30 research outputs found

    Prediction Of Beef Fatty Acid Composition Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy: Effects Of Tissue And Sample Preparations

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    International audienceThe aims of the study were to determine the best site of bovine carcass for predicting fatty acid (FA) composition using a NIRS (near infrared spectroscopy) portable equipment and to study the effect of different methods of sample preparation. 78 animals were sampled from different types and rearing systems. Seven tissues (Longissimus thoracis, Infraspinatus, Diaphragma, Rectus abdominis, shoulder subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT), intercostal SAT and intermuscular fat at the 5th rib) were measured after sampling and grinding in liquid nitrogen. The effect of samples preparation were measured on carcass (C0), muscle without grinding (B0), ground with a meat chopper (B1), ground with a knife mill (B2) on RA muscle. FA composition was assessed using gas chromatograph and the spectra were measured at wavelengths between 350 and 2500 nm. For adipose tissue, FA were not correctly predicted from NIRS. However, predictions were more satisfactory for the major FA (C16:0, C18:0, C18:1d9c), total saturated and monounsaturated FA of muscles. The results show a better prediction of FA composition concomitant with an increased gradient of sample homogenization. For other FA and especially polyunsaturated fatty acids, the performances were not satisfactory for quantitative purposes whatever the grinding method

    Nouvelles missions du pharmacien d'officine et bon usage des IPP (inhibiteurs de la pompe à protons) (élaboration d'un guide pratique de délivrance)

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    Les IPP sont très largement utilisés en raison de leur grande efficacité et de leur bonne tolérance. En France, les IPP font l'objet d'un important mésusage malgré des recommandations récentes. L'évaluation des prescriptions réalisée au sein d'un EHPAD et dans différentes officines montre que les indications, les dosages, les durées de traitement ou le moment de prise s'écartent fréquemment de différentes officines montre que les indications, les dosages, les durées de traitement ou le moment de prise s'écartent fréquemment de ces recommandations de bon usage. Ce mésusage expose les patients à de potentiels effets indésirables liés à une suppression acide prolongée (ostéoporose, fractures de hanche, infections digestives et pulmonaires). De plus, le remboursement de ces prescriptions injustifiées occasionne un surcoût pour l'assurance maladie. Dans ces conditions, le pharmacien a un rôle à jouer, d'autant plus que la profession est en pleine mutation avec l'attribution de nouvelles missions (éducation thérapeutique). Le guide d'aide à la délivrance favorise l'utilisation optimale des IPP.PPIs are widely used because of their high efficacy and good tolerance. In France, PPIs are subjected to significant misuse despite recommendations. The evaluation of prescription made in a nursing home and in pharmacies shows that indications, dosages, duration of treatment or time of administration deviate from these recommendations. This misuse exposes the patient to potential side effects associated with prolonged acid suppression (osteoporosis, hip fractures, digestive and lung infections, etc). In addition, the repayment of those unwarranted prescriptions cause an additional costs for health insurance.. Under those conditions and with his new missions, the pharmacist has a role to play, especially since the profession is changing with the award of its new missions, including patient education. The delivery guide book could help to the optimal use of this class of drugs and could help the pharmacist to fullfill his new missions.RENNES1-BU Santé (352382103) / SudocLYON1-BU Santé (693882101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Supplementation of the maternal diet with linolenic acid (C18:3 n-3) modifies piglet gut immune system education towards LPS

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    Objectives and Study: N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) have many beneficial health effects, especially in neonates. We recently demonstrated that supplementation of the maternal diet with alpha-linolenic acid (C18:3 n-3) increases intestinal permeability at the end of the suckling period in piglets1. Education of the gut immune system towards the colonizing microbiota, and particularly towards lipopolysaccharides (LPS) is intense during this period. We hypothesized that the increased intestinal permeability observed with maternal n-3 PUFA would lead to increased transepithelial passage of LPS and modification of the gut immune system education towards this bacterial component.Methods: Two groups of sows were fed either a flaxseed-based (n-3 group) or a sunflower oil-based diet (n-6 group) during gestation and lactation. Piglets suckled their dam until post-natal day (PND) 28 when they were weaned on a regular weaning diet. From PND 14 to 28, a sub-group of piglets in each litter received an anti-gram negative bacteria antibiotic per os daily. At PND28 and 52, FITC-labeled LPS passage across the jejunum was evaluated ex vivo in Ussing chambers. Cultures of jejunal explants were used to evaluate cytokine secretion in response to LPS. Mononuclear cells were also isolated from mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) and cultivated with LPS or concanavalin A.Results: At PND28, passage of FITC-LPS across the jejunum was increased in n-3 piglets (P<0.05), as well as in piglets receiving the antibiotic (P<0.05). Pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-8, TNF-α) secretion by jejunal explants was not altered by the maternal diet nor antibiotic administration. However, TNF-α secretion by MLN cells in response to LPS tended to be decreased in n-3 piglets (P=0.06) without modification of IL-10 or IFN-γ secretion. Antibiotic treatment tended to reduce this TNF-α secretion (P=0.08). Maternal diet effects were specific to LPS since no difference between groups was noticed in response to concanavalin A. Later in life (PND52), transepithelial passage of LPS was similar in both groups. TNF-α secretion by jejunal explants was reduced while IL-10 secretion by MLN cells was increased in response to LPS in n-3 piglets (P=0.01 and 0.04, respectively), irrespective of the antibiotic treatment during the suckling period.Conclusion: Supplementing the maternal diet with alpha linolenic acid during gestation and lactation orientated the gut immune system response to LPS towards an anti-inflammatory profile which lasted beyond the suckling period. This long-lasting anti-inflammatory response seems independent of microbiota composition during the suckling period

