3,077 research outputs found

    Unmarkt, Unknown : The Return of the Expressed in Paradise Regained

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    World-Wide Shakespeares: Local Appropriations in Film and Performance. [Review]

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    World-Wide Shakespeares: Local Appropriations in Film and Performance. Edited by Sonia Massai. Abingdon, UK, and New York: Routledge, 2005. Pp. xiv + 199. 110cloth,110 cloth, 34.95 paper. Reviewed by Douglas M. Lanie

    CD28 interaction with B7 costimulates primary allogeneic proliferative responses and cytotoxicity mediated by small, resting T lymphocytes.

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    Engagement of the CD3/T cell antigen receptor complex on small, resting T cells is insufficient to trigger cell-mediated cytotoxicity or to induce a proliferative response. In the present study, we have used genetic transfection to demonstrate that interaction of the B7-BB1 B cell activation antigen with the CD28 T cell differentiation antigen costimulates cell-mediated cytotoxicity and proliferation initiated by either anti-CD2 or anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (mAb). Moreover, a B7-negative Burkitt's lymphoma cell line that fails to stimulate an allogeneic mixed lymphocyte response is rendered a potent stimulator after transfection with B7. The mixed leukocyte reaction proliferative response against the B7 transfectant is inhibited by either anti-CD28 or B7 mAb. We also demonstrate that freshly isolated small, resting human T cells can mediate anti-CD3 or anti-CD2 mAb-redirected cytotoxicity against a murine Fc receptor-bearing mastocytoma transfected with human B7. These preexisting cytotoxic T lymphocytes in peripheral blood are present in both the CD4 and CD8 subsets, but are preferentially within the CD45RO+ "memory" population. While small, resting T cells apparently require costimulation by CD28/B7 interactions, this requirement is lost after T cell activation. Anti-CD3 initiates a cytotoxic response mediated by in vitro cultured T cell clones in the absence of B7 ligand. The existence of functional cytolytic T cells in the small, resting T cell population may be advantageous in facilitating rapid responses to immune challenge

    CARMIL family proteins as multidomain regulators of actin-based motility

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    CARMILs are large multidomain proteins that regulate the actin-binding activity of capping protein (CP), a major capper of actin filament barbed ends in cells. CARMILs bind directly to CP and induce a conformational change that allosterically decreases but does not abolish its actin-capping activity. The CP-binding domain of CARMIL consists of the CP-interaction (CPI) and CARMIL-specific interaction (CSI) motifs, which are arranged in tandem. Many cellular functions of CARMILs require the interaction with CP; however, a more surprising result is that the cellular function of CP in cells appears to require binding to a CARMIL or another protein with a CPI motif, suggesting that CPI-motif proteins target CP and modulate its actin-capping activity. Vertebrates have three highly conserved genes and expressed isoforms of CARMIL with distinct and overlapping localizations and functions in cells. Various domains of these CARMIL isoforms interact with plasma membranes, vimentin intermediate filaments, SH3-containing class I myosins, the dual-GEF Trio, and other adaptors and signaling molecules. These biochemical properties suggest that CARMILs play a variety of membrane-associated functions related to actin assembly and signaling. CARMIL mutations and variants have been implicated in several human diseases. We focus on roles for CARMILs in signaling in addition to their function as regulators of CP and actin. </jats:p

    Computer Program for Assessing the Economic Feasibility of Solar Energy for Single Family Residences and Light Commercial Applications

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    Computer program, SHCOST, was used to perform economic analyses of operational test sites. The program allows consideration of the economic parameters which are important to the solar system user. A life cycle cost and cash flow comparison is made between a solar heating system and a conventional system. The program assists in sizing the solar heating system. A sensitivity study and plot capability allow the user to select the most cost effective system configuration

    Consistency of Consumer Valuation Under Different Information Sets: An Experimental Auction with Sweet Potatoes

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    We used a controlled, uniform 5th-price auction to elicit values for sweet potatoes—both when location is known and unknown, and before and after tasting and providing health information. Significant differences were found between pre- and post-consumption valuations and also found that there were significant effects for location of origin and health information. Interestingly, we also find that location of origin not only affects the level of bids, but also the marginal differences in bids between different potatoes. Overall, however, these results suggest little consistency in bid values across information sets, suggesting that attempting to elicit values of attributes in isolation may lead to erroneous results.Consumer/Household Economics, Demand and Price Analysis,

    The Impacts of Taste, Location of Origin, and Health Information on Market Demand for Sweet Potatoes

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    Location of product origin is an often-used marketing device by retailers. This approach is based on the assumption that location of origin signals something to consumers about the underlying quality (or other attributes) of the product. This can be an effective strategy if the signal matches the consumer valuation of the product after consumption. In the same vein, health advertising is used to increase demand for a product that exhibits "healthy" dietary attributes. While there have been numerous studies examining the potential impacts of these attributes on demand, there have been few rigorous studies that examine the consistency of consumer valuations of location of origin before and after they have actually consumed the product (or before and after health advertising). Results show that knowledge of location of origin of sweet potatoes does have an impact on consumer valuation. It was also found that both the information from the taste attribute (experience) and the health attribute (credence) played a significant role in participant valuation.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,


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    There have been few studies that examine valuations of location of origin before and after consumers have consumed the product (or health advertising). Results of non-hypothetical experiments show that knowledge of origin does have an impact on valuation as well as the taste attribute (experience) and the health attribute (credence).Consumer/Household Economics,
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