1,731 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of charged and rotating black strings

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    We study thermodynamics of cylindrically symmetric black holes. Uncharged as well as charged and rotating objects have been discussed. We derive surface gravity and hence the Hawking temperature and entropy for all these cases. We correct some results in the literature and present new ones. It is seen that thermodynamically these black configurations behave differently from spherically symmetric objects

    The plastidial retrograde signal methyl erythritol cyclopyrophosphate is a regulator of salicylic acid and jasmonic acid crosstalk.

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    The exquisite harmony between hormones and their corresponding signaling pathways is central to prioritizing plant responses to simultaneous and/or successive environmental trepidations. The crosstalk between jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid (SA) is an established effective mechanism that optimizes and tailors plant adaptive responses. However, the underlying regulatory modules of this crosstalk are largely unknown. Global transcriptomic analyses of mutant plants (ceh1) with elevated levels of the stress-induced plastidial retrograde signaling metabolite 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol cyclopyrophosphate (MEcPP) revealed robustly induced JA marker genes, expected to be suppressed by the presence of constitutively high SA levels in the mutant background. Analyses of a range of genotypes with varying SA and MEcPP levels established the selective role of MEcPP-mediated signal(s) in induction of JA-responsive genes in the presence of elevated SA. Metabolic profiling revealed the presence of high levels of the JA precursor 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (OPDA), but near wild type levels of JA in the ceh1 mutant plants. Analyses of coronatine-insensitive 1 (coi1)/ceh1 double mutant plants confirmed that the MEcPP-mediated induction is JA receptor COI1 dependent, potentially through elevated OPDA. These findings identify MEcPP as a previously unrecognized central regulatory module that induces JA-responsive genes in the presence of high SA, thereby staging a multifaceted plant response within the environmental context

    Photoprotection by Punica granatum seed oil nanoemulsion entrapping polyphenol-rich ethyl acetate fraction against UVB-induced DNA damage in human keratinocyte (HaCaT) cell line

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    There has been an increase in the use of botanicals as skin photoprotective agents. Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is well known for its high concentration of polyphenolic compounds and for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The aim of this study was to analyse the photoprotection provided by Punica granatum seed oil nanoemulsion entrapping the polyphenol-rich ethyl acetate fraction against UVB-induced DNA damage in the keratinocyte HaCaT cell line. For this purpose, HaCaT cells were pretreated for 1 h with nanoemulsions in a serum-free medium and then irradiated with UVB (90200 mJ/cm2) rays. Fluorescence microscopy analysis provided information about the cellular internalization of the nanodroplets. We also determined the in vitro SPF of the nanoemulsions and evaluated their phototoxicity using the 3T3 Neutral Red Uptake Phototoxicity Test. The nanoemulsions were able to protect the cells' DNA against UVB-induced damage in a concentration dependent manner. Nanodroplets were internalized by the cells but a higher proportion was detected along the cell membrane. The SPF obtained (~25) depended on the concentration of the ethyl acetate fraction and pomegranate seed oil in the nanoemulsion. The photoprotective formulations were classified as non-phototoxic. In conclusion, nanoemulsions entrapping the polyphenol-rich ethyl acetate fraction show potential for use as a sunscreen product

    Morfologia e Vascularização do Plexo Braquial no Rato Wistar

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    Introduction: The rat is probably the animal species most widely used in experimental studies on nerve repair. The aim of this work was to contribute to a better understanding of the morphology and blood supply of the rat brachial plexus. Material and Methods: Thirty adult rats were studied regarding brachial plexus morphology and blood supply. Intravascular injection and dissection under an operating microscope, as well as light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy techniques were used to define the microanatomy of the rat brachial plexus and its vessels. Results: The rat brachial plexus was slightly different from the human brachial plexus. The arterial and venous supply to the brachial plexus plexus was derived directly or indirectly from neighboring vessels. These vessels formed dense and interconnected plexuses in the epineurium, perineurium, and endoneurium. Several brachial plexus components were accompanied for a relatively long portion of their length by large and constant blood vessels that supplied their epineural plexus, making it possible to raise these nerves as flaps. Discussion: The blood supply to the rat brachial plexus is not very different from that reported in humans, making the rat a useful animal model for the experimental study of peripheral nerve pathophysiology and treatment. Conclusion: Our results support the homology between the rat and the human brachial plexus in terms of morphology and blood supply. This work suggests that several components of the rat brachial plexus can be used as nerve flaps, including predominantly motor, sensory or mixed nerve fibers. This information may facilitate new experimental procedures in this animal model

    How is the Advocacy Coalition Framework Doing? Some Issues since the 2014 Agenda.

