12 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of poultry meal on weight gain and carcass yield, under a housing system. 30 Swiss x Zebu steers were used, with an approximate weight of 353 kg, which were assigned under a completely randomized design in three treatments. T1 (control) concentrate without poultry meal; T2 concentrate + 30% poultry meal and T3 concentrate + 35% poultry meal. The composition of the concentrate was based on ground sorghum, maize grain, wheat bran, ground mineral salt bale with 18% crude protein and 70% TDN. A significant effect (p ≤ 0.05) on the percentage of carcass weight of 53.0 was observed; 59.5 and 58.8% for T1, T2 and T3, respectively. The results indicate that supplementation based poultry meal 35% promoted greater yield in feedlot steers

    Novel anticancer PdII complexes: The effect of the conjugation of transferrin binding peptide and the nature of halogen coordinated on antitumor activity

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    A series of PdII complexes with bis-(2-pyridylmethyl)glycine as a ligand of formula [PdX(bis-(2-pyridylmethyl)glycine)] where X = Cl, Br, I were prepared and the effect of the halogen nature in the antitumor activity of eight tumorigenic and one non-tumorigenic cell line was evaluated. The chloride derivative was further functionalized with a transferrin receptor binding peptide, generating the first PdII based metallopeptide. Its antitumor activity was also evaluated. However, among all the complexes, the chloride and iodine parent compounds showed the lowest GI50 values in the panel evaluated, and lowest GI50 than cisplatin in several cell lines. In contrast, the bromine derivative showed higher values of GI50 than chloride and iodine (around 30 – 50 μM). The same trend was observed for the bovine serum albumin binding constant with higher values for iodine, chlorine, and bromine in this order. In aqueous solution, the chloride is exchanged by water while the bromine and iodine are not. DNA was evaluated as a target and showed no significative interaction for all the compounds. The results suggest sulfur-rich proteins and not DNA as a target. This report represents the first PdII metallopeptide reported, its evaluation in solution and antitumor activity. This work opens the possibilities for further functionalization of PdII complexes and the importance of the halogen coordination in the design of novel metallodrugs199CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP140384/2016-2; 406444/2018-80012016/07729-4; 2017/12719-0; 2018/13588-0We would like to thank Professor Ana Maria Ferreira da Costa for the elemental analysis. This work was financially supported by São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) processes 2016/07729-4, 2017/12719-0 and 2018/13588-0 and National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) grant no. 140384/2016-2 and 406444/2018-8 and partially supported by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 00

    Sistemas de inseminação artificial em dois dias com observação de estro ou em tempo fixo para vacas de corte amamentando Artificial insemination systems within two days of estrus detection or at fixed time for suckled beef cows

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    O objetivo do presente experimento foi investigar se a realização exclusiva da inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF), empregando como indutor da ovulação o benzoato de estradiol (BE), proporciona taxas de prenhez semelhantes a uma associação de IA convencional e IATF com GnRH, em vacas de corte no pós-parto. Duzentos e cinqüenta vacas amamentado receberam um pessário vaginal contendo 250mg de acetato de medroxi-progesterona (MAP) e uma injeção intramuscular (IM) de 5mg de BE no dia 0. O pessário vaginal permaneceu por sete dias. No dia 6, foram aplicadas 400UI de gonadotrofina coriônica eqüina por via IM e 5mg de análogo de prostaglandina na submucosa vulvar, realizando nesse momento o desmame por 96h. Após a retirada dos pessários (dia 7), as vacas foram distribuídas em dois grupos. No grupo BioRep (n=150), as fêmeas foram observadas duas vezes por dia para detecção de estro por 48h e inseminadas 12h após sua manifestação. Os animais que não manifestaram estro nesse período receberam uma injeção IM de 100mg de GnRH, sendo submetidas à IATF, 16 a 18h após. No grupo BE (n=100), as vacas receberam uma injeção de 1mg de BE IM no dia 8 e foram inseminadas em tempo fixo no dia 9. A porcentagem de prenhez no grupo BioRep (54,7%) foi maior (P<0,01) do que no grupo BE (33,3%). Em vaca amamentando, a observação de estro por dois dias associada à IATF, utilizando GnRH para induzir a ovulação, proporcionou taxas de prenhez superiores ao uso exclusivo de IATF com BE.<br>This experiment was aimed at comparing two estrus induction protocols for cows in post partum period, using either GnRH and two-day artificial insemination (AI) or estradiol benzoate (EB) and fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI). A total of 250 suckled beef cows received a vaginal device containing 250mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) and an injection of 5mg of EB intramuscularly (IM) on day 0. The vaginal device was removed on day 7. On day 6, cows were injected with 400IU eCG (IM) and 5mg prostaglandin analog (into vulvar submucosa) and calves were removed for 96 hours (h). After removing the vaginal devices (day 7), cows were divided in two groups. In the BioRep group (n=150), estrus detection was carried out twice a day during 48h and the animals were inseminated 12h after detection. Cows which were not detected in estrus received 100mg of GnRH IM and were inseminated 16 to 18h later. In EB group, cows were injected IM with 1mg of EB on day 8 and were inseminated on day 9 without estrus detection. The pregnancy rate was higher (P<0.01) in the BioRep group (54.7%) than in the EB group (33.3%). In suckled cows, two days of estrus detection associated to fixed-time insemination using GnRH to induce ovulation allowed the attainment of higher pregnancies rates than exclusively TAI using EB

