56 research outputs found

    Optimization of Coffee-Clove-Ginger Formulated Powder Based on Antioxidant Activity and Physicochemical Properties

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    The development of coffee products as functional drinks is hoped to increase the popularity of coffee as a healthy drink. One way of improving is by adding spices into the coffee. The objective of this research was to obtain optimization of coffee-spice formulated powder based on its antioxidant activity, water content, ash content, and extract content. The spices used in this research were ginger powder and cloves(1:1). In this research, the ratio of coffee:spices (%,b/b) tested varied with F0(100%: 0%), F1(95%: 5%), F2(90%:10%), F3(85%:15%), and F4(80%:20%) each ratios underwent 4 repetitions of tests. F0-F4 was roasted for 35 minutes at 20 Ā°C. The results showed that all formulas except F4 had met the SNI certifications of ground coffee. F1 had the lowest(p<0.05) water(5.58%) and ash content(4.63%), while its extract content(29.68%) was the highest(p<0.05) out of all the other varying ratios of coffee: spices formula (F1-F4). There was no significant difference between F1 and F0(100% coffee). F4 had the lowest IC50(21.62Ī¼g/mL) among other formulas. Thus the formula with the lowest proportion of spices was considered as the optimal formula based on the water content, ash content, and extract content, whereas of antioxidant status, the formula with the highest proportion of spices was considered the best formula. The more the proportion of spices in the formula, the better the antioxidant status, but less optimum in terms of its other chemical properties. It is hoped that the spiced coffee formula could potentially serve as a functional beverage for the community

    Evaluasi Metode Pengeringan Vakum-Freeze Drying pada Tekanan Pengeringan dan Ketebalan Cairan Sample yang Berbeda terhadap Karakteristik Fungsional Tepung Putih Telur.

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    Kualitas bahan dapat dipertahankan dengan pengeringan vakum-freeze drying. Penetitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi tekanan dan ketebalan pengeringan yang berbeda terhadap karakteristik fungsional tepung putih telur. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap pola factorial 3x3 dengan perlakuan tekanan (0,37 : 0,28 : 0,20) mbar dan ketebalan (4: 5: 6) mm. telur sebanyak 540 butir dan peternakan yang sama. Parameter yang diukur adalah karakteristik fungsional meliputi daya busa, stabilitas busa, waktu koagulasi dan daya larut tepung putih telur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ketebalan sample berbeda nyala (P<0,01) pada semua perlakuan terhadap daya busa tepung putih telur namun tekanan pengeringan tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata meskipun ada interaksi yang nyata antara keduanya. Ada perbedaan nyata antara ketebalan 5 dan 6 mm terhadap stabilitas busa, tekanan 0,28 dan 0,2 mbar memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda dan ada interaksi keduanya. Waktu koagulasi menunjukkan perbedaan nyata pada ketebalan 5 dan 6 mm namun tekanan tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nvata meskipun ada interaksi antara keduanva. Ketebalan sample 4 dan 6 mm, tekanan 0,37 dan 0,2 mbar menunjukkan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata (P<0,01) terhadap kelarutan tepung putih telur meskipun tidak menunjukkan interaksi antara keduanva. Pembuatan tepung putih telur hasil pengeringan vakum-freeze drying pada tekanan 0,37 mbar dan ketebalan cairan sample 5 mm menghasilkan karakteristik fungsional yang baik

    The Change in pH on Lactobacillus acidophillus Medium Containing D-fructose

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    This study aims to analyse the pH value on Lactobacillus acidophilus medium containing 3% (w/v) D-fructose. L. acidophilus was incubated at 37Ā°C using MRS agar medium. Changes in pH values were measured for 48 hours. The non-sugar addition was also used as a comparison. Based on this research it could be seen that D-fructose slightly decreased pH in the medium at 48 hour incubation. This research might be useful to provide information on the potential use of D-fructose as a medium to maintain the reduction in pH

    Inhibition Test of Browning Reaction in Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) by Low NaCl Concentration

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    Reaction of enzymatic browning in fruit is a reaction that occurs due to the oxidation of phenol and involves the enzyme polyphenol oxidase (PPO). Prevention of browning reactions can be done by inhibiting PPO activity, one of alternative is to use NaCl. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of low NaCl concentration to inhibit the browning reaction based on the color change of L* value. Apple peels was dipped in phosphate buffer pH 7.0 containing 0.1 M NaCl and incubated at room temperature for 6 hours. The result indicated the hindrance of NaCl in the development browning color that was detected by L* value. In conclusion, NaCl may inhibit the process of browning apple in room temperature


