211 research outputs found

    Telling a success story through the president’s letter

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    Purpose – This paper aims to explore the role of storytelling and impression management (IM) through the president’s letter in legitimizing the practices of an electricity company with regard to controversial issues during a period of change. Design/methodology/approach – Drawing on a qualitative case study, this paper examines annual report letters from 1995 to 2013 using a methodological interpretative approach. Findings – By promoting a success story using IM, the presidents give sense to particular actions related with controversial issues and attempt to influence expectations on strategic changes. The findings demonstrate that organizational actors use the flexibility of the president’s letter to tell the story and emphasize its self-laudatory nature. The study highlights that storytelling in these documents can be used to alleviate the tensions created by the inherent contradictions of social structures. Practical implications – This research is useful for regulatory authorities, users of annual reports and academic researchers, making them attentive of the narratives companies may adopt to protect their legitimacy. The findings shed light on the need to evaluate the credibility of accountability mechanisms and can help stakeholders to develop a more critical view of the president’s letter. Originality/value – This paper makes a contribution to research on communication issues by expanding literature on accounting and organizational storytelling. By demonstrating how presidents use sensegiving as a means of legitimacy-claiming, this study adds to the literature on legitimating accounts. In doing so, this paper bridges the gap between theories about organizational legitimacy, storytelling and IM. To sum up, the findings serve as an incremental step toward understanding the nature of accountability reportingStudy conducted, by the second author, at Research Center in Political Science (UID/CPO/00758/2013), University of Minho and supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science through national funds

    The utility of human resource managers’ action: a self-centred perception by different organizational actors

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    Series: Management and industrial engineeringThis study analyses how different organizational actors perceive and characterize human resource (HR) managers’ actions at the strategic, tactical and operational levels. In this study, 257 interviews were conducted with organizational actors, and Grounded Theory was applied to analyse the data. The interviewees were employed at ten companies (three multinational and seven Portuguese companies) and represented different hierarchical positions: top managers, peers of HR managers and collaborators from different organizational functions. The interviewees expressed very clear views regarding desirable axes of action for HR managers, and these actions could improve perceptions of HR managers and departments. These desirable axes of action were as follows: proactive; strategic combined with an operational level of action; demonstrating initiative; pragmatic; simultaneously global and local (glocal); transparent; objective; just and impartial; legitimate; and efficient and effective. Therefore, the results highlight three main axes where HR managers need to focus their attention: principles of practical action, principles of communication and ethical values. The results demonstrate that when developing their identities and credibility within organizations, HR managers must consider the perceptions of different organizational actors. The ways in which HR managers are perceived by different organizational actors pose a challenge and have an effect on the roles and influence that HR managers and departments can have at the strategic level in organizations. This study contributes to the literature by exploring an important yet underdeveloped field of research on how HR managers are viewed within organizations.The second author acknowledges that this study was conducted at Research Center in Political Science (UID/CPO/00758/2013), University of Minho, and supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science through national funds

