236 research outputs found

    Взаємозв'язок обводнення генеративних бруньок абрикоса й персика та температурних умов їх розвитку після виходу рослин зі стану спокою

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    Наведено результати досліджень динаміки обводнення генеративних бруньок абрикоса й персика в зимовий період та на початку вегетації, а також темпу накопичення деревами градусо-годин росту, необхідних для початку цвітіння. Встановлено взаємозв’язок між змінами температури повітря, які враховано при визначенні градусо-годин росту, та водним режимом генеративних бруньок.Представлены результаты исследований динамики обводненности генеративных почек абрикоса и персика в зимний период и в начале вегетации, а также темпа накопления деревьями градусо-часов роста, необходимых для начала цветения. Установлена взаимосвязь между изменениями температуры воздуха, которые учтены при определении градусо-часов роста, и водным режимом генеративных почек.The article presents the results of researching the watering dynamics of the apricot and peach generative buds in the period of their development in winter and in the beginning of the vegetation as well as accumulation tempo of the growing degree hours, which trees need to come into flowering. It was established the correlation between environmental temperature changes, taken into consideration while determining the growing degree hours, and water regime of generative buds

    Experimental study of the erosion of Ar/H2 plasma facing carbon surfaces: optical emission spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements

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    Carbon materials could be used for divertor plates in the ITER fusion device. Numerous studies (experimental or modeling) have been undertaken to better understand the chemical processes involved in carbon erosion by hydrogen atoms or ions. These works have been performed for several kinds of carbon layers and different hydrogen (or deuterium) ion fluxes. Results of an experimental study on carbon-material erosion under hydrogen bombardment will be presented. Optical emission spectroscopy and mass spectrometry have been employed to determine the presence of excited and stable molecules that are formed under these conditions. Ex situ spectroscopic ellipsometry has been used to calculate the erosion rate. In order to determine this erosion rate during plasma exposure and with a better precision, preliminary results on in situ spectroscopic ellipsometry will be presented

    Infrared emission spectrum and potentials of 0u+0_u^+ and 0g+0_g^+ states of Xe2_2 excimers produced by electron impact

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    We present an investigation of the Xe2_{2} excimer emission spectrum observed in the near infrared range about 7800 cm1^{-1} in pure Xe gas and in an Ar (90%) --Xe (10%) mixture and obtained by exciting the gas with energetic electrons. The Franck--Condon simulation of the spectrum shape suggests that emission stems from a bound--free molecular transition never studied before. The states involved are assigned as the bound (3)0u+(3)0_{u}^{+} state with 6p[1/2]06p [1/2]_{0} atomic limit and the dissociative (1)0g+(1)0_{g}^{+} state with 6s[3/2]16s [3/2]_{1} limit. Comparison with the spectrum simulated by using theoretical potentials shows that the dissociative one does not reproduce correctly the spectrum features.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Last Glacial Maximum in an Andean cloud forest environment (Eastern Cordillera, Bolivia): Comment and Reply

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    Whether the climate of tropical South America during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) was colder and drier or colder and wetter than present day has been widely debated. It is accepted, however, that the LGM in tropical South America was 2–9 °C colder than today (e.g., Betts and Ridgway, 1992; Bush et al., 2001). Without debating the merits of the following choices, if we assume a lapse rate in the LGM similar to the modern one of ~0.6 °C·100 m−1, then an intermediate cooling of 5 °C would lower the boundary between montane cloud forest and the overlying puna grasslands by ~800 or 900 m. Palynologists on both sides of the wet/dry debate have come to similar conclusions about forest-boundary lowering due to temperature decrease (reviewed by Flenley, 1998). In the Eastern Cordillera of Bolivia the modern puna–cloud forest boundary lies ~3400 m above sea level (masl). Ignoring any other environmental changes, LGM cooling would have lowered this boundary to 2500 or 2600 masl

    Model-Based Filtering of Combinatorial Test Suites

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    International audienceTobias is a combinatorial test generation tool which can efficiently generate a large number of test cases by unfolding a test pattern and computing all combinations of parameters. In this paper, we first propose a model-based testing approach where Tobias test cases are first run on an executable UML/OCL specification. This animation of test cases on a model allows to filter out invalid test sequences produced by blind enumeration, typically the ones which violate the pre-conditions of operations, and to provide an oracle for the valid ones. We then introduce recent extensions of the Tobias tool which support an incremental unfolding and filtering process, and its associated toolset. This allows to address explosive test patterns featuring a large number of invalid test cases, and only a small number of valid ones. For instance, these new constructs could mandate test cases to satisfy a given predicate at some point or to follow a given behavior. The early detection of invalid test cases improves the calculation time of the whole generation and execution process, and helps fighting combinatorial explosion

    Predicting proximal tubule failed repair drivers through regularized regression analysis of single cell multiomic sequencing

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    Renal proximal tubule epithelial cells have considerable intrinsic repair capacity following injury. However, a fraction of injured proximal tubule cells fails to undergo normal repair and assumes a proinflammatory and profibrotic phenotype that may promote fibrosis and chronic kidney disease. The healthy to failed repair change is marked by cell state-specific transcriptomic and epigenomic changes. Single nucleus joint RNA- and ATAC-seq sequencing offers an opportunity to study the gene regulatory networks underpinning these changes in order to identify key regulatory drivers. We develop a regularized regression approach to construct genome-wide parametric gene regulatory networks using multiomic datasets. We generate a single nucleus multiomic dataset from seven adult human kidney samples and apply our method to study drivers of a failed injury response associated with kidney disease. We demonstrate that our approach is a highly effective tool for predicting key cis- and trans-regulatory elements underpinning the healthy to failed repair transition and use it to identify NFAT5 as a driver of the maladaptive proximal tubule state

    Biocatalytic Transfer of Pseudaminic Acid (Pse5Ac7Ac) Using Promiscuous Sialyltransferases in a Chemoenzymatic Approach to Pse5Ac7Ac-Containing Glycosides

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    Pseudaminic acid (Pse5Ac7Ac) is a nonmammalian sugar present on the cell surface of a number of bacteria including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Campylobacter jejuni, and Acinetobacter baumannii. However, the role Pse5Ac7Ac plays in host–pathogen interactions remains underexplored, particularly compared to its ubiquitous sialic acid analogue Neu5Ac. This is primarily due to a lack of access to difficult to prepare Pse5Ac7Ac glycosides. Herein, we describe the in vitro biocatalytic transfer of an activated Pse5Ac7Ac donor onto glycosyl acceptors, enabling the enzymatic synthesis of Pse5Ac7Ac-containing glycosides. In a chemoenzymatic approach, chemical synthesis initially afforded access to a late-stage Pse5Ac7Ac biosynthetic intermediate, which was subsequently converted to the desired CMP-glycosyl donor in a one-pot two-enzyme process using biosynthetic enzymes. Finally, screening a library of 13 sialyltransferases (SiaT) with the unnatural substrate enabled the identification of a promiscuous inverting SiaT capable of turnover to afford β-Pse5Ac7Ac-terminated glycosides.</p