49 research outputs found

    Influence of routine computed tomography on predicted survival from blunt thoracoabdominal trauma

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    Item does not contain fulltextINTRODUCTION: Many scoring systems have been proposed to predict the survival of trauma patients. This study was performed to evaluate the influence of routine thoracoabdominal computed tomography (CT) on the predicted survival according to the trauma injury severity score (TRISS). PATIENTS AND METHODS: 1,047 patients who had sustained a high-energy blunt trauma over a 3-year period were prospectively included in the study. All patients underwent physical examination, conventional radiography of the chest, thoracolumbar spine and pelvis, abdominal sonography, and routine thoracoabdominal CT. From this group with routine CT, we prospectively defined a selective CT (sub)group for cases with abnormal physical examination and/or conventional radiography and/or sonography. Type and extent of injuries were recorded for both the selective and the routine CT groups. Based on the injuries found by the two different CT algorithms, we calculated the injury severity scores (ISS) and predicted survivals according to the TRISS methodology for the routine and the selective CT algorithms. RESULTS: Based on injuries detected by the selective CT algorithm, the mean ISS was 14.6, resulting in a predicted mortality of 12.5%. Because additional injuries were found by the routine CT algorithm, the mean ISS increased to 16.9, resulting in a predicted mortality of 13.7%. The actual observed mortality was 5.4%. CONCLUSION: Routine thoracoabdominal CT in high-energy blunt trauma patients reveals more injuries than a selective CT algorithm, resulting in a higher ISS. According to the TRISS, this results in higher predicted mortalities. Observed mortality, however, was significantly lower than predicted. The predicted survival according to MTOS seems to underestimate the actual survival when routine CT is used

    The prevalence of schistosomiasis in school-aged children as an appropriate indicator of its prevalence in the community

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    School-aged children (6-15 years) from the endemic area of Pernambuco were evaluated both as a target group for and an indicator of schistosomiasis control in the community. Parasitological data were drawn from baseline stool surveys of whole populations that were obtained to diagnose Schistosoma mansoni infection. Nineteen representative localities were selected for assessing the prevalence of schistosomiasis among individuals in the following age groups: 0-5, 6-15, 16-25, 26-40 and 41-80 years. For each locality, the prevalence in each age group was compared to that of the overall population using contingency table analysis. To select a reference group, the operational difficulties of conducting residential surveys were considered. School-aged children may be considered to be the group of choice as the reference group for the overall population for the following reasons: (i) the prevalence of schistosomiasis in this age group had the highest correlation with the prevalence in the overall population (r = 0.967), (ii) this age group is particularly vulnerable to infection and plays an important role in parasite transmission and (iii) school-aged children are the main target of the World Health Organization in terms of helminth control. The Schistosomiasis Control Program should consider school-aged children both as a reference group for assessing the need for intervention at the community level and as a target group for integrated health care actions of the Unified Health System that are focused on high-risk groups

    Willpower and Conscious Percept: Volitional Switching in Binocular Rivalry

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    When dissimilar images are presented to the left and right eyes, awareness switches spontaneously between the two images, such that one of the images is suppressed from awareness while the other is perceptually dominant. For over 170 years, it has been accepted that even though the periods of dominance are subject to attentional processes, we have no inherent control over perceptual switching. Here, we revisit this issue in response to evidence that top-down attention can target perceptually suppressed ‘vision for action’ representations in the dorsal stream. We investigated volitional control over rivalry between apparent motion (AM), drifting (DM) and stationary (ST) grating pairs. Observers demonstrated a remarkable ability to generate intentional switches in the AM and D conditions, but not in the ST condition. Corresponding switches in the pursuit direction of optokinetic nystagmus verified this finding objectively. We showed it is unlikely that intentional perceptual switches were triggered by saccadic eye movements, because their frequency was reduced substantially in the volitional condition and did not change around the time of perceptual switches. Hence, we propose that synergy between dorsal and ventral stream representations provides the missing link in establishing volitional control over rivalrous conscious percepts

