90 research outputs found

    Dynamics in the Creative Sector between Rome and the Sea

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    Over the last fifty years the tendency towards a dispersion of productive activities that emerged with globalisation and the advent of telematics have fuelled processes that are changing the structure of metropolitan areas across the world. Against the background of the general process of metropolisation, it is interesting nowadays to study the characteristics, structure and development trends of a vast “hybrid” area that has grown up around the established city of Rome. The subject of this work is an analysis of the creative sector between Rome and the sea, and the potential for future development in this area

    A new methodology to manage Italian geodetic datums of the cadastral systems and of the historic maps

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    Cadastral maps represent the result of the highest scale survey of any region. They are not topographic maps. Their goal is to show the property system of the mapped area, so any topographic element that is important for this aspect is shown while others often omitted. Historical cadastral sheets provide valuable information about not only the natural and built environment but also about some aspects of the society of the time of the survey. Because of their high scale, their creation is extremely expensive. Even the updating of the cadastre claims considerable funds from the state budgets. That is why the coordinate system, the geodetic basis of a cadastral work is rarely changed. Re-ambulation is often made on the basis of the older version, following their geodetic and topographic 'skeleton'. The main period of the cadastral works in Europe was the first two thirds of the nineteenth century. Countries that gained their independency after this period have quite complicated cadastral systems, more or less preserving the political distribution of their lands of the time of cadastral mapping. Besides Germany, Italy provides the best example to this. Concerning Italy, the complete unification of the country was in 1870. To this time, a large part of the Apennine Peninsula was covered by cadastral surveys, mainly carried out by Piedmont, the Kingdom of Naples, and the Papal State as reported by Frazzica et al. (Geophysical Research Abstracts 11:4791, 2009). After the WWI, territorial gains from the former Habsburg Empire resulted three new cadastral systems to be incorporated (one of them 'lost' after WWII). Together with them, nowadays, Italy has 31 major ("grandi origini") and more than 800 smaller, local ("piccole origini") cadastral systems; all of them have its own projection origin (Fig. 1; Baiocchi et al. 2011). At some smaller parts of the country, the modern national map grid system was later introduced and applied as reported by Moncada (1948), Bonifacino (1953), and Giucucci (Rivista del Catasto e dei Servizi Tecnici Erariali 8(2):109-113, 1953). Fortunately, the story of the related geodetic datums was simplified prior to nowadays. Of course, the abovementioned systems had several trigonomentric networks as geodetic bases. In the first decades of the twentieth century, however, the Italian Institute of Military Geography (Istituto Geografico Militare; I.G.M) developed four geodetic networks, all on the Bessel 1841 ellipsoid; the Genova 1902 (Fig. 2), the old Monte Mario (Fig. 3), the Castanea delle Furie 1910, and the Guardia Vecchia (Fig. 4) datums, for northern, central, and southern Italy and Sardinia, respectively (Mori 1922). However, these systems were independent ones; afterward, one of them, the Genova 1902 datum, was extended to cover other parts of the country. Outside of northern Italy, the original area of this datum, the coordinates of the basepoint, and the cadastral system origins were transformed from the locally valid network to Genova 1902 datum. The present paper aims to estimate the accuracy of this extension of that system and to describe the parameters of the other systems for GIS applications, thus offering a tool for future, higher accuracy methods to fit the cadastral maps of southern Italy and Sardinia to modern grids. This can be useful also to convert some older technical maps that were referred to the same geodetic datums. © 2013 Società Italiana di Fotogrammetria e Topografia (SIFET)

    Digital narrations of urban history

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    El HGIS del catastro urbano de Roma (Catastro Pio-Gregoriano, 1818-1824)

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    This contribution illustrates the methodology adopted for the construction of a historical GIS of the city of Rome in the nineteenth century, based on cadastral sources. The work integrates historical research based on archival documentation and geographical analysis and has as objective to produce new thematic information about the city. In this context, the informatization of the maps of the urban cadastre of 1819-24 and of the information contained in the cadastral registers has led to the development of an effective database management system based of the geographic location of the data, and the implementation of an analytical tool that allows the study of the physical structure and of the socioeconomic conditions of the city with a very high level of detail.Este trabajo ilustra la metodología adoptada para la construcción de un SIG histórico de la ciudad de Roma en el siglo XIX, a partir de fuentes catastrales. El trabajo integra investigación histórica basada en documentación de archivo y análisis geográfico y tiene como objetivo producir nueva información temática sobre la ciudad. En este contexto, la informatización de los mapas del catastro urbano de 1819-24 y de la información contenida en los registros catastrales ha llevado al desarrollo de un eficaz sistema de gestión de bases de datos basado en la localización geográfica de los datos, y a la implementación de una herramienta analítica que permite el estudio de la estructura física y de las condiciones socioeconómicas de la ciudad con un altísimo nivel de detalle

    Knowing the past for managing the present: A comparison between historical cartography and satellite images for the study of Rome's city centre

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    The idea of this paper, develops from the consideration that, since the second half of the XXth century, urban planning of Italian historical centers seems constrained by the fear of compromising the architectures of the past. Rome's city centre, today UNESCO site, gathers a built up heritage that witness its long and unique existence. The missing industrialization phase that, during the XIXth century, determined the urban transformation of the great European capital cities, has permitted to a large area characterized by highly stratified urban tissue to survive. The aim of this project is to exploit the geometric precision and descriptive detail, characterizing the "Nuova pianta di Roma", published in 1748 by Giovanni Battista Nolli, fot studying the urban transformations at housing block level. The rigorous georeferencing of the historical cartography, allows for the spatial comparison with actual cartographies and with very high resolution satellite images, and the consequent analysis of the urban structure and its formal and functional contents

    L'ambito urbano di piazza Navona: una interpretazione attraverso le fonti cartografiche e documentarie sette-ottocentesche

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    Il presente lavoro intende illustrare una applicazione di tecniche GIS alla ricostruzione delle caratteristiche fisiche e socioeconomiche dell’ambito urbano di piazza Navona tra il Settecento e l’Ottocento. L’indagine si avvale di due fonti cartografico-descrittive di assoluto rilievo : la Nuova pianta di Roma, pubblicata nel 1748 da Giovanni Battista Nolli e il Catasto urbano Pio-Gregoriano, redatto negli anni venti dell’Ottocento. L’eccezionale livello di dettaglio e la marcata precisione che, seppur con le dovute differenze, contraddistingue le due fonti, hanno consentito di sviluppare metodi di analisi spaziale in ambiente GIS sfruttando la versatilità di questo strumento nel trattamento cartografico dei dati quantitativi e qualitativi. L’obiettivo del lavoro è di interpretare le fenomenologie urbane desumibili da fonti d’archivio per offrire nuove e diversificate chiavi di lettura del contesto urbano. I risultati ottenuti appaiono incoraggianti, sia in termini di tenuta delle fonti rispetto ai processi di elaborazione dei dati, che in termini di leggibilità dei risultati. Pertanto, è possibile considerarli come punto di partenza per successivi approfondimenti

    Analysing spatial relationships through the urban cadastre of nineteenth-century Rome

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    Urban history and urban cartography are closely linked. The analysis of spatial relationships through cartography enables a deeper and more sophisticated understanding of studied phenomena, and thus can be a valuable support to urban historians. In this context, the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century cadastres represent a fertile ground for experimentation in the quantitative analysis of urban space. The explicit relationships between the descriptive data of the cadastral registers and cadastral maps facilitate the computerization of this historical source and the construction of the spatial database. This article illustrates the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and geostatistical methods applied to urban historical studies, focusing on the analysis of socio-economic information retrieved from the Pio-Gregorian cadastre of Rome, from 1818 to 1824

    Agro romano: un territorio in trasformazione

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    Rome is surrounded by an agricultural region of considerable size, environmentally and economically relevant and historically tied to the city. The survival of this region and of its agricultural practices is threatened by the incessant process of urban sprawl and by the incapacity of public policies to manage effectively the difficult coexistence between urban and rural land uses. The purpose of this paper is to study the dynamics of transformations taking place in the last decades in the Agro Romano region, focusing on the characteristics of the structural agricultural endowment. The spatio-temporal trends in the number and size of firms and of the cultivated areas are analysed with quantitative data from different sources

    Disuguaglianze socio-economiche e trasformazioni urbane nella Roma contemporanea (fine XX-inizi XXI secolo)

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    Since its proclamation Capital of Italy, the socio-economic conditions of Rome’s population have proved highly dependent on the distance from the city center and from the characteristics of urbanization. Physical isolation and social marginalization have been further accentuated in the age of globalization, in absence of effective public policies aimed at contrasting fast-growing forms of inequality. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the dynamics of socio-spatial transformations taking place in the last decades in Rome, focusing on the diachronic variation of some territorial performance indicators, called territorial markers, used to intercept conditions of socio-economic centrality and marginality. The analysis is carried out with quantitative data from different sources, disaggregated at the neighbourhood level