7,330 research outputs found

    Field trial with the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum agains bands of the grasshopper Rhammatocerus schistocercoides in Brazil.

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    The efficacy of a mycoinsecticide formulated in vegetable oil was tested in Brazil against the grasshopper Rhammatocerus schistocercoides. A set of experiments was conducted in the Chapada dos Parecis region (Mato Grosso state), a permanent zone of outbreaks for this pest. Experiments were performed in zones of natural vegetation, against grasshopper bands in the third nymphal instar. Three nymphal bands were treated with a mycoinsecticide formulation based on conidia of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum (=M. flavoviride), strain CG 423. Three non-treated bands were used as control. The application was made with the aid of a hand-held ULV sprayer adjusted to deliver 2 1 of the formulation ha', each containing 1 x 10¹³ conidia. Treatments were limited to the surface of the grasshopper hands and their immediate borders (5-10 m). The efficacy of the mycoinsecticide was evaluated through band survival after treatment (grasshopper numbers surface, density, behaviour and daily movement of the band), allowing the insects to move freely in their natural environment. Insects were regularly surveyed and maintained in the laboratory, allowing estimates of the infection rate. Field and laboratory studies showed a clear effect of the product 10 days after treatment. At 14 days post-spraying, mortality caused by the mycoinsecticide in the field was approximately 88%. (Résumé d'auteur

    A Computer Program for Simplifying Incompletely Specified Sequential Machines Using the Paull and Unger Technique

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    This report presents a description of a computer program mechanized to perform the Paull and Unger process of simplifying incompletely specified sequential machines. An understanding of the process, as given in Ref. 3, is a prerequisite to the use of the techniques presented in this report. This process has specific application in the design of asynchronous digital machines and was used in the design of operational support equipment for the Mariner 1966 central computer and sequencer. A typical sequential machine design problem is presented to show where the Paull and Unger process has application. A description of the Paull and Unger process together with a description of the computer algorithms used to develop the program mechanization are presented. Several examples are used to clarify the Paull and Unger process and the computer algorithms. Program flow diagrams, program listings, and a program user operating procedures are included as appendixes

    Mission d´étude au Brésil dans le cadre du projet "Environnement et criquets ravageurs" (8 octobre au 4 novembre 1995).

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    Censo das populações de aves marinhas nidificantes no Arquipélago da Berlenga em 2002: Calonectris diomedea, Phalacrocorax aristotelis e Uria aalge

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    O Arquipélago das Berlengas é o local mais importante da costa continental\ud portuguesa para a nidificação de aves marinhas. Aqui localizam-se as únicas\ud populações nidificantes em Portugal Continental de Pardela-de-bico-amarelo\ud Calonectris diomedea e de Airo Uria aalge, bem como o maior núcleo reprodutor de\ud Corvo-marinho-de-crista Phalacrocorax aristotelis. No ano de 2002 foram estudadas\ud as populações nidificantes destas espécies. Os efectivos de Pardela-de-bico-amarelo,\ud comparativamente ao censo realizado em 1999, mostraram-se relativamente estáveis,\ud tendo sido contabilizados 123 casais em incubação. No entanto, o sucesso reprodutor\ud foi menor que em anos anteriores, chegando apenas 30 juvenis ao estado de voador. Os\ud ninhos artificiais instalados desde 1999 apresentaram resultados positivos, registando\ud uma ocupação crescente relativamente ao total de ninhos ocupados. Relativamente ao\ud Corvo-marinho-de-crista foram estimados 79-105 casais, valores semelhantes aos\ud verificados em 1995, ano em que foi efectuado o último censo completo, sugerindo,\ud aparentemente, estabilidade no efectivo da população reprodutora. No que diz respeito\ud ao Airo, foram observados apenas 17 e 13 indivíduos, em dois censos efectuados,\ud tendo sido confirmada a nidificação de um casal apenas. Tendo em conta os dados\ud obtidos até ao momento, e uma vez que a espécie apresenta um declínio acentuado, a\ud manterem-se as causas responsáveis pela tendência actual, é provável que se extinga\ud como reprodutora no nosso país nos próximos anos

    Maturation sexuelle et fonctionnement ovarien de Rhammatocerus schistocercoides (Rehn, 1906) (Orthoptères, Acrididae, Gomphocerinae), acridien ravageur de l´état du Mato Grosso (Brésil).

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    Rapport d´une mission d´étude de Rhammatocerus schistocercoides (Rehn, 1906) au Mato Grosso (Brésil), 4 au 15 mai 1993.

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    Scintillator developments for high energy physics and medical imaging

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    Scintillating crystals have been for a long time developed as a basic component in particle detectors with a strong spin-off in the field of medical imaging. A typical example is BGO, which has become the main component of PET scanners since the large effort made by the L3 experiment at CERN to develop low cost production methods for this crystal. Systematic R&D on basic mechanism in inorganic scintillators, initiated by the Crystal Clear Collaboration at CERN 10 years ago, has contributed not to a small amount, to the development of new materials for high energy physics and for a new generation of medical imaging devices with increased resolution and sensitivity. The examples of the lead tungstate crystal for the CMS experiment at CERN (high energy physics) as well as of new materials under development for medical imaging will be described with an emphasis on the mutual benefit both fields can extract from a common R&D effort. (14 refs)

    Les stades larvaires de Rhammatocerus schistocercoides (Rehn, 1906), criquet ravageur de l´état du Mato Grosso, Brésil (Orthoptera, Acrididae).

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    A fase larval do Rhammatocerus schistocercoides (Rehn, 1906), importante gafanhoto praga do Estado do Mato Grosso, no Brasil, são descritos pela primeira vez no trabalho

    Les criquets du Brésil: nature du problème et bibliographie

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    Trata de maneira geral dos problemas acridianos no Brasil e no Mundo, assim como das soluções a serem utilizadas para controle de tais pragas. Traz, também, um inventário das edições atualmente disponíveis sobre os acridídeos do Brasil. Quinhentas e setenta e quatro referências foram reunidas e indexadas em função de palavras-chaves. Elas correspondem, tanto às principais espécies de importância econômica para o Brasil, quanto aos diferentes assuntos de interesse como sua biologia, taxonomia ou os métodos de controle. Um índice de autores completa esta publicação, como também algumas notas específicas sobre a taxonomia e a classificação dos acridídeos da América do Sul