7,570 research outputs found

    Micromagnetic simulations of sweep-rate dependent coercivity in perpendicular recording media

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    The results of micromagnetic simulations are presented which examine the impact of thermal fluctuations on sweep rate dependent coercivities of both single-layer and exchange-coupled-composite (ECC) perpendicular magnetic recording media. M-H loops are calculated at four temperatures and sweep rates spanning five decades with fields applied normal to the plane and at 45 degrees. The impact of interactions between grains is evaluated. The results indicate a significantly weaker sweep-rate dependence for ECC media suggesting more robustness to long-term thermal effects. Fitting the modeled results to Sharrock-like scaling proposed by Feng and Visscher [J. Appl. Phys. 95, 7043 (2004)] is successful only in the case of single-layer media with the field normal to the plane.Comment: 7 pages, 14 figure

    Apollo experience report guidance and control systems: Primary guidance, navigation, and control system development

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    The primary guidance, navigation, and control systems for both the lunar module and the command module are described. Development of the Apollo primary guidance systems is traced from adaptation of the Polaris Mark II system through evolution from Block I to Block II configurations; the discussion includes design concepts used, test and qualification programs performed, and major problems encountered. The major subsystems (inertial, computer, and optical) are covered. Separate sections on the inertial components (gyroscopes and accelerometers) are presented because these components represent a major contribution to the success of the primary guidance, navigation, and control system

    A/r/cography: art, research and communication

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    This article aims at establishing the foundations for a/r/cography as an “art and communication”-based research methodology, inspired by a/r/tography yet more encompassing, and particularly suitable for the digital art world. As part of the larger family of practice-based research methodologies, a/r/tography presents various ways through which it can be explored, but since it is aimed at the arts and education, its scope is forcibly hampered by the fact that not all researchers and art practitioners are necessarily teachers. However, since most of its underlying principles can be extended for non-teachers, thus arose the idea to propose a methodology that would retain ontological, epistemological and methodological assumptions, but would expand beyond the limitations imposed by the role of the teacher. This extension is called a/r/cography and is structured upon the interchangeable roles of artist, researcher and communicator, as being intrinsic to the underlying living inquiry processes. Furthermore, this proposal is supported by the author’s own experience from a/r/cographic processes in the creation, exhibition and communication of digital artworks.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Stable Photoinduced Separated Charge State in Viologen Halometallates: Some Key Parameters

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    With the aim to define key parameters causing the photochromic properties of (MV)[Bi2Cl8] and (MV)(4)[Bi6Cl26] (MV2+, methylviologen; 1,1-dimethyl-4,4-bipyridinium), the effects of substituting Bi by Sb, Cl by Br, or MV2+ by MOV2+ (1,1-dimethoxy-4,4-bipyridinium) or MeMOV2+ (1-methyl-1-methoxy-4,4-bipyridinium) on the photoinduced charge transfer properties of such viologen halometallates are explored. It appears that only salts containing chlorobismuthate anions undergo a color change upon UV irradiation and that the nature of viologen entities has a key role in the process. We also suggest that a key parameter for observing the stable photoinduced separated charge state in chlorobismuthate viologen hybrids is a high chloride/viologen ratio, rather than the size of the anionic oligomer, as observed in the previously reported unique series (MV)((2n+2)/2)[Bi2nCl8n+2]
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