249 research outputs found

    An Assessment in the Heat Gain and Loss Through Opaque Elements in Commercial Buildings in Brazil

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    This paper presents an analysis of the energy performance of commercial buildings in Brazil based on the influence of the thermal transmittance of the external walls and roof. Several combinations were simulated taking into account different input data such as the internal load density, window to wall ratio, solar absorptance and other parameters to evaluate their influence on the annual energy consumption. The sampling techniques are based on the application of the Latin Hipercube method to generate samples, which considers the interaction of two or more parameters for the same case. The influence of different components on the annual heating and cooling load was also investigated through the heat balance method in order to verify the feasibility of analyzing the heat gain and loss through the opaque elements. The analysis was performed using the EnergyPlus program and weather files related to three cities in Brazil (Florianópolis, Curitiba and Salvador)

    Thermal history and comfort in a Brazilian subtropical climate: a ‘cool’ addiction hypothesis

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    Currently, there is a rising trend for commercial buildings to use air conditioning to provide indoor thermal comfort. This paper focuses on the impact of prolonged exposure to indoor air-conditioned environments on occupants’ thermal acceptability and preferences in a mixed-mode building in Brazil. Questionnaires were administered while indoor microclimatic measurements were carried out (i.e., air temperature, radiant air temperature, air speed and humidity). Results suggest significant differences in occupants’ thermal acceptability and cooling preferences based on thermal history; differences were found between groups based on different physical characteristics (i.e., different gender and body condition). The findings also indicated a significant potential to implement temperature fluctuations indoors when occupants are exposed to air conditioning environments in warm and humid climates


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    The use of personal fans allows improving thermal comfort and energy savings in warm office spaces. This is due to individual adjustment and extended indoor temperature acceptability. However, to achieve that, the usability of fans must be assured. Therefore, an experiment with 40 people of various age groups was carried out to assess four types of fans, one of which is an evaporative cooling device. The goal was to find out which criteria should be used for selecting a fan to implement in an office space. Results show that airflow sensation and speed adjustment are considered the most important, although, noise is also very important, and cost can be an eliminatory criterion. The evaporative device was the best rated even in a space with 70 to 80% relative humidity, as users considered it to have a smooth controllable airflow. The results highlight these aspects should be considered in the selection of a personal fan and could also drive the industry to improve fans design for increasing usability and expanding the use of these systems

    Eficiência energética da envoltória de edifícios de escritórios de Florianópolis: discussões sobre a aplicação do método prescritivo do RTQ-C

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    Impulsionado pelo crescente consumo energético em edificações e pela Política Nacional de Conservação e Uso Racional de Energia, o governo brasileiro regulamentou a adoção de medidas visando à alocação eficiente de recursos. Para tanto, os níveis máximos de consumo de energia ou mínimos de eficiência energética de edificações construídas no país passaram a ser estabelecidos com base em indicadores técnicos e regulamentação específica. Os edifícios comerciais, de serviços e públicos tiveram seu Regulamento Técnico da Qualidade do Nível de Eficiência Energética (RTQ-C) aprovado em junho de 2009. O RTQ-C baseia-se na avaliação de três requisitos principais: o desempenho térmico da envoltória do edifício; a eficiência e potência instalada do sistema de iluminação; e a eficiência do sistema de condicionamento do ar. Este artigo apresenta os resultados e discussões acerca da avaliação da envoltória de dez edifícios de escritórios de Florianópolis, SC, realizada pelo método prescritivo do RTQ-C. A classificação dos edifícios foi apresentada com exemplos de variações no percentual de abertura nas fachadas, ângulos de sombreamento e fator solar dos vidros. Com os resultados pôde-se perceber que o percentual de abertura na fachada é a variável de maior impacto no indicador de consumo da envoltória, seguido das proteções solares


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    Analysis of electricity end-uses in the Brazilian residential sector

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    Este estudo objetivou estimar a proporção do consumo de energia elétrica de usos finais presentes no setor residencial brasileiro. Foi estimado o consumo energético nacional de nove equipamentos a partir de equações que relacionavam os consumos específicos dos equipamentos, ou suas potências, a seus padrões de uso, tendo como base informações extraídas de 18.775 domicílios pesquisados na Pesquisa de Posse e Hábitos de Uso de Equipamentos Elétricos (PPH). O estudo demonstrou que, nacionalmente, os refrigeradores possuem o maior consumo anual (30,41 TWh), seguidos dos televisores (20,34 TWh), chuveiros (17,89 TWh) e ares-condicionados (17,41 TWh). Porém, entre as regiões, os maiores consumidores variam: os chuveiros são os maiores consumidores no Sul e no Sudeste, no Centro-Oeste e no Nordeste são os refrigeradores, e, no Norte, são os ares-condicionados.This study intended to estimate the proportion of electricity end-uses in the Brazilian residential sector. It was estimated the national energy consumption of nine equipments, according to electricity consumption equations that related the specific consumption of the equipments, or their power, to their usage, based on information collected from 18.775 dwellings analyzed in the Electrical Appliances Possession and Usage Habits Research for the Residential Sector (PPH). The study showed that, nationally, refrigerators are the biggest annual consumers (30,41 TWh), followed by televisions (20,34 TWh), showers (17,89 TWh) and AC units (17,41 TWh). However, by region, it varies: showers are the biggest consumers in the South and Southwest, in the Midwest and Northeast refrigerators are the biggest consumers, in the North the biggest consumption is for air conditioning

    Uma metodologia para especificar e avaliar o desempenho térmico de edificações residenciais unifamiliares, aplicada a Londrina-PR

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    This article presents the development of a methodology to specify and evaluate the thermal performance for one-floor single family houses. The structure for devising the methodology was: establishing the thermal comfort limits to be used, adjusting an hourly thermal simulation tool with field data from different building systems, and establishing the annual number of hours of discomfort to be accepted based on a reference building system. The methodology was applied in Londrina, PR, where a field work was carried out in different building typologies. The data was used to adjust the hourly thermal simulation tool and to confirm a thermal comfort limit. The number of hours of indoor temperature outside the comfort limits was defined as the number of annual hours of discomfort. Using the Thermal Reference Year (TRY) developed for Londrina, simulations were performed for several building system alternatives. A limit for the number of annual hours of discomfort was established based on the economics reality and on the reference building system. The evaluation by performance can be made by using an annual hourly simulation tool to quantify the hours of discomfort of a given building and comparing it to the established limit.Este trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para especificar e avaliar o desempenho térmico em edificações térreas residenciais unifamiliares. A estrutura para montagem da metodologia constou do estabelecimento de limites de conforto térmico para a população local, o ajustamento de uma ferramenta de simulação térmica horária anual frente a diferentes sistemas construtivos, e o estabelecimento do limite de horas anuais de desconforto, com base em um sistema construtivo referencial. No trabalho de campo, realizado em Londrina PR, mediu-se no verão e inverno as temperaturas internas, as características construtivas e sensações dos usuários em unidades habitacionais de sistemas construtivos diferentes. Os resultados foram usados para estabelecer os limites de conforto e ajustar a ferramenta de simulação. Com o ano climático de referência local, simulou-se várias alternativas construtivas, estabelecendo-se as horas anuais de desconforto para cada alternativa. O limite de horas anuais de desconforto aceitável foi escolhido frente à realidade econômica e ao sistema construtivo referencial. No método desenvolvido é possível fazer-se a avaliação por prescrição com base nas características térmicas do sistema construtivo referencial e por desempenho, simulando-se qualquer sistema construtivo, quantificando-se as horas anuais de desconforto e comparando-as com o limite aceitável estabelecido