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    The type and concentration of coagulant has been studied well as important factor that affected to the physicochemical characteristic of soy-cheese whey. This research used juice from Averrhoa bilimbi as coagulant to obtain whey from soy since commonly found in tropical area, low in price and no health risks for the use. This research aimed at analyze physicochemical characteristics of whey from soy-cheese that were coagulated with Averrhoa bilimbi juice using dilution and no dilution process. As much as 7% (v/v) Averrhoa bilimbi juice with dilution (1:1) and without dilution, and 5 ml of rennet (0.01% w/v) were used to obtain the whey. After incubation at 42 Available on-line at www.afst.valahia.ro Volume 18, Issue 2, 2017 192 o C for 3 hours, the whey were separated by curd-hanging for 4-5 hours. The results showed that dilution treatment of Averrhoa bilimbi juice increased total solids, pH value and absorbance spectrum. The dilution also decreased whey volume and protein content of the soy-cheese whey. As conclusion, the concentration of Averrhoa bilimbi juice had remarkable effect to the physicochemical characteristics of the soy-cheese whey. Since physicochemical characteristics of whey gives important information to whey-based food industry, the utilization of natural coagulant such as Averrhoa bilimbi juice may open the knowledge for application to produce healthy food

    Viability Lactic Acid Bacteria of Yogurt Powder With Carrageenan Addition

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    This research aimed to analyze the viability of lactic acid bacteria in carrageenan fortified yogurt powder. This research was done in Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Nutrition Faculty of Animal and Agriculture and Laboratory of Integrated Diponegoro University. Yogurt was made using pasteurized fresh milk and inoculated with Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophillus. The incubation was set to 6 hour and followed drying in vacuum oven. Carrageenan 0.5% (w/v) was mixed prior to the drying. The all treatment was repeated 4 times. The viability of lactic acid bacteria in powdered yogurt was analysed during 10 days. The results of this research showed that carrageenan addition provide no noticeable effect to the viability in powdered yogurt during the ten days storage. The conclusion of this research was carrageenan may be used in powdered yogurt without provide any affect in the viability of lactic acid bacteria


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    Produksi susu di Jawa Tengah tercatat terbesar ketiga, yaitu sebesar 14% atau sekitar 84.000 ton per tahun namun hanya mengalami peningkatan produksi susu per tahun sebesar 2.800 ton per tahun (atau sebesar 3,3%). Peningkatan per tahun ini dapat dikatakan mengalami tahap stagnasi dan masalah lain yang dihadapi oleh Jawa Tengah adalah keracunan akibat mengkonsumsi susu yang disebabkan karena angka kuman yang melampaui ambang batas standar susu sehat (yaitu 106 CFU/ml). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengaplikasikan pengawet susu alami dari Laktoperoksidase atau lactoperoxidase (LPO) guna menekan kandungan total bakteri pada susu sehingga dapat disimpan lebih lama pada suhu kamar. Penelitian ini didahului dengan melakukan purifikasi LPO dari susu sapi dengan cara mengambil LPO dari whey susu sapi yang kemudian dipisahkan melalui proses separasi membran resin Sepharose. Enzim yang didapat kemudian diolah untuk menghasilkan hyphothiocyanite dengan cara melakukan imobilisasi enzim dengan menggunakan resin dan menempatkannya didalam filter/membran. Filter ini digunakan untuk menyaring susu segar. Berbagai macam perlakuan penyimpanan membran juga telah dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan fenomena bahwa perendaman membran dalam phosphate buffer atau whey, dapat lebih menekan nilai penurunan aktivitas enzim dibandingkan dengan perendaman dalam aquades. Membran sepharose terbukti dapat menekan pertumbuhan bakteri yang pada susu segar yang diinkubasi pada jam keenam

    Enhancement Antimicrobial Activity of Hyphothiocyanite using Carrot Against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli

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    Hypothiocyanite has been known as antimicrobial agent that was generated from lactoperoxidase system (LPOS) but its antimicrobial activity was low against pathogenic bacteria in milk. This research has been done to enhance the antimicrobial activity of hypothiocyanite against pathogenic bacteria commonly found in milk: Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli by addition of carrot extract. The result showed that carrot extract was able to enhance the antimicrobial activity of hypothiocyanite strongly against E. coli, however less enhancement has been found in the antibacterial activity of hypothiocyanite against S. aureus
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