    Digestibilidade e metabólitos sanguíneos de vacas da raça Holandesa superovuladas que receberam Lac100® ou linhaça em grão como fontes de gordura Digestibility and blood concentration of metabolites in superovulated dairy cows fed Lac100® or linseed as fat sources

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    Foram avaliados os efeitos de duas fontes de gordura, Lac100® (Yakult), fonte de ácido graxo ômega-6, e linhaça em grão (Linum usitatissimum) (LIN), fonte de ácido graxo ômega-3, sobre a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca (DMS), proteína bruta (DPB), fibra em detergente neutro (DFDN), fibra em detergente ácido (DFDA) e extrato etéreo (DEE), e concentrações sanguíneas de HDL, LDL, VLDL, colesterol, triglicerídeos, glicose, cálcio, fósforo, N-ureico e progesterona. Foram utilizadas 10 vacas da raça Holandesa em lactação, distribuídas nos dois tratamentos, em um delineamento estatístico inteiramente casualizado. Os animais alimentados com Lac100® apresentaram maiores valores de DFDN (57,44% vs. 50,80%) e DEE (77,70% vs. 72,18%) quando comparados aos alimentados com LIN. Os animais alimentados com Lac100® apresentaram maiores concentrações de LDL (111,00 vs. 45,46mg/dL), HDL (82,27 vs. 64,93mg/dL) e colesterol total (203,60 vs. 116,13mg/dL) e menor concentração de N-ureico (13,22 vs. 15,19mg/dL) em relação aos animais alimentados com linhaça em grão. As concentrações sanguíneas de glicose, cálcio, fósforo e progesterona não foram alteradas. Os resultados sugerem que a fonte de gordura na dieta modifica a DFDN e a DEE e, as concentrações sanguíneas de LDL, HDL e colesterol total em vacas em lactação.<br>The effect of two sources of fat, calcium salts of soybean oil, Lac100® (Yakult), a source of omega-6 fatty acids or whole flaxseed (Linum usitatissiumum), a source of omega-3 fatty acids were evaluated to determine the apparent digestibility of dry matter (DDM), crude protein (DCP), neutral detergent fiber (DNDF), acid detergent fiber (DADF), and ether extract (DEE); and blood concentrations of HDL, LDL, VLDL, cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, calcium, phosphorus, N-urea, and progesterone. Ten lactating Holstein cows were allocated in two treatments and a completely randomized design was used. Cows fed Lac100® had higher values of DNDF (57.44% vs. 50.80%) and DEE (77.70% vs. 72.18%) compared to those fed flaxseed. Cows fed Lac100® had higher blood concentrations of LDL (111.00 vs. 45.46mg/dL), HDL (82.27 vs. 64.93mg/dL), and total cholesterol (203.60 vs. 116.13mg/dL) and lower N-urea (13.22 vs. 15.19mg/dL) compared to those fed flaxseed. Blood concentrations of glucose, calcium, phosphorus, and progesterone were similar between the treatments. These results suggest that dietary fat modifies DNDF and DEE and blood concentrations of LDL, HDL, VLDL, and total cholesterol in lactating dairy cows

    Development and reproductive performance of beef heifers supplemented with brown rice meal and/or protected fat on temperate grasslands