    Land cover discrimination from multitemporal ERS images and multispectral Landsat images: A study case in an agricultural area in France

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    International audienceMore and more remote sensing data corresponding to various wavelength domains is becoming available. Visible/infrared data were first used for land cover claissification. However, radar data are becoming more widely used for hydrological and agricultural applications. This paper discusses the performance, for land cover type discrimation, of an optical image acquisition and a multitemporal radar series. For the majority of land cover types existing within the test site (representative of northern European agricultural areas), both ERS multitemporal SAR and Landsat multispectral visible/infrared classifications lead to good results, with the latter being more robust. For better identification of cultures that are less represented, the complementarity of the two datasets may be exploited using an efficient data fusion algorithm based on the Dempster-Shafer evidence theory. The performance of this combination was verified on two successive vegetation cycles

    Influence du rapport des AGPI n-6/n-3 dans l'alimentation maternelle sur la réponse du système immunitaire intestinal du porcelet nouveau-nè au LPS bactérien

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    Influence du rapport des AGPI n-6/n-3 dans l'alimentation maternelle sur la réponse du système immunitaire intestinal du porcelet nouveau-nè au LPS bactérien. Congrès de la socièté de pédiatrie de l'Oues

    A mixture of milk and vegetable lipids in infant formula changes gut digestion, mucosal immunity and microbiota composition in neonatal piglets

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    The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00394-016-1329-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.International audiencePurpose : Although composition of infant formula has been significantly improved during the last decade, major differences with the composition and structure of breast milk still remain and might affect nutrient digestion and gut biology. We hypothesized that the incorporation of dairy fat in infant formulas could modify their physiological impacts by making their composition closer to that of human milk. The effect of milk fat and milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) fragments in infant formulas on gut digestion, mucosal immunity and microbiota composition was evaluated. Methods : Three formulas containing either (1) vegetable lipids stabilized only by proteins (V-P), (2) vegetable lipids stabilized by a mixture of proteins and MFGM fragments (V-M) and (3) a mixture of milk and vegetable lipids stabilized by a mixture of proteins and MFGM fragments (M-M) were automatically distributed to 42 newborn piglets until slaughter at postnatal day (PND) 7 or 28, and compared to a fourth group of sow’s suckling piglets (SM) used as a breast-fed reference. Results : At both PND, casein and β-lactoglobulin digestion was reduced in M-M proximal jejunum and ileum contents compared to V-P and V-M ones leading to more numerous β-Cn peptides in M-M contents. The IFNγ cytokine secretion of ConA-stimulated MLN cells from M-M piglets tended to be higher than in V-P ones at PND 7 and PND 28 and was closer to that of SM piglets. No dietary treatment effect was observed on IL-10 MLN cell secretion. Changes in faecal microbiota in M-M piglets resulted in an increase in Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes and a decrease in Firmicutes phyla compared to V-P ones. M-M piglets showed higher abundances of Parabacteroides, Escherichia/Shigella and Klebsiella genus. Conclusions : The incorporation of both milk fat and MFGM fragments in infant formula modifies protein digestion, the dynamic of the immune system maturation and the faecal microbiota composition

    Maternal 18:3n-3 favors piglet intestinal passage of LPS and promotes intestinal anti-inflammatory response to this bacterial ligand

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    International audienceWe recently observed that maternal 18:3n-3 increases piglet jejunal permeability. We hypothesized that this would favor intestinal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) passage and alter gut immune system education toward this bacterial ligand. Sows were fed 18:3n-3 or 18:2n-6 diets throughout gestation and lactation. In each litter, two piglets were given oral Gram-negative spectrum antibiotic from post-natal day (PND) 14 to 28. All piglets were weaned on a regular diet at PND28. 18:3n-3 piglets exhibited greater jejunal permeability to FITC-LPS at PND28. Levels of 18:3n-3 but neither 20:5n-3 nor 20:4n-6 were greater in mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) of 18:3n-3 piglets. Jejunal explant or MLN cell cytokine responses to LPS were not influenced by the maternal diet. Antibiotic increased jejunal permeability to FITC-LPS and lowered the level of 20:5n-3 in MLN, irrespective of the maternal diet. At PND52, no long-lasting effect of the maternal diet or antibiotic treatment on jejunal permeability was noticed. 18:3n-3 and 20:4n-6 levels were greater and lower, respectively, in MLN of 18:3n-3 compared to 18:2n-6 piglets. IL-10 production by MLN cells in response to LPS was greater in the 18:3n-3 group, irrespective of the neonatal antibiotic treatment. IL-8 secretion by jejunal explants in response to LPS was lower in antibiotic-treated 18:3n-3 compared to 18:2n-6 piglets. Finally, proportion of MHC class II(+) antigen-presenting cells was greater in 18:3n-3 than 18:2n-6 MLN cells. In conclusion, maternal 18:3n-3 directs the intestinal immune response to LPS toward an anti-inflammatory profile beyond the breastfeeding period; microbiota involvement seems dependent of the immune cells considered