    The manager of private health units and the management of time

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    As exigências do mundo do trabalho levam-nos a refletir sobre o gasto de tempo dos enfermeiros gestores, pelo que pretendemos explicar o trabalho do enfermeiro gestor nas unidades de saúde privadas com base na gestão do tempo percecionada por eles face às suas atribuições de competências ás tecnologias de informação disponíveis para a gestão e à gestão de conflitos. O presente estudo procura: Identificar as áreas de maior ocupação de tempo dos enfermeiros gestores, na instituição privada; analisar a ocupação do enfermeiro gestor face aos conflitos das unidades de saúde privadas; analisar o uso e a perceção da utilidade das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) pelos enfermeiros gestores. Metodologia: Estudo quantitativo de caso com recurso a um instrumento de autopreenchimento, composto por três partes: tempo por atividade, tecnologias de informação e gestão de conflitos. A amostra é de 25 gestores de uma empresa privada, nacional, de assistência de saúde e corresponde ao total de enfermeiros Gestores desta empresa. Resultados: Em relação à gestão do tempo, tendo por base as suas competências, as maiores frequências em todas as áreas situam-se na ocupação da maior parte do tempo, o que demonstra uma evidente cobertura das suas competências de enfermeiro gestor. A ocupação do tempo sobre a prática profissional ética legal é referida, pelos gestores como ocupando a maior parte de o tempo a atividade “Controlar o respeito pela privacidade e individualidade do doente” e “Promover os valores dos doentes”, na categoria gestão de cuidados é referido como ocupar a maior parte do tempo “Prever e assegurar os meios e recursos necessários à prestação de cuidados”, na gestão de recursos humanos a dimensão “Criar, manter e desenvolver a coesão, o espirito de equipa e o ambiente de trabalho, gerir conflitos” é referida como a que ocupa a maior parte do tempo, por ultimo na categoria da intervenção politica e assessoria os gestores referem ocupar a maior arte do tempo a “Gerir X ocupação de camas no serviço ou entre serviços, tendo em conta a gestão de recursos humanos e materiais”. As tecnologias de informação mais valorizadas são 88% o email e em segundo o calendário google 52%. Sobre os conflitos, estes gestores demonstram um perfil colaborativo. Conclusão: Verificamos que os gestores têm dificuldade em gerir o seu tempo porque há uma sobrecarga de atividades, mas também verificamos que usam ferramentas facilitadoras da gestão do tempo

    Perinatal profile of ventricular overload markers in congenital diaphragmatic hernia

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    Background: In congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), pulmonary hypertension increases right ventricle (RV) afterload, which could impair heart function and contribute to poor outcome for most affected infants. Nevertheless, the real significance of vascular pulmonary alterations in perinatal hemodynamics is largely unknown. It is defined that ventricular pressure overload induces increased myocardium gene expression of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and components of the reninangiotensinogen and endothelin (ET)–1 systems. Our aim was to evaluate perinatal myocardium expression of these genes associated with ventricular pressure overload in a nitrofen-induced CDH rat model. Methods: In the nitrofen-induced CDH rat model, fetuses from dated pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats at 15.5, 17.5, 19.5 and 21.5 days postcoitum as well as newborn pups were assigned to 3 experimental groups: control, nitrofen (exposed to nitrofen, without CDH), and CDH (exposed to nitrofen, with CDH). Myocardial samples collected from the RV and left ventricle (LV) were processed for quantification of messenger RNA (mRNA) of BNP, angiotensinogen, and ET-1. Results: The perinatal expression of BNP, angiotensinogen, and ET-1 mRNA in the RV and LV of the control group revealed daily changes. During gestation, the expression of BNP and angiotensinogen mRNA underwent significant oscillation compared with control in both nitrofen-exposed fetuses, although we cannot identify significant differences between the nitrofen and CDH groups. After birth, we found a significant increasing expression of all studied genes only in the RV of CDH pups. Conclusions: Perinatal myocardial quantification of BNP, angiotensinogen, and ET-1 mRNA levels suggests that both nitrofen-exposed and control pups revealed prenatal variations of expression of the studied genes. Moreover, CDH is associated with significant molecular alterations only in the RV after birth

    Contabilidad, el acceso y el ejercicio de la profesión de contador público desde el punto de vista de las mujeres

