380 research outputs found

    Efficient spares matrix multiplication scheme for the CYBER 203

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    This work has been directed toward the development of an efficient algorithm for performing this computation on the CYBER-203. The desire to provide software which gives the user the choice between the often conflicting goals of minimizing central processing (CPU) time or storage requirements has led to a diagonal-based algorithm in which one of three types of storage is selected for each diagonal. For each storage type, an initialization sub-routine estimates the CPU and storage requirements based upon results from previously performed numerical experimentation. These requirements are adjusted by weights provided by the user which reflect the relative importance the user places on the resources. The three storage types employed were chosen to be efficient on the CYBER-203 for diagonals which are sparse, moderately sparse, or dense; however, for many densities, no diagonal type is most efficient with respect to both resource requirements. The user-supplied weights dictate the choice

    Effect of virtual memory on efficient solution of two model problems

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    Computers with virtual memory architecture allow programs to be written as if they were small enough to be contained in memory. Two types of problems are investigated to show that this luxury can lead to quite an inefficient performance if the programmer does not interact strongly with the characteristics of the operating system when developing the program. The two problems considered are the simultaneous solutions of a large linear system of equations by Gaussian elimination and a model three-dimensional finite-difference problem. The Control Data STAR-100 computer runs are made to demonstrate the inefficiencies of programming the problems in the manner one would naturally do if the problems were indeed, small enough to be contained in memory. Program redesigns are presented which achieve large improvements in performance through changes in the computational procedure and the data base arrangement

    An alternating direction implicit method for the Control Data STAR-100 vector computer

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    An implementation of the alternating direction implicit (ADI) method for the Control Data STAR-100 computer is presented and analyzed. Two parallel algorithms, both of which are most efficient when used to solve many independent tridiagonal systems of equations, are discussed relative to their usefulness in an ADI implementation on the STAR-100 computer. It is shown that it may be desirable to alternate between the parallel algorithms as the direction of implicitness is alternated in order to eliminate the data rearrangement which would otherwise be required. The applicability of the two parallel tridiagonal solvers to several other numerical algorithms is also discussed

    An efficient sparse matrix multiplication scheme for the CYBER 205 computer

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    This paper describes the development of an efficient algorithm for computing the product of a matrix and vector on a CYBER 205 vector computer. The desire to provide software which allows the user to choose between the often conflicting goals of minimizing central processing unit (CPU) time or storage requirements has led to a diagonal-based algorithm in which one of four types of storage is selected for each diagonal. The candidate storage types employed were chosen to be efficient on the CYBER 205 for diagonals which have nonzero structure which is dense, moderately sparse, very sparse and short, or very sparse and long; however, for many densities, no diagonal type is most efficient with respect to both resource requirements, and a trade-off must be made. For each diagonal, an initialization subroutine estimates the CPU time and storage required for each storage type based on results from previously performed numerical experimentation. These requirements are adjusted by weights provided by the user which reflect the relative importance the user places on the two resources. The adjusted resource requirements are then compared to select the most efficient storage and computational scheme

    Vectorization on the star computer of several numerical methods for a fluid flow problem

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    A reexamination of some numerical methods is considered in light of the new class of computers which use vector streaming to achieve high computation rates. A study has been made of the effect on the relative efficiency of several numerical methods applied to a particular fluid flow problem when they are implemented on a vector computer. The method of Brailovskaya, the alternating direction implicit method, a fully implicit method, and a new method called partial implicitization have been applied to the problem of determining the steady state solution of the two-dimensional flow of a viscous imcompressible fluid in a square cavity driven by a sliding wall. Results are obtained for three mesh sizes and a comparison is made of the methods for serial computation

    Star adaptation for two-algorithms used on serial computers

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    Two representative algorithms used on a serial computer and presently executed on the Control Data Corporation 6000 computer were adapted to execute efficiently on the Control Data STAR-100 computer. Gaussian elimination for the solution of simultaneous linear equations and the Gauss-Legendre quadrature formula for the approximation of an integral are the two algorithms discussed. A description is given of how the programs were adapted for STAR and why these adaptations were necessary to obtain an efficient STAR program. Some points to consider when adapting an algorithm for STAR are discussed. Program listings of the 6000 version coded in 6000 FORTRAN, the adapted STAR version coded in 6000 FORTRAN, and the STAR version coded in STAR FORTRAN are presented in the appendices

    Majority Model on a network with communities

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    We focus on the majority model in a topology consisting of two coupled fully-connected networks, thereby mimicking the existence of communities in social networks. We show that a transition takes place at a value of the inter-connectivity parameter. Above this value, only symmetric solutions prevail, where both communities agree with each other and reach consensus. Below this value, in contrast, the communities can reach opposite opinions and an asymmetric state is attained. The importance of the interface between the sub-networks is shown.Comment: 4 page

    From particle segregation to the granular clock

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    Recently several authors studied the segregation of particles for a system composed of mono-dispersed inelastic spheres contained in a box divided by a wall in the middle. The system exhibited a symmetry breaking leading to an overpopulation of particles in one side of the box. Here we study the segregation of a mixture of particles composed of inelastic hard spheres and fluidized by a vibrating wall. Our numerical simulations show a rich phenomenology: horizontal segregation and periodic behavior. We also propose an empirical system of ODEs representing the proportion of each type of particles and the segregation flux of particles. These equations reproduce the major features observed by the simulations.Comment: 10 page

    Laplacian Dynamics and Multiscale Modular Structure in Networks

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    Most methods proposed to uncover communities in complex networks rely on their structural properties. Here we introduce the stability of a network partition, a measure of its quality defined in terms of the statistical properties of a dynamical process taking place on the graph. The time-scale of the process acts as an intrinsic parameter that uncovers community structures at different resolutions. The stability extends and unifies standard notions for community detection: modularity and spectral partitioning can be seen as limiting cases of our dynamic measure. Similarly, recently proposed multi-resolution methods correspond to linearisations of the stability at short times. The connection between community detection and Laplacian dynamics enables us to establish dynamically motivated stability measures linked to distinct null models. We apply our method to find multi-scale partitions for different networks and show that the stability can be computed efficiently for large networks with extended versions of current algorithms.Comment: New discussions on the selection of the most significant scales and the generalisation of stability to directed network

    A vectorization of the Jameson-Caughey NYU transonic swept-wing computer program FLO-22-V1 for the STAR-100 computer

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    The computer program FLO-22 for analyzing inviscid transonic flow past 3-D swept-wing configurations was modified to use vector operations and run on the STAR-100 computer. The vectorized version described herein was called FLO-22-V1. Vector operations were incorporated into Successive Line Over-Relaxation in the transformed horizontal direction. Vector relational operations and control vectors were used to implement upwind differencing at supersonic points. A high speed of computation and extended grid domain were characteristics of FLO-22-V1. The new program was not the optimal vectorization of Successive Line Over-Relaxation applied to transonic flow; however, it proved that vector operations can readily be implemented to increase the computation rate of the algorithm