15,599 research outputs found

    Device for measuring the temperature of liquid and gaseous hydrogen Final report

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    Fabrication and test data cryogenic temperature transducer extremely fast in response to temperature changes - device for measuring temperature of liquid and gaseous hydroge

    Program to design, fabricate, test, and deliver a thermal control-mixing control device for the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center

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    The development and testing of a temperature sensor and pulse duration modulation (PDM) diverter valve for a thermal control-mixing control device are described. The temperature sensor selected for use uses a fluidic pin amplifier in conjunction with an expansion device. This device can sense changes of less than 0.25 F with greater than 15:1 signal to noise ratio when operating with a typical Freon pump supplied pressure. The pressure sensitivity of the sensor is approximately 0.0019 F/kPa. The valve which was selected was tested and performed with 100% flow diversion. In addition, the valve operates with a flow efficiency of at least 95%, with the possibility of attaining 100% if the vent flow of the PDM can be channeled through the last stage of the diverter valve. A temperature sensor which utilized an orifice bridge circuit and proportional-vortex combination mixing valve were also evaluated, but the concepts were rejected due to various problems

    Validity of adiabaticity in Cavity QED

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    This paper deals with the concept of adiabaticity for fully quantum mechanically cavity QED models. The physically interesting cases of Gaussian and standing wave shapes of the cavity mode are considered. An analytical approximate measure for adiabaticity is given and compared with numerical wave packet simulations. Good agreement is obtained where the approximations are expected to be valid. Usually for cavity QED systems, the large atom-field detuning case is considered as the adiabatic limit. We, however, show that adiabaticity is also valid, for the Gaussian mode shape, in the opposite limit. Effective semiclassical time dependent models, which do not take into account the shape of the wave packet, are derived. Corrections to such an effective theory, which are purely quantum mechanical, are discussed. It is shown that many of the results presented can be applied to time dependent two-level systems.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Determination of the zeta potential for highly charged colloidal suspensions

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    We compute the electrostatic potential at the surface, or zeta potential ζ\zeta, of a charged particle embedded in a colloidal suspension using a hybrid mesoscopic model. We show that for weakly perturbing electric fields, the value of ζ\zeta obtained at steady state during electrophoresis is statistically indistinguishable from ζ\zeta in thermodynamic equilibrium. We quantify the effect of counterions concentration on ζ\zeta. We also evaluate the relevance of the lattice resolution for the calculation of ζ\zeta and discuss how to identify the effective electrostatic radius.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures with 2 panel

    The role of accretion disks in the formation of massive stars

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    We present radiation hydrodynamics simulations of the collapse of massive pre-stellar cores. We treat frequency dependent radiative feedback from stellar evolution and accretion luminosity at a numerical resolution down to 1.27 AU. In the 2D approximation of axially symmetric simulations, it is possible for the first time to simulate the whole accretion phase of several 10^5 yr for the forming massive star and to perform a comprehensive scan of the parameter space. Our simulation series show evidently the necessity to incorporate the dust sublimation front to preserve the high shielding property of massive accretion disks. Our disk accretion models show a persistent high anisotropy of the corresponding thermal radiation field, yielding to the growth of the highest-mass stars ever formed in multi-dimensional radiation hydrodynamics simulations. Non-axially symmetric effects are not necessary to sustain accretion. The radiation pressure launches a stable bipolar outflow, which grows in angle with time as presumed from observations. For an initial mass of the pre-stellar host core of 60, 120, 240, and 480 Msol the masses of the final stars formed in our simulations add up to 28.2, 56.5, 92.6, and at least 137.2 Msol respectively.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Computational Star Formation Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 270, 2010, Ed.: J. Alves, B. Elmegreen, J. Girart & V. Trimbl

    Population polygons of tektite specific gravity for various localities in australasia

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    Comparison of specific gravity of tektites from australia, asia, texas, and czechoslovaki

    Groundwater geology of DeWitt, Piatt, and northern Macon Counties, Illinois

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    Contract report prepared for the Mahomet Valley Water AuthorityOpe

    Growth of Perturbation in Gravitational Collapse and Accretion

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    When a self-gravitating spherical gas cloud collapses or accretes onto a central mass, the inner region of the cloud develops a density profile ρr3/2\rho\propto r^{-3/2} and the velocity approaches free-fall. We show that in this region, nonspherical perturbations grow with decreasing radius. In the linear regime, the tangential velocity perturbation increases as r1r^{-1}, while the Lagrangian density perturbation, Δρ/ρ\Delta\rho/\rho, grows as r1/2r^{-1/2}. Faster growth occurs if the central collapsed object maintains a finite multiple moment, in which case Δρ/ρ\Delta\rho/\rho increases as rlr^{-l}, where ll specifies the angular degree of the perturbation. These scaling relations are different from those obtained for the collapse of a homogeneous cloud. Our numerical calculations indicate that nonspherical perturbations are damped in the subsonic region, and that they grow and approach the asymptotic scalings in the supersonic region. The implications of our results to asymmetric supernova collapse and to black hole accretion are briefly discussed.Comment: 23 pages including 6 ps figures; Minor changes and update; To appear in ApJ, 200

    Bridging length and time scales in sheared demixing systems: from the Cahn-Hilliard to the Doi-Ohta model

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    We develop a systematic coarse-graining procedure which establishes the connection between models of mixtures of immiscible fluids at different length and time scales. We start from the Cahn-Hilliard model of spinodal decomposition in a binary fluid mixture under flow from which we derive the coarse-grained description. The crucial step in this procedure is to identify the relevant coarse-grained variables and find the appropriate mapping which expresses them in terms of the more microscopic variables. In order to capture the physics of the Doi-Ohta level, we introduce the interfacial width as an additional variable at that level. In this way, we account for the stretching of the interface under flow and derive analytically the convective behavior of the relevant coarse-grained variables, which in the long wavelength limit recovers the familiar phenomenological Doi-Ohta model. In addition, we obtain the expression for the interfacial tension in terms of the Cahn-Hilliard parameters as a direct result of the developed coarse-graining procedure. Finally, by analyzing the numerical results obtained from the simulations on the Cahn-Hilliard level, we discuss that dissipative processes at the Doi-Ohta level are of the same origin as in the Cahn-Hilliard model. The way to estimate the interface relaxation times of the Doi-Ohta model from the underlying morphology dynamics simulated at the Cahn-Hilliard level is established.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Expansion of W 3(OH)

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    A direct measurement of the expansion of W 3(OH) is made by comparing Very Large Array images taken about 10 yr apart. The expansion is anisotropic with a typical speed of 3 to 5 km/s, indicating a dynamical age of only 2300 yr. These observations are inconsistent with either the freely expanding shell model or a simple bow shock model. The most favored model is a slowly expanding shell-like HII region, with either a fast rarefied flow or another less massive diffuse ionized region moving towards the observer. There is also a rapidly evolving source near the projected center of emission, perhaps related to the central star.Comment: LaTeX file, 28 pages, includes 8 figures. To appear in ApJ in December 10 (1998) issue. Also available at http://www.submm.caltech.edu/~kawamura/w3oh_pp.p