence between most concealed-canonical algebras and weighted projective lines by showing they are induced by the universal sheaf on the Serre stable moduli stack. We explain why the method works by showing that the Serre stable moduli stack is the tautological moduli problem that allows one to recover certain nice stacks such as weighted projective lines from their moduli of sheaves. As a result, this new stack should be of interest in both representation theory and algebraic geometry

    Asymptotically simple spacetime manifolds

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    This is the published version, also available here: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1666825.Asymptotic simplicity is shown to be k‐stable (k≥3) at any Minkowski metric on R4 in both the Whitney fine Ck topology and a coarser topology (in which the Ck twice‐convariant symmetric tensors form a Banach manifold whose connected components consist of tensor field asymptotic to one another at null infinity). This result, together with a sequential method for solving the field equations previously proposed by the authors, allows a fairly straightforward proof that a well‐known result in the linearized theory holds in the full nonlinear theory as well: There are no nontrivial (i.e., non‐Minkowskian) asymptotically simple vacuum metrics on R4 whose conformal curvature tensors result from prescribing zero initial data on past null infinity

    Action! Moving beyond the intendedly-rational logics of entrepreneurship

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    Entrepreneurial action is central to entrepreneurship theory, and is broadly seen to arise as a consequence of intendedly rational logics (whether causal or effectual), reflecting reasoned judgment. But, is this always the case? While entrepreneurial action may often be the result of a judgmental decision (between alternative courses of action/inaction), the presumption that reasoned judgment encompasses all the motives, modes and mechanisms leading to entrepreneurial outcomes seems dubious. Building on an emerging literature that seeks to address the boundaries of reasoned entrepreneurial action, we develop the notion that non-deliberative impulse-driven behavioral logics can also be the basis for business venturing. Our framework offers a complementary perspective to the intendedly-rational, deliberate logics perspective, opening novel pathways for future research and theory-building

    French leaders look at The United Nations

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    Cover title"1085"--handwritten on coverIncludes bibliographical reference

    Dugoročno istraživanje ulova (1949-2010) i ribolovnog napora izraelskih koćarica u istočnom dijelu Sredozemlja

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    The trawl fishery of the Mediterranean coast of Israel was analyzed vis á vis catch and fishing effort for the years 1949-2010. The Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) was calculated using the Fox surplus-yield model and was found to be 1,413 ton per annum using 1,415 units of effort (fishing days X engine power divided by 1000). Only during nine years (1997-2005) did fishing effort exceed the value for which the yield is the MSY by an average of 184.9 units of effort, but the yield was similar to that of the previous years. During 10 years the catch exceeded the MSY by an average of 153±119 tons. This result was used to justify the “freezing” of the local trawl fleet at the beginning of the 1990’s.Koćarski ulov na sredozemnoj obali Izraela analiziran je s obzirom na ulov i ribolovni napor od 1949. do 2010. godine. Maksimalni održivi prinos (MSY) izračunat je primjenom Fox modela za viši prekomjerni ulov i utvrđeno je da iznosi 1.413 tona godišnje koristeći 1.415 jedinica napora (dani ribolova x motorna snaga podijeljena s 1000). Tijekom devet godina (1997.- 2005.) ribolovni napor premašuje vrijednost čiji maksimalni održivi prinos (MSY) iznosi u prosjeku 184,9 jedinica, dok je prinos bio sličan onome prethodnih godina. Tijekom 10 godina ulov je premašio, maksimalni održivi prinos (MSY) za prosječno 153 ± 119 tona. Taj rezultat je bio upotrebljen kao argument za „zamrzavanje“ lokalne kočarske flote početkom 1990-ih godina

    Tetrakis(μ3-9-oxa-10-boraanthracen-10-olato)tetrakis[(diethyl ether)lithium]

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    The title compound, [Li4O4(C12H8BO)4(C4H10O)4], features a Li4O4 cube. Each Li atom in the cube is additionally coordinated by a diethyl ether mol­ecule and each O atom in the cube carries a 9-oxa-10-boraanthracene residue. The crystal studied was a non-merohedral twin [twin law (-1 0 0 / 0 0 1 / 0 1 0); the contribution of the major twin component refined to 0.553 (3)] emulating apparent tetra­gonal symmetry, whereas the actual crystal system is just ortho­rhom­bic