61 research outputs found

    Exploring the Potential of Web 2.0 Technologies for Teaching Second/Foreign Language Writing in Higher Education

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    The emergence and rapid evolution of Web 2.0 technologies have resulted in their ever-growing use in education. Their communicative, participatory and interactive features have been recognised as pedagogically useful for teaching second/foreign languages, writing in particular. This literaturebased study therefore explores plentiful and continually proliferating research on the potential of Web 2.0 technologies for teaching second/foreign language writing in higher education. To examine the potential of Web 2.0 technologies for teaching second/foreign language writing and answer the research question, 73 research articles were reviewed. Their data were analysed in terms of the effect technology made on students’ writing abilities, namely their linguistic and pragmatic competences. The findings generally confirm the effectiveness of Web 2.0 technologies to improve the quality of students’ writing and enhance their linguistic and pragmatic competences. Drawing on Web 2.0 affordances, teachers are able to create an authentic and interactive learning environment for students to practice and improve their writing skills

    Configurations of Corporation’s Capitals

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    The paper describes a new campaign to solve an actual problem concerning the formation of the capitals’ corporation configuration (capitallogramms). The formation of capitallogramms, consisting of a core, fringe and capital in its internal space, is considered to be one of the areas of introduction of the corporation management capacity into the solution of the corporation’s problem. The hypothesis of the study is that the configuration of the corporation’s capitals may be designed by analogy with the structure of the corporation, the functioning and development of which is determined by means of interaction between its real and fictitious capital defined by the intellectual human capital, the nature of power, a content of mechanisms of the property inclusion into the reproduction process and harmonization of interests of the subjects of corporate relations. The paper gives the author’s definition of a new term "capitallogramm". The feature of the proposed structure of the corporation’s capitals is the formation in some configurations of capitals (capitallogramms) which are the "grids" consisting of a "core", a "fringe" of capitals or framing a "core". It also offers operations of a synthesis or a configuring of capitals’ elements and on the whole over capitals, resulting in the capitallogramms’ formation. The paper has considered a graphical representation of the capitals’ configuration in the form of a modified enneagram. It has brought forth the problems concerning the capitallogramms’ formation in the inner space of the corporation. The human capital, which has the ability to be self-expanding value, has the leading role in such combinations creation. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5s3p31

    The systems-activity concept of innovation – the imperative for sustainable social programming of a solidarity society

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    Historically, scientific and technological progress has determined the emergence and continuous development of forms of its social organization, objectively forming the images of solidarity society corresponding to these forms. It is argued that the main social phenomenon accompanying scientific and technological progress is innovation, and it is hypothesized that this concept can be based on the ontological concept of innovation. On the basis of well-known methods of ontological research, the method of dialectic-systemic construction of innovation as a system of unitary social activity which generates new opportunities of social development leading to growth of social quality of the solidarity society is proposed. The system-activity concept of innovation is substantiated and its invariant conceptual structure, which is defined as the unity of two innovative structures: the phenomenon of innovation and the manifestation of innovation, which determine the organization and management of innovation, is constructed. The proposed concept of innovation can only be the imperative of sustainable social programming of a solidarity society, which provides a method of dialectical-systemological construction of innovation that allows detailing the original invariant conceptual structure for each specific image of a solidarity society due to a particular stage of scientific and technological progress

    Вытеснение сложностей: как конструируются сексуальные проблемы и вытесняются глубокие травмы

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    В настоящей работе процесс вытеснения травматических воспоминаний и формирование на этой почве невротического конфликта, проявляющего себя в виде различных симптомов, в том числе проблем сексуального характер

    Продвижение телевизионного шоу «Голос» с помощью новых медиа

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    Использование социальных сетей и мобильных технологий в качестве второго экрана для продвижения телевизинного шоу "Голос"


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    In the article from a position of change and transformation the key role of regions in economy of Russia under the influence of a range of complex global economic processes that led to the growth of the subjective status of regional economic systems, as a system of parts of national reproduction. Discusses the relevance of problems of development of regional economic system from a position of strategizing sector of the knowledge economy and the need to develop large scale scientific problems of formation of knowledge economy. Formulated research hypothesis. Highlights the key contradictions of development of economy of knowledge and opportunities of strategizing the development of regional economy in modern Russia. The proposed ontological interpretation of the concept of "strategizing". Strategizing is seen as a volume management process, including integrated procedures for the implementation of the trajectory of socio-economic system and the adaptive system correction of the logic function definition of the post-industrial transformation (development of knowledge economy


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    The deep technological changes, update the key competences of the human factor, the related organizational and institutional changes represent the change way of economic life, resulting in the emergence of new functions of strategy development process, the study of which is repelled by the results of the development of the basic functions of strategic management, as well as takes into account the problems and contradictions of the development of regional economies, as disclosed in the current scientific literature. The article deals with the problems of strategy development of regional economic systems in the conditions of the acceleration of postindustrial transformation. The article highlights the imperatives behind switching to strategic planning and management at the regional and local levels in the market. Presented regional strategy neoindustrialization as the quintessence of regional policy for one of the regions of the country – Krasnodar region. The strengths and the weaknesses of the regional economy were analyzed and identified, some problems that prevent the region from reaching a new stage of development, offered ways of their solution

    Mechanisms of transformation of competitive advantages of the innovation ecosystem of the university of competitiveness of small innovative enterprises

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    The article deals with the solution of the actual problem of management of competitive advantages of the innovation ecosystem of the University and the mechanisms of their transformation into the competitiveness of small enterprises in the regional market of innovative products. The mechanisms of such transformation include the тstrong service conditions that the environment system creates for the IESU and that enhance the competitive advantages of small innovative enterprises created to commercialize the results of innovation. Among the strong conditions is the proposed set of service organizational, marketing, financial, network and human resources mechanisms