23 research outputs found

    World Jewish Congress. Celebration of the twenti-fifth anniversary of the work of 1936-1961

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    Svjetski jevrejski kongres (SJK) je najobuhvatnija organizacija te vrste među Jevrejima. On povezuje blizu 70 teritorijalnih jedinica putem lokalnih i autonomnih organizacija u tim područjima, i uspostavlja vezu između njih ili njih sa njegovim centrima (SJK podržava deset centralnih ureda - u Njujorku, Londonu, Ženevi, Parizu, Jerušalajimu, Tel-Avivu, Buenos-Airesu, Rimu, Rio de Žaneiru i Montevideu), te njih sa međunarodnim organizacijama, napose Ujedinjenim nacijama, UNESCO-m itd...The World Jewish Congress (WJC) is the most comprehensive organization of its kind among Jews. It connects close to 70 territorial units through local and autonomous organizations in these areas, and establishes links between them or their centers (WJC supports ten central offices - in New York, London, Geneva, Paris, Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Buenos Aires, Rome, Rio de Janeiro, and Montevideo), and with international organizations, in particular the United Nations, UNESCO, etc ..

    Where Nothing Happened: The Experience of War Captivity and Levinas’s Concept of the ‘There Is’

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    This article takes as its subject matter the juridico-political space of the prisoner of war (POW) camp. It sets out to determine the nature of this space by looking at the experience of war captivity by Jewish members of the Western forces in World War II, focusing on the experience of Emmanuel Levinas, who spent 5 years in German war captivity. On the basis of a historical analysis of the conditions in which Levinas spent his time in captivity, it argues that the POW camp was a space of indifference that was determined by the legal exclusion of prisoners from both war and persecution. Held behind the stage of world events, prisoners were neither able to exercise their legal agency nor released from law into a realm of extra-legal violence. Through a close reading of Levinas’s early concept of the ‘there is’ [il y a], the article seeks to establish the impact on prisoners of prolonged confinement in such a space. It sets out how prisoners’ subjectivity dissolved in the absence of meaningful relations with others and identifies the POW camp as a space in which existence was reduced to indeterminate, impersonal being


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    Intervention - a Historical Stocktaking

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    Recognition - a Historical Stocktaking

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    Priča o tome kako se pet knjiga našlo na okupu

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    Književni deo "Jevrejskog almanaha" u kome je objavljena priča Željka Lador-Lederera "Priča o tome kako se pet knjiga našlo na okupu", odnosi se na literarne radove sa jevrejskom tematikom iz oblasti istorije, književnosti, umetnosti, memoarske građe i Holokausta. Neki od radova iz ove rubrike objavljuju se po prvi put, neki su objavljeni i na drugim mestima a neki su delovi većih celina (zbirki, romana, memoarske građe, dnevnika i sl.).The literary section of the "Jewish Almanac" where is published story "Priča o tome kako se pet knjiga našlo na okupu" by Željko Lador-Lederer, refers to literary works on Jewish topics in the fields of history, literature, art, memoirs, and Holocaust. Some of the works in this section are published for the first time, some have been published elsewhere and, some are parts of larger entities (collections, novels, memoirs, diaries, letters, etc.)

    U sinajskoj noći, na straži

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    Književni deo „Jevrejskog almanaha“ u kome je objavljena pesma Željka Lador-Lederera "U Sinajskoj noći, na straži", odnosi se na literarne radove sa jevrejskom tematikom iz oblasti istorije, književnosti, umetnosti, memoarske građe i Holokausta. Neki od radova iz ove rubrike objavljuju se po prvi put, neki su objavljeni i na drugim mestima a neki su delovi većih celina (zbirki, romana, memoarske građe, dnevnika i sl.).The literary section of the "Jewish Almanac" where is published the poem "U sinajskoj noći, na straži" by Željko Lador-Lederer, refers to literary works on Jewish topics in the fields of history, literature, art, memoirs and Holocaust. Some of the works in this section are published for the first time, some have been published elsewhere and some are parts of larger entities (collections, novels, memoirs, diaries, letters etc.)

    Status Problems of International Non-Governmental Organizations

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