8 research outputs found

    La syphilis congénitale révélée par une fracture spontanée

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    Alors qu'elle est actuellement oubliée dans les pays développés, la syphilis congénitale se voit encore chez nous faute du dépistage anténatal. Ses formes cliniques sont polymorphes et orientent à tord vers d'autres pathologies surtout en période néonatale. Le diagnostic n'est donc pas toujours facile. La révélation d'une syphilis congénitale par une fracture spontanée est exceptionnellement décrite. Nous rapportons dans ce travail le cas d'un nourrisson de 2 mois ramené en consultation pour limitation douloureuse des mouvements du bras droit. Le diagnostic est évoqué sur les données radiologiques et confirmé par la sérologie syphilitique. Le traitement a reposé essentiellement sur l'administration de la pénicilline G avec une bonne évolution clinique

    Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL) Gene Mutation: A First Report in Children

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    Genetic hyperchylomicronemia is a rare autosomal recessive disorder of lipoprotein metabolism estimated to affect approximately one per million individuals. We report a case with a rare mutation identified. It’s a genetic chylomicronemia in a Moroccan newborn baby, with massive hypertriglyceridemia and clinical signs of acute pancreatitis. She was a newborn female, first-degree of consanguineous parents. She was hospitalized for hypertriglyceridemia, complicated by acute pancreatitis; serum was noted to be milky. The genetic study found a mutation of the Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL) gene: homozygous pathogenic variant c.1019-3C > A. She enjoyed good health, developed well and the triglyceride was maintained at a concentration o


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    The results of the biotransformation of organic matter for three trials A (500 kg sludge + 400 kg turf + 100 kg of straw), B (1000 kg sludge composted alone), and C (1000 kg sludge landfilled) after six months show a good degradation rate for trial A, compared to B, and C. C/N ratio decrease from 30 to 12 for mixture A, from 32 to 19 for B, and from 32 to 24 for C. An important decomposition rate, about 74 %, for mixture A has been reached after six months. The final compost for mixture A exhibited a high concentration (151.7 g·kg-1) of humic substance and a low concentration of heavy metal contents, compared to the AFNOR standard (NF U 44-041). The efficiency of the composting is confirmed by the germination index (GI), which exceeds 90 % for the trial A. However, phytotoxicity for trials B and C remains less important (GI does not exceed 40 %). The results of trial A will open the way for the agricultural use of sludge

    Cystic abdominal lymphangioma in adult

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    Le lymphangiome kystique est une tumeur vasculaire rare bénigne d'origine congénitale, pouvant se révéler à tout âge dans ses localisations abdominales qui représentent moins de 10 % des cas et atteignent préférentiellement le mésentère. Une femme de 42 ans est admise le 23 septembre 2002 pour syndrome douloureux de la fosse iliaque droite (FID) évoluant depuis trois mois. Dans ses antécédents, on retrouve la notion de chirurgie à deux reprises pour masse kystique de la FID pour laquelle l'étude anatomopathologique a conclu à un lymphangiome kystique péricoecal. L'échographie objective une récidive sous forme d'une image kystique de 3 cm de diamètre ; la patiente bénéficie alors d'une résection colique segmentaire emportant le cæcum, le kyste et les vaisseaux nourriciers avec une évolution favorable. Le lymphangiome kystique est une tumeur malformative toujours bénigne du système lymphatique ; dans sa localisation mésentérique ou mésocolique, la symptomatologie clinique est polymorphe et non spécifique. Le diagnostic, évoqué par l'imagerie, nécessite une confirmation histologique. Le traitement de choix est chirurgical consistant en une exérèse complète pour éviter toute récidive ; le pronostic est excellent


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    The biotransformation during the 3 years of sludge landfilling was evaluated by physicochemical analysis and phytotoxicity test. The final product exhibited a high degree of decomposition rate (51.06 %) than the controls as shown by a decrease of C/N ratio of about 19.67. The results showed that the lipid, surfactant and polyphenol as main compound of the sludge were breakdown over time. The concentrations decreased from 29.9 to 11.8 mg·g-1 and 3.4 to 0.6 mg·g-1, respectively for surfactant and polyphenols after 3 years of landfilling. This corresponds to a reduction of 80.2 % for polyphenols and 60.4 % for surfactant, due to the microorganisms activity. Total lipids decrease from 16.5 to 6.27 mg·g-1 of dry matter, representing an abatement rate of about 62 %. The evolution of organic matter reflects the progress of the humification process, which judging by the increase in the polymerization degree, is about 20 %. The landfilling efficiency to reduce phytotoxicity of sludge was confirmed by the germination index, which reached 52 and 59 %, respectively for alfalfa and cress after 3 years of landfilling. These results are promising and pave the way for agricultural spreading of sludge

    Identification of gene expression profiles associated with an Increased risk of post-operative recurrence in Crohn's disease

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    International audienceBACKGROUND AND AIMS: Ileocolonic resection is frequently needed in the course of Crohn's disease [CD] treatment and post-operative recurrence is extremely common. Our main objective was to analyse gene expression in the mucosa of CD patients at the time of surgery and at post-operative endoscopy, in order to identify predictors and mechanisms of early endoscopic recurrence. METHODS: We conducted transcriptome analyses on ileal mucosa samples collected from inflamed sections of the surgical specimens [n = 200], from ileal resection margins [n = 149] and in the neo-terminal ileum 6 months after surgery [n = 122]; these were compared with non-inflammatory bowel disease controls [n = 25]. The primary endpoint was post-operative endoscopic recurrence at 6 months. We applied regression models to identify gene signatures predicting endoscopic recurrence. RESULTS: Chronic inflammation was associated with strong expression of inflammatory genes [IL-6, IL-8, IL-1B] and decreased expression of genes involved in metabolic processes, but with a high inter-individual heterogeneity. Gene signatures associated with early endoscopic recurrence were mainly characterized by upregulation of TNFα, IFNγ, IL23A and IL17A. Pathway analyses showed that upregulation of mitochondrial dysfunction within the inflamed sections and JAK/STAT at the ileal margin were predictive of post-operative recurrence. A combined model integrating these top pathway signatures improved the prediction of endoscopic recurrence [area under the curve of 0.79]. STAT3 phosphorylation at the surgical ileal margin was associated with severe recurrence at 6 months. CONCLUSION: We identified several biological pathways in surgical ileal mucosa specimens associated with an increased risk of disease recurrence. Integration of the JAK/STAT and mitochondrial dysfunction pathways in the clinical model improved the prediction of post-operative recurrence