39 research outputs found

    Agricultura conservacionista - economicidade e disponibilidade de água.

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    Índice de dissipação de erosividade.

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    Weight and Balance Process for A321 Aircraft

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    U završnom radu obrađeni su i objašnjeni svi pojmovi vezani za uravnoteženje i opterećenje zrakoplova Airbus A321 zračnog prijevoznika Turkish Airlines. Na zrakoplov tijekom leta djeluju aerodinamične sile i momenti koji omogućuju let zrakoplova. Posebnu pažnju prilikom uravnoteženja i opterećenje zrakoplova treba obratiti na mase zrakoplova, odnosno ne smije doći do prekoračenja maksimalnih masa zrakoplova. Za siguran let zrakoplova potrebno je odrediti centar težišta zrakoplova unutar dozvoljenih granica kako bi zrakoplov mogao sigurno uzletjeti, te kako tijekom leta ne bi došlo do pada zrakoplova. Pomicanjem tereta i prtljage prema nosu ili repu zrakoplova znatno se utječe na poziciju centra težišta zrakoplova, te do pomicanja istoga ne smije doći bez dozvole nadležne osobe. Nakon prikupljene sve potrebne dokumentacije može započeti izrada liste uravnoteženja i opterećenja zrakoplova, koja također predstavlja završnu radnju prihvata i otpreme zrakoplova.In this final work is completely analyzed balancing and payload for aircraft Airbus A321 from Turkish Airlines. During the flight there are aerodynamic forces and moments did are affecting on the aircraft and enable flying. During the balancing aircraft expecial care has have to be taken for aircraft mass, because every mass on the aircraft can not be exceeded. For the safe flight of the aircraft center of gravity has to be inside allowed boundaries. While loading a cargo closer to the nose of the aircraft or the tail has efect that move center of gravity outside of allowed boundaries and also has to be supervized. After all colected data and documentation the proces of producting load and balance sheet can be started and that action represention the final facet of the whole proces of aircraft handling

    Hydrological validation of High Wide Ridges as a soil conservation technology applied to tobacco crop.

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    High Wide Ridge Soil Management is a conservation practice associated with the no-tillage, reduced tillage, and conventional tillage systems, usual in small farms in southern Brazil. Integrated with winter grain or ground cover crops such as wheat (Triticum aestivum), rye (Secale cereale), black oats (Avena strigosa) and white oats (Avena sativa), millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), Sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense), sorghum (Sorghum spp.), mucuna (Mucuna spp.), and brachiaria (Brachiaria spp.), high wide ridge is being used for tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), soybean (Glycine max L.), maize (Zea mays), and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) during the spring and summer seasons. The benefits expected from this technology, related to the performance of the tobacco crop, have already been proven experimentally and on a farm scale. However, the benefit in regard to the effectiveness in controlling runoff resulting from intense rainfall, has not yet been quantified. The aim of this study was to validate the effectiveness of the high wide ridge in containing runoff from intense rainfall, with return periods equal to, or greater than, 10 years. The study was carried out on 11 farms, located in nine municipalities (four in Rio Grande do Sul state, three in Santa Catarina state, and four in Paraná state), where tobacco was grown following winter cereal as a ground cover crop, on three types of topography (gently undulating topography, undulating topography, and highly undulating topography) with 11 soil types that were texturally and taxonomically different. It was concluded that high wide ridge is capable of containing the flooding generated by rainfall with return periods of more than 10 years, allowing the science of soil conservation to promote it as a conservation soil management practice

    Transferência de tecnologia para a cultura do trigo na safra de 2018.

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    De maneira geral, no Sul do Brasil cultiva-se no inverno aproximadamente 20% da área cultivada no verão (Conab, 2019). Para otimizar a utilização das áreas de inverno, o trigo ainda é a melhor opção, tanto para a produção de grãos como para formação de pastagens, em dupla aptidão. Por outro lado, a oferta de soluções tecnológicas decorrentes dos avanços da pesquisa científica necessita de formatos de transferência de tecnologia (TT) que permitam sua aquisição, assimilação e adoção, com a perspectiva de alcançar todos os elos da cadeia produtiva do trigo. Este trabalho relata o conjunto de atividades executado na safra 2018 pela Embrapa Trigo envolvendo contratualização, validação, demonstração, capacitação e comunicação para a cultura do trigo

    Validação da cultivar de soja BRS 5601RR.

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    Atividades de transferência de tecnologia da Embrapa Trigo para a cultura da soja na safra 2016/2017.

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