360 research outputs found

    Localization of the human dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase gene (DLD) to 7q31→q32

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    The gene for human dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (DLD) has been localized to the long arm of chromosome 7, within bands q31→q32, by gel-blot hybridization analysis with DNA from a panel of somatic cell hybrids containing various portions of human chromosome 7.published_or_final_versio

    Refined localization of the asparagine synthetase gene (ASNS) to chromosome 7, region q21.3, and characterization of the somatic cell hybrid line 4AF/106/K015

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    We have mapped the asparagine synthetase gene (ASNS) to 7q21.3 by fluorescence in situ hybridization. While this study refined the localization of the gene, it also revealed a rearrangement in a somatic cell hybrid line which was used in previous ASNS mapping. Using additional probes from other regions of human chromosome 7, we showed that this cell line (4AF/106/KO15) contained a rearranged chromosome 7 in which a segment of the long arm was apparently duplicated and inserted into the short arm. Caution should be used therefore when interpreting data obtained from this cell line for gene mapping studies.published_or_final_versio

    Molecular definition of a narrow interval at 7q22.1 associated with myelodysplasia

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    Chromosome 7 translocations, deletions, or monosomy are associated with myelodysplasia (MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia both in children and adults. These chromosomal anomalies represent one of the most common cytogenetic abnormalities associated with these diseases and usually herald a poor prognosis. In this study two cosmid DNA probes that mapped to 7q22.1 and were known to be separated by approximately 500 kb were identified to flank the proximal inversion breakpoint in a patient carrying a constitutional inversion (7q22.1-34) associated with MDS. A yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clone that encompassed the two cosmids was identified and shown to span the breakpoint. Fluorescence in situ hybridization was then used to analyze six additional patients with myelodysplasia and chromosomal rearrangements of the 7q22 region (three patients had translocations and three carried deletions). The breakpoint in one of the patients was found to be contained within the same YAC clone that spanned the inversion breakpoint. Moreover, this same interval was determined to be absent in all three patients with chromosomal deletions. These results suggest that this segment of DNA on chromosome 7q22.1 may contain specific gene(s) that have a significant role in myeloid malignancies.link_to_OA_fulltex

    Molecular cytogenetic delineation of deletions and translocations involving chromosome band 7q22 in myeloid leukemias

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    Loss of chromosome 7 (-7) or deletion of its long arm (7q-) are recurring chromosome abnormalities in myeloid disorders, especially in therapy-related myelodysplastic syndrome (t-MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia (t-AML). The association of -7/7q- with myeloid leukemia suggests that these regions contain a novel tumor suppressor gene(s) whose loss of function contributes to leukemic transformation or tumor progression. Based on chromosome banding analysis, two critical regions have been identified: one in band 7q22 and a second in bands 7q32-q35. We analyzed bone marrow and blood samples from 21 patients with myeloid leukemia (chronic myeloid leukemia, n = 2; de novo MDS, n = 4; de novo AML, n = 13: t-AML, n = 2) that on chromosome banding analysis exhibited deletions (n = 19) or reciprocal translocations (n = 2) of band 7q22 using fluorescence in situ hybridization. As probes, we used Alu-polymerase chain reaction products from 22 yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones that span chromosome bends 7q21.1-q32, including representative clones from a panel of YACs recognizing a contiguous genomic DNA fragment of 5 to 6 Mb in band 7q22. In the 19 cases with deletions, we identified two distinct commonly deleted regions: one region within band 7q22 was defined by the two CML cases; the second region encompassed a distal part of band 7q22 and the entire band 7q31 and was defined by the MDS/AML cases. The breakpoint of one of the reciprocal translocations was mapped to 7q21.3, which is centromeric to both of the commonly deleted regions. The breakpoint of the second translocation, which was present in unstimulated bone marrow and phytohemagglutinin-stimulated blood of an MDS patient, was localized to a 400-kb genomic segment in 7q22 within the deletion cluster of the MDS/AML cases. In conclusion, our data show marked heterogeneity of 7q22 deletion and translocation breakpoints in myeloid leukemias, suggesting the existence of more than one pathogenetically relevant gene.link_to_OA_fulltex

    Generation and chromosome mapping of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from a human infant thymus

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    In an effort to identify novel genes that are expressed differentially in an infant thymus, we constructed an oligo-d(T) primed cDNA library from a human infant thymus followed by single-run partial sequencing to generate expressed sequence tags (ESTs). Characterization of more than 1400 sequences enabled us to convert human thymus transcripts into 1223 useful ESTs. These ESTs consisted of 613 (50.1%) showing homology to known human genes, 51 (4.2%) matching to genes from other species, 289 (23.6%) matching ESTs of unknown functions, and 182 (14.9%) being novel transcripts. The expression profile of an infant thymus features a high number of genes related to cell division-DNA synthesis and gene-protein expression, indicating the active growth stage of an infant thymus. To identify the chromosomal localization of 43 thymus ESTs, PCR-based mapping was performed using a human-rodent somatic cell hybrid or radiation hybrid mapping panel. The results indicated that several novel genes were determined to be located in the vicinity of previously mapped disease loci; histidinemia loci, plasminogen Tochigi disease loci, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, hypertriglyceridemia, thyroid resistance locus, ocular albinism, galactosemia, porphyria variegata, Charcot-Marie-tooth disease, FEOM (fibrosis of extraocular muscles), Prader-Willi syndrome.published_or_final_versio

    Molecular cytogenetic characterization of a critical region in bands 7q35-q36 commonly deleted in malignant myeloid disorders