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    The response of energy supplementation was evaluated on the development and reproductive performance of beef heifers on temperate grasslands. Twenty-eight Charolais × Nellore heifers, with initial average age of 18 months and initial live weight of 274.9 kg were utilized. The animals were maintained on oat + ryegrass pasture and distributed in the following treatments: no supplementation (NS): heifers kept exclusively on pasture; MEG: supplementation with protected fat Megalac®; BRM: supplementation with brown rice meal; BRM+MEG: supplementation with BRM + protected fat. The average final weight of the heifers was of 403.4 kg and corresponded to 89.5% of the adult weight. The body condition of heifers increased linearly with daily increase of 0.012 points, correlating positively with the final weight. There was interaction between treatment and period for average daily weight gain. The highest daily weight gain, 1.395 kg, occurred in the first period when the animals were supplemented with BRM+MEG. In the last period, the NS animals presented the lowest daily weight gain, 0.888 kg. Supplementation with brown rice meal and/or protected fat does not interfere in the intake of pasture by heifers or increase the total intake of dry matter, not changing, therefore, the average daily weight gain at the end of the period of grazing. The daily weight gain does not change during supplementation. The use of temperate pasture with and without supplementation promotes the proper development of the structure and reproductive tract of heifers, benefiting the animal performance indexes in the first mating at 25-27 months of age

    Desempenho reprodutivo, concentrações de progesterona e metabólitos lipídicos no pós-parto de vacas mestiças H/Z, submetidas a uma dieta hiperlipidêmica Reproductive performance, concentrations of progesterone and lipidic metabolites in the postpartum crossbred dairy cows submitted to a hyperlipidemic diet

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    Para avaliar o efeito de uma dieta hiperlipidêmica nos níveis séricos de metabólitos lipídicos e progesterona e no desempenho reprodutivo, 42 vacas mestiças foram submetidas a dois tratamentos: T1 (n=21) dieta-controle e T2 (n=21) dieta hiperlipidêmica, tendo como principal fonte de lipídios o grão de soja integral. Os intervalos médios para a primeira e segunda ovulações pós-parto foram 26,3 e 35,9 dias para os animais do T1 e 21,7 e 37,4 dias para os do T2. Os intervalos médios do parto ao início da atividade luteal, primeiro estro e primeiro ciclo estral normal foram, respectivamente, 29,9; 39,5; e 53,9 dias para T1 e 25,7; 33,3; e 52,3 dias para T2. A duração média do primeiro ciclo estral foi de 14,7 e 16,9 dias e do segundo de 19,8 e 19,5 dias para T1 e T2, respectivamente. As concentrações de progesterona nos ciclos estrais normais ocorridos durante o período de 90 dias pós-parto variaram de valores mínimos de 0,27 (T1) e 0,31 ng/mL (T2), nos dias 0 e 1 (dia 0 = ovulação), para valores máximos de 6,71 ng/mL (T1), nos dias 10 e 11, e 7,04 ng/mL (T2), nos dias -9 e --8, retornando a níveis basais (<1 ng/mL) nos dias -3 e -2. As concentrações médias de colesterol total e colesterol HDL para T1 e T2 foram, respectivamente, 100,74 e 67,3 mg/dL e 162,25 e 95,8 mg/dL. O efeito de hipercolesterolemia da dieta foi confirmado nesta pesquisa, mas sem nenhum aumento nas concentrações de progesterona e desempenho reprodutivo.<br>To evaluate the effect of a hiperlipidemic diet on the reproductive performance, lipidic metabolites and serum progesterone levels, 42 Holstein-Zebu crossbred cows were submitted to two treatments: T1 (n=21), control diet, and T2 (n=21), hyperlipidemic diet, consisting mainly on whole soybean. The mean intervals to the first and second postpartum ovulations were 26.3 and 35.9 days for animals of T1 and 21.7 and 37.4 days for those of T2. The average intervals from calving to onset of the luteal activity, first estrus and first normal estrus cycle length were respectively, 29.9, 39.5, and 53.9 days for T1 and 25.7, 33.3, and 52.3 days for T2. The average first estrus cycle was 14.7 and 16.9 days and of the second 19.8 and 19.5 days for T1 and T2, respectively. The concentrations of serum progesterone in the normal estrus cycles during the period of 90 days postpartum, varied from minimum values of 0.27 ng/mL (T1) to 0.31 ng/mL (T2) on the days 1 and 0 (day 0 = ovulation) to maximum values of 6.71 ng/mL (T1) on days 10 and 11 and 7.04 ng/mL (T2) on days -9 and --8, returning to basal levels (<1 ng/mL) on days -3 e -2. The total cholesterol and HDL average concentrations for T1 e T2 were 100.74 and 67.3 mg/dL (T1) and 162.25 and 95.8 mg/dL (T2) respectively. The hypercholesterolemic effect of the diet was confirmed, but without any increase in the concentration of progesterone and reproductive performance