6,736 research outputs found

    Environmental and Climate Justice Movements. Theoretical Virtues and Limits.

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    Since their emergence, Environmental Justice Movements have become increasingly influential in national and international governance systems. Their leaders claim they create bridges between civil society and institutions – either international organizations, nation states or local governments – thereby enhancing public deliberation. This claim had drawn some political theorists’ attention, contending these grassroots movements have a remarkable cognitive potential which includes playing an avant-garde role by integrating and redefining political concepts. Since climate change has become established as the preeminent environmental issue, these movements have evolved into climate justice movements and have begun to pose new challenges to national and international governance systems and institutions. Do contributions made by both waves fit the cognitive requirements to think properly about an ecological era shaped by humans? By applying the Anthropocene framework, my claim is they do not. After analyzing two key concepts endorsed by these movements - global justice and environmental sustainability – I argue they should not be considered preeminent theoretical agents as their defenders argue. That is because they lack an open and dynamic conception of sustainability, as well as enough awareness of outcomes’ uncertainty in their conception of international justice.Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    3D Visualization using virtual view generation for stereoscopic hardware

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    To summarize, the final purpose is to create a compact tool that generates virtual stereo views at a desired position, being able to move and rotate it, from the information of several cameras spread in the area. These views will allow to visualize the scene in 3D, using a device that reproduces the stereoscopic effect, from the current point of vie

    Managing Irregularized Migration in Mexico: Rhetoric of a Renewed Approach

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    What instruments of migration control is the current Mexican administration employing? Do these differ from those of past administrations? Past administrations have applied policies to stem the entrance and stay of irregularized migrants; however, president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (2018-2024) stated that his administration would provide jobs to migrants and respect their human rights. For that, his government designed a New Migration Policy. Drawing on secondary qualitative data, policy analysis, reports, and statistical data, this paper examines five actions the ongoing Mexican administration has performed to manage irregularized migration, and evaluates if the strategies correspond with the principles of the New Migration Policy. Findings show that the Mexican government has used new and long-standing bordering practices to contain irregularized migration, contrasting with the discourse of respect to migrants’ human rights. The actions performed have gone from “permissive” to repressive as the pressure from the US and the influx of migrants increased

    Die Relativitätsrezeption in Mexiko

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    When Albert Einstein published his first works on the Special Theory of Relativity in 1905, Mexico did not yet have scientific institutions dedicated to physics research, nor did it have schools for educating physicists. Consequently, the spread of both General Relativity and Special Relativity began in 1921 as a result of the work and talent of various Mexican physics and mathematics professors (most of them engineers) who taught courses at the Escuela Nacional de Ingenieros (National School of Engineering) and the Escuela Nacional de Altos Estudios (School of Higher Studies), both part of the Universidad Nacional de México (National University of Mexico) as founded in 1910.Quand Albert Einstein a publié ses premiers travaux sur la Théorie de la relativité restreinte en 1905, au Mexique il n’existait point d’établissement de recherches en physique ni d’établissement qui formeraient des physiciens. Par conséquent la diffusion de la théorie de la relativité générale et de la théorie de la relativité restreinte n’a commencé qu’en 1921 grâce au travail et au talent de nombreux physiciens méxicains, de professeurs de mathématiques (pour la plupart ingénieurs) qui tenaient leurs cours à l’Escuela Nacional de Ingenieros ( Ecole Nationale des Ingénieurs) et l’Escuela Nacional de Altos Estudios (Ecole des Hautes Etudes), les deux écoles faisant parties de l’Universidad Nacional de México (Université Nationale du Mexique) fondé en 1910.Als Albert Einstein 1905 seine ersten Abhandlungen über die Spezielle Relativitätstheorie veröffentlichte, gab es in Mexiko noch keine wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen für Physik, auch keine Schulen für die Ausbildung einschlägiger Fachleute. Deshalb begann die Rezeption der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie und der Speziellen Relativitätstheorie erst 1921 als Ergebnis der Arbeit und Begabung zahlreicher mexikanischer Physiker und Mathematiklehrer (vorwiegend Ingenieuren). Sie hielten ihre Vorlesungen und entsprechende Kollegs an der Escuela Nacional de Ingenieros (Nationale Ingenieurenschule) und der Escuela Nacional de Altos Estudios (Nationale Hochschule). Beide gehörten der Universidad Nacional de México (Nationale Universität Mexiko) an, gegründet im Jahre 1910

    Maestras de multigrado en Esmeraldas (Ecuador): una realidad silenciada

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    The existence of single-teacher or multi-grade teachers in rural areas of Ecuador is part of the daily reality of education. The lack of recognition by the administration leads to political and institutional discrimination that calls intercultural education into question. The unidocente activity in rural Ecuador faces complex and differentiated challenges compared to traditional teaching, as in these cases, multiple levels (1-7) of basic education are taught by a single teacher. This task is largely carried out by women who are unfamiliar with the cultural conditions of these places, and in many cases do not have the necessary qualifications. This paper aims to give a voice to 7 single-teacher women teachers from the coastal area of Ecuador according to Brumat's (2011) proposal, who work in the rural parish of La Unión, belonging to the Quinindé canton, in the province of Esmeraldas. Especially with regard to their training and insertion in the rural context. A qualitative and exploratory study was carried out. The data collection instrument consisted of a semi-structured interview, and its analysis was carried out using the MAXQDA programme. The daily life of these teachers can be characterised by feelings of loneliness and isolation, and a difficult coexistence in disadvantaged sectors where the cultural complex, gender and racial discrimination and discrimination based on place of origin are deeply rooted.La existencia de profesoras unidocentes o de multigrado en las zonas rurales del Ecuador forma parte de la realidad educativa cotidiana. La ausencia de reconocimiento por parte de la administración provoca una discriminación política e institucional que cuestiona la educación intercultural. La actividad unidocente que se desempeña en la zona rural del Ecuador se enfrenta a desafíos complejos y diferenciados respecto a la enseñanza tradicional, al ocuparse en estos casos de múltiples niveles (1-7) de educación básica por una única maestra. Esta tarea es desempeñada en gran parte por mujeres que desconocen las condiciones culturales de estos lugares, y en numerosas ocasiones no poseen la cualificación necesaria. Este trabajo pretende dar voz a siete profesoras unidocentes de la zona costa del Ecuador según la propuesta de Brumat (2011), que trabajan en la parroquia rural La Unión, perteneciente al cantón Quinindé, en la provincia de Esmeraldas. Especialmente respecto a su formación e inserción en el contexto rural. Se siguió un estudio de corte cualitativo y exploratorio. El instrumento de recolección de datos consistió en la entrevista semiestructura, y su análisis se realizó a través del programa MAXQDA. La vida cotidiana de estas profesoras puede caracterizarse por sentimientos de soledad y aislamiento, y una difícil convivencia en sectores desfavorecidos donde el complejo cultural, la discriminación de género, racial y por el lugar de origen están arraigados
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