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    Loss of chromosome 7 (-7) or deletion of the long arm (7q-) are recurring chromosome abnormalities in myeloid leukemias. The association of - 7/7q- with myeloid leukemia suggests that these regions contain novel tumor suppressor gene(s), whose loss of function contribute to leukemic transformation or tumor progression. Based on chromosome banding analysis, two critical regions have been identified, one in band q22 and another in bands q32-q35. Presently there are no data available on the molecular delineation of the distal critical region. In this study we analyzed bone marrow and blood samples from 13 patients with myeloid leukemia (de novo myelodysplastic syndrome [MDS], n=3; de novo acute myeloid leukemia [AML], n=9; therapy-related (t-) AML, n=1) which, on chromosome banding analysis, exhibited deletions (n=12) or in one case a balanced translocation involving bands 7q31-qter using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). As probes we used representative clones from a contig map of yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones that spans chromosome bands 7q31.1-qter. In the 12 cases with loss of 7q material, we identified a commonly deleted region of approximately 4 to 5 megabasepairs in size encompassing the distal part of 7q35 and the proximal part of 7q36. Furthermore, the breakpoint of the reciprocal translocation from the patient with t-AML was localized to a 1,300-kb sized YAC clone that maps to the proximal boundary of the commonly deleted region. Interestingly, in this case both homologs of chromosome 7 were affected: one was lost (-7) and the second exhibited the t(7q35). The identification and delineation of translocation and deletion breakpoints provides the first step toward the identification of the gene(s) involved in the pathogenesis of 7q35-q36 aberrations in myeloid disorders.link_to_OA_fulltex

    Smear plus Detect-TB for a sensitive diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis: a cost-effectiveness analysis in an incarcerated population

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    Background: Prison conditions can favor the spread of tuberculosis (TB). This study aimed to evaluate in a Brazilian prison: the performance and accuracy of smear, culture and Detect-TB; performance of smear plus culture and smear plus Detect-TB, according to different TB prevalence rates; and the cost-effectiveness of these procedures for pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) diagnosis. Methods: This paper describes a cost-effectiveness study. A decision analytic model was developed to estimate the costs and cost-effectiveness of five routine diagnostic procedures for diagnosis of PTB using sputum specimens: a) Smear alone, b) Culture alone, c) Detect-TB alone, d) Smear plus culture and e) Smear plus Detect-TB. The cost-effectiveness ratio of costs were evaluated per correctly diagnosed TB case and all procedures costs were attributed based on the procedure costs adopted by the Brazilian Public Health System. Results: A total of 294 spontaneous sputum specimens from patients suspected of having TB were analyzed. The sensibility and specificity were calculated to be 47% and 100% for smear; 93% and 100%, for culture; 74% and 95%, for Detect-TB; 96% and 100%, for smear plus culture; and 86% and 95%, for smear plus Detect-TB. The negative and positive predictive values for smear plus Detect-TB, according to different TB prevalence rates, ranged from 83 to 99% and 48 to 96%, respectively. In a cost-effectiveness analysis, smear was both less costly and less effective than the other strategies. Culture and smear plus culture were more effective but more costly than the other strategies. Smear plus Detect-TB was the most cost-effective method. Conclusions: The Detect-TB evinced to be sensitive and effective for the PTB diagnosis when applied with smear microscopy. Diagnostic methods should be improved to increase TB case detection. To support rational decisions about the implementation of such techniques, cost-effectiveness studies are essential, including in prisons, which are known for health care assessment problems

    Caveolin-1 and -2 in airway epithelium: expression and in situ association as detected by FRET-CLSM

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    BACKGROUND: Caveolae are involved in diverse cellular functions such as signal transduction, cholesterol homeostasis, endo- and transcytosis, and also may serve as entry sites for microorganisms. Hence, their occurrence in epithelium of the airways might be expected but, nonetheless, has not yet been examined. METHODS: Western blotting, real-time quantitative PCR analysis of abraded tracheal epithelium and laser-assisted microdissection combined with subsequent mRNA analysis were used to examine the expression of cav-1 and cav-2, two major caveolar coat proteins, in rat tracheal epithelium. Fluorescence immunohistochemistry was performed to locate caveolae and cav-1 and -2 in the airway epithelium of rats, mice and humans. Electron-microscopic analysis was used for the identification of caveolae. CLSM-FRET analysis determined the interaction of cav-1α and cav-2 in situ. RESULTS: Western blotting and laser-assisted microdissection identified protein and transcripts, respectively, of cav-1 and cav-2 in airway epithelium. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR analysis of abraded tracheal epithelium revealed a higher expression of cav-2 than of cav-1. Immunoreactivities for cav-1 and for cav-2 were co-localized in the cell membrane of the basal cells and basolaterally in the ciliated epithelial cells of large airways of rat and human. However, no labeling for cav-1 or cav-2 was observed in the epithelial cells of small bronchi. Using conventional double-labeling indirect immunofluorescence combined with CLSM-FRET analysis, we detected an association of cav-1α and -2 in epithelial cells. The presence of caveolae was confirmed by electron microscopy. In contrast to human and rat, cav-1-immunoreactivity and caveolae were confined to basal cells in mice. Epithelial caveolae were absent in cav-1-deficient mice, implicating a requirement of this caveolar protein in epithelial caveolae formation. CONCLUSION: These results show that caveolae and caveolins are integral membrane components in basal and ciliated epithelial cells, indicating a crucial role in these cell types. In addition to their physiological role, they may be involved in airway infection
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