45 research outputs found
Carbon sources of Antarctic nematodes as revealed by natural carbon isotope ratios and a pulse-chase experiment
δ13C of nematode communities in 27 sites was analyzed, spanning a large depth range (from 130 to 2,021 m) in five Antarctic regions, and compared to isotopic signatures of sediment organic matter. Sediment organic matter δ13C ranged from −24.4 to −21.9‰ without significant differences between regions, substrate types or depths. Nematode δ13C showed a larger range, from −34.6 to −19.3‰, and was more depleted than sediment organic matter typically by 1‰ and by up to 3‰ in silty substrata. These, and the isotopically heavy meiofauna at some stations, suggest substantial selectivity of some meiofauna for specific components of the sedimenting plankton. However, 13C-depletion in lipids and a potential contribution of chemoautotrophic carbon in the diet of the abundant genus Sabatieria may confound this interpretation. Carbon sources for Antarctic nematodes were also explored by means of an experiment in which the fate of a fresh pulse of labile carbon to the benthos was followed. This organic carbon was remineralized at a rate (11–20 mg C m−2 day−1) comparable to mineralization rates in continental slope sediments. There was no lag between sedimentation and mineralization; uptake by nematodes, however, did show such a lag. Nematodes contributed negligibly to benthic carbon mineralization
Parenting Programs for the Prevention of Child Physical Abuse Recurrence: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Child physical abuse is an issue of global concern. Conservative estimates set global prevalence of this type of maltreatment at 25%, its consequences and cost to society escalating with increasing frequency and severity of episodes. Syntheses of the evidence on parenting programs for reducing rates of physical abuse recidivism have, to date, not been able to establish effectiveness. Paucity of data and inconsistent inclusion criteria in past reviews made meta-analysis often impossible or uninformative. The current systematic review updates prior reviews and overcomes some of the methodological issues they encountered by pooling trial-level data from a well-defined scope of trials of parenting interventions aimed at preventing the re-abuse of children by parents with substantiated or suspected physical abuse history. Randomized controlled trials and rigorous non-randomized designs were sought via nine online databases, two trial registries, several clearinghouses and contact with experts. A total of fourteen studies of variable quality were included in this review, four of which had outcomes that enabled meta-analysis. Overall, this review presents evidence supporting the effectiveness of parenting behavioral programs based on social learning theory for reducing hard markers of child physical abuse recidivism. Meta-analysis found that the absolute risk reduction in risk of recidivism was 11 percentage points less for maltreating parents who undergo parenting programs (RD = -0.11, 95% CI [-0.22, -0.004], p = 0.043, I 2 = 28.9%). However, the pooled effect size was not statistically significant when calculated as a risk ratio (0.76, 95% CI [0.54, 1.07], I 2 = 38.4%). Policy makers and practitioners should be made aware that this intervention method is backed by promising evidence featuring modest yet significant reductions in hard markers of child physical abuse, even though the methodological robustness of these findings should be further explored in future research
Main results of the 4th International PIV Challenge
In the last decade, worldwide PIV development efforts have resulted in significant improvements in terms of accuracy, resolution, dynamic range and extension to higher dimensions. To assess the achievements and to guide future development efforts, an International PIV Challenge was performed in Lisbon (Portugal) on July 5, 2014. Twenty leading participants, including the major system providers, i.e., Dantec (Denmark), LaVision (Germany), MicroVec (China), PIVTEC (Germany), TSI (USA), have analyzed 5 cases. The cases and analysis explore challenges specific to 2D microscopic PIV (case A), 2D time-resolved PIV (case B), 3D tomographic PIV (cases C and D) and stereoscopic PIV (case E). During the event, 2D macroscopic PIV images (case F) were provided to all 80 attendees of the workshop in Lisbon, with the aim to assess the impact of the user's experience on the evaluation result. This paper describes the cases and specific algorithms and evaluation parameters applied by the participants and reviews the main results. For future analysis and comparison, the full image database will be accessible at http://www.pivChallenge.org.The authors like to thank Springer Science+Business Media (www.springer.com), PCO AG (www.pco.de) and InnoLas Laser GmbH (www.innolas-laser.com) for their financial support to make the workshop possible in Lisbon on the July 5, 2014. Without the participants of the 4th International PIV Challenge, this paper could not be written, and we would like to thank all of them for their effort and the fruitful discussions
Revisões femorais de artroplastias totais do quadril com afrouxamentos assépticos e fraturas periprotéticas: análise de 49 casos tratados com haste de Wagner
OBJETIVO: Avaliar 49 quadris em 48 pacientes submetidos a revisão de artroplastia total do quadril usando a haste de Wagner. MÉTODOS: De abril de 1999 a janeiro de 2005, foram tratados 49 quadris em pacientes portadores de afrouxamento femoral (39 quadris) ou fratura periprotética do fêmur (10 quadris) com revisão da artroplastia com a prótese de Wagner. O seguimento médio foi de 35 meses e a média de idade, de 63,4 anos. As revisões do componente femoral foram realizadas em 49 quadris e, simultaneamente, no componente acetabular em 36 quadris. RESULTADOS: A avaliação dos resultados pelo Ãndice de D'Aubignè-Postel-Charnley apresentou melhora estatisticamente significante no pós-operatório em relação ao pré-operatório (p < 0,001). Os problemas mais importantes foram o alto Ãndice de luxações (três quadris) e de luxações associadas a afundamento da haste (dois quadris). Os quatro resultados insatisfatórios deveram-se a afrouxamento (dois quadris), infecção (um quadril) e afrouxamento acetabular (um quadril). Todos os resultados insatisfatórios ocorreram no grupo de afrouxamento asséptico, mas esse achado não foi estatisticamente significante (p = 0,569). A restauração do estoque ósseo (avaliação radiográfica) foi encontrada de modo consistente na maioria dos casos, sem correlação com a idade dos pacientes (p = 0,852). Os resultados clÃnicos não tiveram também relação com a idade dos pacientes (p = 0,636). CONCLUSÃO: O procedimento da revisão femoral com a prótese de Wagner produz resultados clÃnicos e radiográficos satisfatórios e, de modo consistente, restaura o estoque ósseo do fêmur
Hyperbolic Temperament as a Distinguishing Feature Between Borderline Personality Disorder and Mood Dysregulation
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) commonly co-occurs with mood disorders. This co-occurrence, which can be explained by a shared disposition for negative emotions, raises practical concerns about differential diagnosis. In this chapter, we review research on the co-occurrence of BPD and mood disorders and describe several features that distinguish these forms of psychopathology. We further review a hyperbolic model of the essential features of BPD that integrates these various features. We demonstrate empirically that hyperbolic features (a) interact as predicted with childhood experiences in promoting BPD symptoms, (b) distinguish BPD from mood disorders, and (c) represent the temperamental features of BPD. We describe how this model provides a clinically useful framework for the differential diagnosis of borderline psychopathology