2,555 research outputs found

    On three dimensional bosonization

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    We discuss Abelian and non-Abelian three dimensional bosonization within the path-integral framework. We present a systematic approach leading to the construction of the bosonic action which, together with the bosonization recipe for fermion currents, describes the original fermion system in terms of vector bosons.Comment: 15 pages, LaTe

    Gravitational Interactions of integrable models

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    We couple non-linear σ\sigma-models to Liouville gravity, showing that integrability properties of symmetric space models still hold for the matter sector. Using similar arguments for the fermionic counterpart, namely Gross--Neveu-type models, we verify that such conclusions must also hold for them, as recently suggested.Comment: 8 pages, final version to appear in Physics Letters B Revised version, with misprints corrected and some references adde

    Wess-Zumino-Witten and fermion models in noncommutative space

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    We analyze the connection between Wess-Zumino-Witten and free fermion models in two-dimensional noncommutative space. Starting from the computation of the determinant of the Dirac operator in a gauge field background, we derive the corresponding bosonization recipe studying, as an example, bosonization of the U(N) Thirring model. Concerning the properties of the noncommutative Wess-Zumino-Witten model, we construct an orbit-preserving transformation that maps the standard commutative WZW action into the noncommutative one.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figure. LaTex fil

    On the Electric Charge of Monopoles at Finite Temperature

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    We calculate the electric charge at finite temperature TT for non-Abelian monopoles in spontaneously broken gauge theories with a CP violating θ\theta-term. A careful treatment of dyon's gauge degrees of freedom shows that Witten formula for the dyon charge at T=0T=0, Q=e(nθ/2π) Q = e(n - \theta/2\pi) , remains valid at T0T \ne 0.Comment: 13 pages, latex file, no figure

    Knot polynomial invariants in classical Abelian Chern-Simons field theory

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    Kauffman knot polynomial invariants are discovered in classical abelian Chern-Simons field theory. A topological invariant tI(L)t^{I\left( \mathcal{L} \right) } is constructed for a link L\mathcal{L}, where II is the abelian Chern-Simons action and tt a formal constant. For oriented knotted vortex lines, tIt^{I} satisfies the skein relations of the Kauffman R-polynomial; for un-oriented knotted lines, tIt^{I} satisfies the skein relations of the Kauffman bracket polynomial. As an example the bracket polynomials of trefoil knots are computed, and the Jones polynomial is constructed from the bracket polynomial.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Finite size effects on measures of critical exponents in d=3 O(N) models

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    We study the critical properties of three-dimensional O(N) models, for N=2,3,4. Parameterizing the leading corrections-to-scaling for the η\eta exponent, we obtain a reliable infinite volume extrapolation, incompatible with previous Monte Carlo values, but in agreement with ϵ\epsilon-expansions. We also measure the critical exponent related with the tensorial magnetization as well as the ν\nu exponents and critical couplings.Comment: 12 pages, 2 postscript figure

    The random lattice as a regularization scheme

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    A semi-analytic method to compute the first coefficients of the renormalization group functions on a random lattice is introduced. It is used to show that the two-dimensional O(N)O(N) non-linear σ\sigma-model regularized on a random lattice has the correct continuum limit. A degree κ\kappa of ``randomness'' in the lattice is introduced and an estimate of the ratio Λrandom/Λregular\Lambda_{random}/\Lambda_{regular} for two rather opposite values of κ\kappa in the σ\sigma-model is also given. This ratio turns out to depend on κ\kappa.Comment: PostScript file. 22 pages. Revised and enlarged versio

    The flat phase of fixed-connectivity membranes

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    The statistical mechanics of flexible two-dimensional surfaces (membranes) appears in a wide variety of physical settings. In this talk we discuss the simplest case of fixed-connectivity surfaces. We first review the current theoretical understanding of the remarkable flat phase of such membranes. We then summarize the results of a recent large scale Monte Carlo simulation of the simplest conceivable discrete realization of this system \cite{BCFTA}. We verify the existence of long-range order, determine the associated critical exponents of the flat phase and compare the results to the predictions of various theoretical models.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. LaTeX w/epscrc2.sty, combined contribution of M. Falcioni and M. Bowick to LATTICE96(gravity), to appear in Nucl. Phys. B (proc. suppl.

    Diagonal deformations of thin center vortices and their stability in Yang-Mills theories

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    The importance of center vortices for the understanding of the confining properties of SU(N) Yang-Mills theories is well established in the lattice. However, in the continuum, there is a problem concerning the relevance of center vortex backgrounds. They display the so called Savvidy-Nielsen-Olesen instability, associated with a gyromagnetic ratio gm(b)=2g^{(b)}_m=2 for the off-diagonal gluons. In this work, we initially consider the usual definition of a {\it thin} center vortex and rewrite it in terms of a local color frame in SU(N) Yang-Mills theories. Then, we define a thick center vortex as a diagonal deformation of the thin object. Besides the usual thick background profile, this deformation also contains a frame defect coupled with gyromagnetic ratio gm(d)=1g^{(d)}_m=1, originated from the charged sector. As a consequence, the analysis of stability is modified. In particular, we point out that the defect should stabilize a vortex configuration formed by a pair of straight components separated by an appropriate finite distance.Comment: 20 pages, LaTe

    High-gradient operators in perturbed Wess-Zumino-Witten field theories in two dimensions

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    Many classes of non-linear sigma models (NLSMs) are known to contain composite operators with an arbitrary number 2s of derivatives ("high-gradient operators") which appear to become strongly relevant within RG calculations at one (or fixed higher) loop order, when the number 2s of derivatives becomes large. This occurs at many conventional fixed points of NLSMs which are perturbatively accessible within the usual epsilon-expansion in d=2+\epsilon dimensions. Since such operators are not prohibited from occurring in the action, they appear to threaten the very existence of such fixed points. At the same time, for NLSMs describing metal-insulator transitions of Anderson localization in electronic conductors, the strong RG-relevance of these operators has been previously related to statistical properties of the conductance of samples of large finite size ("conductance fluctuations"). In this paper, we analyze this question, not for perturbative RG treatments of NLSMs, but for 2d Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) models at level k, perturbatively in the current-current interaction of the Noether current. WZW models are special ("Principal Chiral") NLSMs on a Lie Group G with a WZW term at level k. In these models the role of high-gradient operators is played by homogeneous polynomials of order 2s in the Noether currents, whose scaling dimensions we analyze. For the Lie Supergroup G=GL(2N|2N) and k=1, this corresponds to time-reversal invariant problems of Anderson localization in the so-called chiral symmetry classes, and the strength of the current-current interaction, a measure of the strength of disorder, is known to be completely marginal (for any k). We find that all high-gradient (polynomial) operators are, to one loop order, irrelevant or relevant depending on the sign of that interaction.Comment: 22 page