39 research outputs found

    Oxygen uptake and performance in front crawl swimming : effect of intensity, exercise modality and training

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    Les travaux en course à pied ont montré que l’étude de la réponse de la consommation d’oxygène ( O2) par l’analyse de la cinétique de O2 apportait de nombreuses connaissances sur le métabolisme aérobie et permettait d’améliorer les concepts d’entraînement. En natation, si le métabolisme aérobie a souvent été étudié, l’étude de la réponse de la O2 pendant la nage en est à ses débuts et devient un nouveau point d’intérêt pour la recherche et l’entraînement. Le but de cette thèse fut donc l’étude de l’effet de l’intensité, de la modalité de l’exercice et de l’entraînement sur la réponse de O2 pendant la nage et la performance. Nos résultats ont montré que la cinétique de O2 est accélérée avec l’intensité de nage, et est sensible à l’entraînement et au contrôle de la fréquence de bras ou de la vitesse de nage. Ces résultats ont pour but de dégager de nouvelles connaissances sur le métabolisme aérobie pendant la nage ainsi que des perspectives pour l’entraînement.Publications in running showed that the study of the oxygen uptake ( O2) response by the analyse of the O2 kinetics brought knowledge on aerobic metabolism and allowed to improve training concepts. In swimming, aerobic metabolism was often studied. However, analyse of O2 response during swimming is at the beginning and presents a new point of interest for research and training. Thus, the aim of this thesis was to examine the effect of intensity, exercise modality and training on O2 response during swimming and performance. Our results showed that O2 kinetics is accelerated with swimming intensity, and is sensible to the training and the control of stroke rate or velocity. These results allow to bring out new knowledge on aerobic metabolism during swimming and new perspective for training

    Consommation d'oxygène et performance en natation (effet de l'intensité, de la modalité de l'exercice et de l'entraînement)

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    Les travaux en course à pied ont montré que l étude de la réponse de la consommation d oxygène ( O2) par l analyse de la cinétique de O2 apportait de nombreuses connaissances sur le métabolisme aérobie et permettait d améliorer les concepts d entraînement. En natation, si le métabolisme aérobie a souvent été étudié, l étude de la réponse de la O2 pendant la nage en est à ses débuts et devient un nouveau point d intérêt pour la recherche et l entraînement. Le but de cette thèse fut donc l étude de l effet de l intensité, de la modalité de l exercice et de l entraînement sur la réponse de O2 pendant la nage et la performance. Nos résultats ont montré que la cinétique de O2 est accélérée avec l intensité de nage, et est sensible à l entraînement et au contrôle de la fréquence de bras ou de la vitesse de nage. Ces résultats ont pour but de dégager de nouvelles connaissances sur le métabolisme aérobie pendant la nage ainsi que des perspectives pour l entraînement.Publications in running showed that the study of the oxygen uptake ( O2) response by the analyse of the O2 kinetics brought knowledge on aerobic metabolism and allowed to improve training concepts. In swimming, aerobic metabolism was often studied. However, analyse of O2 response during swimming is at the beginning and presents a new point of interest for research and training. Thus, the aim of this thesis was to examine the effect of intensity, exercise modality and training on O2 response during swimming and performance. Our results showed that O2 kinetics is accelerated with swimming intensity, and is sensible to the training and the control of stroke rate or velocity. These results allow to bring out new knowledge on aerobic metabolism during swimming and new perspective for training.EVRY-Bib. électronique (912289901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Time and frequency transfer with a microwave link in the ACES/PHARAO mission

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    International audienceThe Atomic Clocks Ensemble in Space (ACES/PHARAO mission), which will be installed on board the International Space Station (ISS), uses a dedicated two-way Micro-Wave Link (MWL) in order to compare the timescale generated on board with those provided by many ground stations disseminated on the Earth. Phase accuracy and stability of this long range link will have a key role in the success of the ACES/PHARAO experiment. SYRTE laboratory is heavily involved in the design and development of the data processing software : from theoretical modelling and numerical simulations to the development of a software prototype. Our team is working on a wide range of problems that need to be solved in order to achieve high accuracy in (almost) real time. In this article we present some key aspects of the measurement, as well as current status of the software's development

    Time and frequency transfer with the ESA/CNES ACES-PHARAO mission

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    International audienceWe have written a theoretical description of one-way and two-way satellite time and frequency transfer and developed a model of the micro-wave link in the frame of the ACES/PHARAO mission. This is used to write a data analysis software and a simulation to test it. A very short description of the mission and of the micro-wave link is given here. A detailed description can be found in Delva et al., 2012, Proceedings of the EFTF, Gothenburg, Sweden, arXiv:1206.6239

    Status of data processing and analysis preparation for the ACES microwave link

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    International audienceOur team in SYRTE-Observatoire de Paris is currently working on a software prototype for the processing and analysis of the data coming from the microwave link of the ACES (Atomic Clocks Ensemble in Space) mission. The goal of the mission is to realize, in space, a very accurate and highly stable time scale that will be compared to ground clocks. A critical part of this project is the time and frequency transfer between the ground and space stations: this will rely heavily on the microwave link, so it is critical to find a robust and accurate algorithm for this task

    Time and frequency transfer with a microwave link in the ACES/PHARAO mission

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    International audienceThe Atomic Clocks Ensemble in Space (ACES/PHARAO mission), which will be installed on board the International Space Station (ISS), uses a dedicated two-way Micro-Wave Link (MWL) in order to compare the timescale generated on board with those provided by many ground stations disseminated on the Earth. Phase accuracy and stability of this long range link will have a key role in the success of the ACES/PHARAO experiment. SYRTE laboratory is heavily involved in the design and development of the data processing software : from theoretical modelling and numerical simulations to the development of a software prototype. Our team is working on a wide range of problems that need to be solved in order to achieve high accuracy in (almost) real time. In this article we present some key aspects of the measurement, as well as current status of the software's development