    Incremental grouping of image elements in vision

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    One important task for the visual system is to group image elements that belong to an object and to segregate them from other objects and the background. We here present an incremental grouping theory (IGT) that addresses the role of object-based attention in perceptual grouping at a psychological level and, at the same time, outlines the mechanisms for grouping at the neurophysiological level. The IGT proposes that there are two processes for perceptual grouping. The first process is base grouping and relies on neurons that are tuned to feature conjunctions. Base grouping is fast and occurs in parallel across the visual scene, but not all possible feature conjunctions can be coded as base groupings. If there are no neurons tuned to the relevant feature conjunctions, a second process called incremental grouping comes into play. Incremental grouping is a time-consuming and capacity-limited process that requires the gradual spread of enhanced neuronal activity across the representation of an object in the visual cortex. The spread of enhanced neuronal activity corresponds to the labeling of image elements with object-based attention

    Information use and plasticity in the reproductive decisions of malaria parasites

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    BACKGROUND: Investment in the production of transmissible stages (gametocytes) and their sex ratio are malaria parasite traits that underpin mosquito infectivity and are therefore central to epidemiology. Malaria parasites adjust their levels of investment into gametocytes and sex ratio in response to changes in the in-host environment (including red blood cell resource availability, host immune responses, competition from con-specific genotypes in mixed infections, and drug treatment). This plasticity appears to be adaptive (strategic) because parasites prioritize investment (in sexual versus asexual stages and male versus female stages) in manners predicted to maximize fitness. However, the information, or ‘cues’ that parasites use to detect environmental changes and make appropriate decisions about investment into gametocytes and their sex ratio are unknown. METHODS: Single genotype Plasmodium chabaudi infections were exposed to ‘cue’ treatments consisting of intact or lysed uninfected red blood cells, lysed parasitized RBCs of the same clone or an unrelated clone, and an unmanipulated control. Infection dynamics (proportion of reticulocytes, red blood cell and asexual stage parasite densities) were monitored, and changes in gametocyte investment and sex ratio in response to cue treatments, applied either pre- or post-peak of infection were examined. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: A significant reduction in gametocyte density was observed in response to the presence of lysed parasite material and a borderline significant increase in sex ratio (proportion of male gametocytes) upon exposure to lysed red blood cells (both uninfected and infected) was observed. Furthermore, the changes in gametocyte density and sex ratio in response to these cues depend on the age of infection. Demonstrating that variation in gametocyte investment and sex ratio observed during infections are a result of parasite strategies (rather than the footprint of host physiology), provides a foundation to investigate the fitness consequences of plasticity and explore whether drugs could be developed to trick parasites into making suboptimal decisions

    Orientação sobre o uso de vitamina A na saúde escolar: comparação de técnicas pedagógicas Orientation on the use of vitamin A in school health: comparision of pedagogical techniques

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    O trabalho tem por objetivo comparar a eficácia de técnicas de ensino em motivar a criança em assimilar a importância dos alimentos ricos em vitamina A, e as conseqüências da falta desses nutrientes para o organismo. Foi elaborado material didático com 2 técnicas pedagógicas: uma baseada em um texto de conotação literária e outra, em teatro de fantoches. O estudo foi desenvolvido com alunos da 3ª série do ciclo básico da Escola Municipal Orlando Paulino da Costa, na zona rural de Alfenas, através da aplicação de questionários. Os resultados demonstraram que as técnicas pedagógicas empregadas promoveram aprendizagem de conceitos em relação à vitamina A e incentivo para o consumo de alimentos ricos nesses nutrientes. Não se verificaram diferenças significativas entre as técnicas pedagógicas (Teste de Comparação das Proporções, com p<0,05), uma vez que ambas utilizam os mesmos princípios metodológicos. Concluímos que a aplicação de métodos lúdicos é um incentivador para a reeducação alimentar. Propõe-se, então, o uso desses recursos nas escolas para a aprendizagem de conteúdos de saúde e alimentação.<br>Compare the efficiency teaching techniques with respect to their ability to motivate children in the assimilation of the importance of foods rich in vitamin A and the consequences of the absence of these nutrients for the organism. A didactic material comprising two pedagogical techniques was drawn up: one was based on a text with literary connotation and the other with theater marionettes. The study was developed by third grade students in an elementary school - Escola Municipal Orlando Paulino da Costa (local governement school) - located in the rural area of Alfenas, Minas Gerais, by applying questionnaires. Results demonstrated that the pedagogical techniques used provided learning of concepts related to vitamin A and that they incentivated the consumption of food products containing this vitamin. No significant differences were detected between the pedagogical techniques (Proportion Comparison Test, with p< 0.05), since they both make the use of the same methodological principles. We conclude that the application of playing methods was a stimulus to nourishing education. Thus, we propose to use these resources in schools so that children can learn health and nourishment issues