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    Este estudo tem como objetivo central a compreensão da problemática do acesso e do exercício na profissão contabilística, na perspetiva das mulheres que desempenham a profissão. Para alcançar este objetivo foram realizadas entrevistas a treze mulheres com inscrição ativa na Ordem dos Contabilistas Certificados. Na opinião das entrevistadas, apesar da maior facilidade no acesso à profissão ainda se verificam desigualdades, discriminações e sexismos que dificultam o exercício e a progressão das mulheres na carreira. Consideram, no entanto, que a profissão de contabilista exige organização, rigor, empenho e responsabilidade, atributos que melhor se adequam às características intrínsecas das mulheres.The main objective of this study is to obtain a better understanding of the problems in the access and practice in the accounting profession from the point of view of women who are chartered accountants. To accomplish this objective thirteen interviews were performed to women who are accountants registered in the Portuguese Order of Chartered Accountants. According to the interviewees, despite the easier access to the profession, there are still inequalities, discrimination and sexism that hinder the exercise and progress of women in career. However, interviewees consider that the accounting profession requires organization, rigor, commitment and responsibility, attributes that are best suited to the intrinsic characteristics of women.El objetivo principal de este estudio es obtener una mejor comprensión de los problemas en el acceso y la práctica en la profesión contable desde el punto de vista de las mujeres. Para lograr este objetivo se realizaron trece entrevistas a las mujeres que son contadoras registradas en la Orden de Contadores Públicos portuguesa. De acuerdo con las entrevistadas, a pesar de la facilidad de acceso a la profesión, todavía hay desigualdades, discriminación y sexismo que dificultan el ejercicio y el progreso de las mujeres en la carrera. Sin embargo, las entrevistadas tienen la opinión de que la profesión requiere organización, rigor, compromiso y responsabilidad, atributos que mejor se adapten a las características intrínsecas de las mujeres

    Tecendo redes de produção-consumo: A experiência das Células de Consumidores Responsáveis em Florianópolis-SC

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    Debates na sociedade acerca da qualidade de alimentos consumidos e o aumento da demanda por alimentos saudáveis, orgânicos e/ou agroecológicos produzidos localmente, promovem a busca por novas formas de produção e comercialização. Uma das iniciativas surgiu em 2016, mediada pela equipe do Laboratório de Comercialização da Agricultura Familiar (LACAF/UFSC). As Células de Consumidores Responsáveis (CCR), modelo alternativo de venda direta por pedido antecipado (VDPA) de alimentos orgânicos/agroecológicos se organizam a partir de grupos de agricultores familiares, certificados pela Rede Ecovida, que acessando diretamente mercados de consumidores interessados no consumo orgânico e/ou agroecológico melhoram a sua remuneração e garantem preços mais acessíveis aos consumidores. A experiência facilita a construção de vínculos de proximidade entre agricultores e consumidores, além de criar espaço de socialização e aprendizagem coletiva entre os membros


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    O presente projeto aborda o jornalismo dentro do campus de Pitanga do Instituto Federal do Paraná – IFPR, o InFoPitanga é um informativo mensal eletrônico que proporciona a divulgação ampla dos acontecimentos relacionados à comunidade local, ao científico e tecnológico no IFPR e região. O objetivo é identificar as características da produção jornalística levando em consideração o espaço ocupado, a variedade de fontes, a presença e visibilidade do assunto. Utiliza-se encontros semanais entre a equipe para o desenvolvimento das notícias sobre acontecimentos vinculados à instituição e a sociedade. Esse procedimento permite um melhor acompanhamento avaliativo do desenvolvimento e também permite o aprimoramento da escrita dos discentes, assim como a interpretação da sociedade e dos fatos onde está inserido. Nesse sentido o projeto em apreço permite um desenvolvimento dos alunos em suas capacidades de escrita, informática, diagramação, fotografia, oralidade, leitura, interpretação e senso crítico, assim como a divulgação das ações do IFPR para a sociedade, pois sendo meio eletrônico permite que não exista limite enquanto ao seu acesso apenas à região em que é abarcada pelo jornal