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    This article presents an international review of the Advocacy CoalitionFramework (ACF) from 2015 to 2018. Forty-six empirical works that usethe ACF as the main model or one of the main models for the analysis ofpublic policies were analyzed. Bibliometric data, research methodologiesand theoretical components have been considered in this analysis.In addition, this article fills in a gap in previous reviews of the ACF bypresenting an exploratory review of ACF applications in Latin America.Our conclusions show that the research agenda proposed in 2014 hasevolved over the last few years, but still presents unexplored challengesand possibilities for researchers interested in the use of ACF. We also offersome recommendations for future research

    Protection against Oxidative Damage in Human Erythrocytes and Preliminary Photosafety Assessment of Punica granatum Seed Oil Nanoemulsions Entrapping Polyphenol-rich Ethyl Acetate Fraction

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    The main purpose of the present study is to evaluate the ability of nanoemulsion entrapping pomegranate peel polyphenol-rich ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) prepared from pomegranate seed oil and medium chain triglyceride to protect human erythrocyte membrane from oxidative damage and to assess preliminary in vitro photosafety. In order to evaluate the phototoxic effect of nanoemulsions, human red blood cells (RBCs) are used as a biological model and the rate of haemolysis and photohaemolysis (5 J cm-2 UVA) is assessed in vitro. The level of protection against oxidative damage caused by the peroxyl radical generator AAPH in human RBCs as well as its effects on bilayer membrane characteristics such as fluidity, protein profile and RBCs morphology are determined. EAF-loaded nanoemulsions do not promote haemolysis or photohaemolysis. Anisotropy measurements show that nanoemulsions significantly retrain the increase in membrane fluidity caused by AAPH. SDS-PAGE analysis reveal that AAPH induced degradation of membrane proteins, but that nanoemulsions reduce the extend of degradation. Scanning electron microscopy examinations corroborate the interaction between AAPH, nanoemulsions and the RBCs membrane bilayer. Our work demonstrates that P. granatum nanoemulsions are photosafe and protect RBCs against oxidative damage and possible disturbance of the lipid bilayer of biomembranes. Moreover it suggests that these nanoemulsions could be promising new topical products to reduce the effects of sunlight on ski

    A Model of Free Tissue Transfer: The Rat Epigastric Free Flap

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    Free tissue transfer has been increasingly used in clinical practice since the 1970s, allowing reconstruction of complex and otherwise untreatable defects resulting from tumor extirpation, trauma, infections, malformations or burns. Free flaps are particularly useful for reconstructing highly complex anatomical regions, like those of the head and neck, the hand, the foot and the perineum. Moreover, basic and translational research in the area of free tissue transfer is of great clinical potential. Notwithstanding, surgical trainees and researchers are frequently deterred from using microsurgical models of tissue transfer, due to lack of information regarding the technical aspects involved in the operative procedures. The aim of this paper is to present the steps required to transfer a fasciocutaneous epigastric free flap to the neck in the rat. This flap is based on the superficial epigastric artery and vein, which originates from and drain into the femoral artery and vein, respectively. On average the caliber of the superficial epigastric vein is 0.6 to 0.8 mm, contrasting with the 0.3 to 0.5 mm of the superficial epigastric artery. Histologically, the flap is a composite block of tissues, containing skin (epidermis and dermis), a layer of fat tissue (panniculus adiposus), a layer of striated muscle (panniculus carnosus), and a layer of loose areolar tissue. Succinctly, the epigastric flap is raised on its pedicle vessels that are then anastomosed to the external jugular vein and to the carotid artery on the ventral surface of the rat's neck. According to our experience, this model guarantees the complete survival of approximately 70 to 80% of epigastric flaps transferred to the neck region. The flap can be evaluated whenever needed by visual inspection. Hence, the authors believe this is a good experimental model for microsurgical research and training.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Após  realizar  o  procedimento  de  confecção  de  moldagem  de prótese  é  necessário  que  haja  sua  desinfecção  com  uma  técnica  menos agressiva  que  a  esterilização.  Segue  uma  ordem  de  lavagem  com desencrostante, enxágue e desinfecção posterior. A necessidade de tal técnica tem  finalidade  de  prevenir  a  contaminação  cruzada,  causada  pela  saliva  e sangue  encontrados  na  superfície  do  molde,  que  é  considerada  de  grande potencial  de  contaminação.  Tal  procedimento  pode  ser  realizado  com  uma variedade  de  desinfectantes,  cada  um  com  uma  indicação  própria.  O  objetivo dessa mesa demonstrativa é levar ao conhecimento da comunidade acadêmica as  técnicas  de  desinfecção  de  moldagens  em  prótes