    Simulation study

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2023 JMIR Publications Inc.. All rights reserved.Background: Contact tracing is a fundamental intervention in public health. When systematically applied, it enables the breaking of chains of transmission, which is important for controlling COVID-19 transmission. In theoretically perfect contact tracing, all new cases should occur among quarantined individuals, and an epidemic should vanish. However, the availability of resources influences the capacity to perform contact tracing. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate its effectiveness threshold. We propose that this effectiveness threshold may be indirectly estimated using the ratio of COVID-19 cases arising from quarantined high-risk contacts, where higher ratios indicate better control and, under a threshold, contact tracing may fail and other restrictions become necessary. Objective: This study assessed the ratio of COVID-19 cases in high-risk contacts quarantined through contact tracing and its potential use as an ancillary pandemic control indicator. Methods: We built a 6-compartment epidemiological model to emulate COVID-19 infection flow according to publicly available data from Portuguese authorities. Our model extended the usual susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered model by adding a compartment Q with individuals in mandated quarantine who could develop infection or return to the susceptible pool and a compartment P with individuals protected from infection because of vaccination. To model infection dynamics, data on SARS-CoV-2 infection risk (IR), time until infection, and vaccine efficacy were collected. Estimation was needed for vaccine data to reflect the timing of inoculation and booster efficacy. In total, 2 simulations were built: one adjusting for the presence and absence of variants or vaccination and another maximizing IR in quarantined individuals. Both simulations were based on a set of 100 unique parameterizations. The daily ratio of infected cases arising from high-risk contacts (q estimate) was calculated. A theoretical effectiveness threshold of contact tracing was defined for 14-day average q estimates based on the classification of COVID-19 daily cases according to the pandemic phases and was compared with the timing of population lockdowns in Portugal. A sensitivity analysis was performed to understand the relationship between different parameter values and the threshold obtained. Results: An inverse relationship was found between the q estimate and daily cases in both simulations (correlations >0.70). The theoretical effectiveness thresholds for both simulations attained an alert phase positive predictive value of >70% and could have anticipated the need for additional measures in at least 4 days for the second and fourth lockdowns. Sensitivity analysis showed that only the IR and booster dose efficacy at inoculation significantly affected the q estimates. Conclusions: We demonstrated the impact of applying an effectiveness threshold for contact tracing on decision-making. Although only theoretical thresholds could be provided, their relationship with the number of confirmed cases and the prediction of pandemic phases shows the role as an indirect indicator of the efficacy of contact tracing.publishe

    Structural laterality is associated with cognitive and mood outcomes: An assessment of 105 healthy aged volunteers

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    The human brain presents multiple asymmetries that dynamically change throughout life. These phenomena have been associated with cognitive impairments and psychiatric disorders although possible associations with specific patterns of cognitive aging are yet to be determined. We have therefore mapped and quantified morphological asymmetries in a heterogeneous and aged population (65.2 +/- 8.0 years old, 52 male and 53 female) to explore potential associations between the asymmetries in specific brain regions and cognitive performance. The sample was characterized in a battery of neuropsychological tests and in terms of brain structural asymmetries using a ROI-based approach. A substantial number of brain areas presented some degree of asymmetry. Such biases survived a stringent statistical correction and were largely confirmed in a voxel-based analysis. In specific brain areas, like the thalamus and insula, asymmetry was correlated with cognition and mood descriptors as the Stroop words/colors test or depressive mood scale, respectively. Curiously in the latter, the association was independent of its left/right direction. Altogether, results reveal that asymmetry is widespread in the aged brain and that area-specific biases (degree and direction) associate with the functional profile of the individual.European Commission (FP7): “SwitchBox” [contract HEALTH-F2-2010-259772] and Portuguese North Regional Operational Program (ON.2 – O Novo Norte) under the National Strategic Reference Framework (QREN), through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) – PM and NCS; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) [grant numbers SFRH/BD/52291/2013 to ME via Inter-University Doctoral Programme in Ageing and Chronic Disease (PhDOC), SFRH/BPD/80118/2011 to HA and SFRH/BD/90078/2012 to TCC]; and FCT/MEC and ON.2 – ONOVONORTE – North Portugal Regional Operational Programme 2007/2013, of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2007/2013, through FEDER [project FCTANR/NEU-OSD/0258/2012 to RM]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio