9,893 research outputs found

    Exciton-phonon scattering and photo-excitation dynamics in J-aggregate microcavities

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    We have developed a model accounting for the photo-excitation dynamics and the photoluminescence of strongly coupled J-aggregate microcavities. Our model is based on a description of the J-aggregate film as a disordered Frenkel exciton system in which relaxation occurs due to the presence of a thermal bath of molecular vibrations. In a strongly coupled microcavity exciton-polaritons are formed, mixing superradiant excitons and cavity photons. The calculation of the microcavity steady-state photoluminescence, following a CW non resonant pumping, is carried out. The experimental photoluminescence intensity ratio between upper and lower polariton branches is accurately reproduced. In particular both thermal activation of the photoluminescence intensity ratio and its Rabi splitting dependence are a consequence of the bottleneck in the relaxation, occurring at the bottom of the excitonic reservoir. The effects due to radiative channels of decay of excitons and to the presence of a paritticular set of discrete optical molecular vibrations active in relaxation processes are investigared.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    The Nature and Nurture of Star Clusters

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    Star clusters have hierarchical patterns in space and time, suggesting formation processes in the densest regions of a turbulent interstellar medium. Clusters also have hierarchical substructure when they are young, which makes them all look like the inner mixed parts of a pervasive stellar hierarchy. Young field stars share this distribution, presumably because some of them came from dissolved clusters and others formed in a dispersed fashion in the same gas. The fraction of star formation that ends up in clusters is apparently not constant, but may increase with interstellar pressure. Hierarchical structure explains why stars form in clusters and why many of these clusters are self-bound. It also explains the cluster mass function. Halo globular clusters share many properties of disk clusters, including what appears to be an upper cluster cutoff mass. However, halo globulars are self-enriched and often connected with dwarf galaxy streams. The mass function of halo globulars could have initially been like the power law mass function of disk clusters, but the halo globulars have lost their low mass members. The reasons for this loss are not understood. It could have happened slowly over time as a result of cluster evaporation, or it could have happened early after cluster formation as a result of gas loss. The latter model explains best the observation that the globular cluster mass function has no radial gradient in galaxies.Comment: to be published in IAUS266: Star Clusters Basic Galactic Building Blocks Throughout Time And Space, eds. Richard de Grijs and Jacques Lepine, Cambridge University Press, 11 page

    Radiative corrections to the excitonic molecule state in GaAs microcavities

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    The optical properties of excitonic molecules (XXs) in GaAs-based quantum well microcavities (MCs) are studied, both theoretically and experimentally. We show that the radiative corrections to the XX state, the Lamb shift ΔXXMC\Delta^{\rm MC}_{\rm XX} and radiative width ΓXXMC\Gamma^{\rm MC}_{\rm XX}, are large, about 10−3010-30 % of the molecule binding energy ϵXX\epsilon_{\rm XX}, and definitely cannot be neglected. The optics of excitonic molecules is dominated by the in-plane resonant dissociation of the molecules into outgoing 1λ\lambda-mode and 0λ\lambda-mode cavity polaritons. The later decay channel, ``excitonic molecule →\to 0λ\lambda-mode polariton + 0λ\lambda-mode polariton'', deals with the short-wavelength MC polaritons invisible in standard optical experiments, i.e., refers to ``hidden'' optics of microcavities. By using transient four-wave mixing and pump-probe spectroscopies, we infer that the radiative width, associated with excitonic molecules of the binding energy ϵXX≃0.9−1.1\epsilon_{\rm XX} \simeq 0.9-1.1 meV, is ΓXXMC≃0.2−0.3\Gamma^{\rm MC}_{\rm XX} \simeq 0.2-0.3 meV in the microcavities and ΓXXQW≃0.1\Gamma^{\rm QW}_{\rm XX} \simeq 0.1 meV in a reference GaAs single quantum well (QW). We show that for our high-quality quasi-two-dimensional nanostructures the T2=2T1T_2 = 2 T_1 limit, relevant to the XX states, holds at temperatures below 10 K, and that the bipolariton model of excitonic molecules explains quantitatively and self-consistently the measured XX radiative widths. We also find and characterize two critical points in the dependence of the radiative corrections against the microcavity detuning, and propose to use the critical points for high-precision measurements of the molecule bindingenergy and microcavity Rabi splitting.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Minimal entropy and geometric decompositions in dimension four

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    We show vanishing results about the infimum of the topological entropy of the geodesic flow of homogeneous smooth four manifolds. We prove that any closed oriented geometric four manifold has zero minimal entropy if and only if it has zero simplicial volume. We also show that if a four manifold M admits a geometric decomposition, in the sense of Thurston, and does not have geometric pieces modelled on hyperbolic four-space, the complex hyperbolic plane or the product of two hyperbolic planes, then M admits an F-structure. It follows that M has zero minimal entropy and collapses with curvature bounded from below. We then analyse whether or not M admits a metric whose topological entropy coincides with the minimal entropy of M and provide new examples of manifolds for which the minimal entropy problem cannot be solved.Comment: 38 pages, corrected flat case; Theorem A is now in terms of F-structures, improved exposition; new final section collects all results needed for the proofs of the main theorem

    Autophagy activation and enhanced mitophagy characterize the Purkinje cells of pcd mice prior to neuronal death

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    Purkinje cells are a class of specialized neurons in the cerebellum, and are among the most metabolically active of all neurons, as they receive immense synaptic stimulation, and provide the only efferent output from the cerebellum. Degeneration of Purkinje cells is a common feature of inherited ataxias in humans and mice. To understand Purkinje neuron degeneration, investigators have turned to naturally occurring Purkinje cell degeneration phenotypes in mice to identify key regulatory proteins and cellular pathways. The Purkinje cell degeneration (pcd) mouse is a recessive mutant characterized by complete and dramatic post-natal, cell autonomous Purkinje neuron degeneration and death. As the basis of Purkinje cell death in pcd is unresolved, and contradictory data has emerged for the role of autophagy in Purkinje cell degeneration, we studied the mechanism of Purkinje cell death in pcd mice. BAX null status did not suppress Purkinje neuron death in pcd mice, indicating that classic apoptosis is not responsible for Purkinje cell loss. Interestingly, LC3 Western blot analysis and GFP-LC3 immunostaining of degenerating pcd cerebellum revealed activation of the autophagy pathway. Ultrastructural studies confirmed increased autophagy pathway activity in Purkinje cells, and yielded evidence for mitophagy, in agreement with LC3 immunoblotting of cerebellar fractions. As p62 levels were decreased in pcd cerebellum, our findings suggest that pcd Purkinje cell neurons can execute effective autophagy. However, our results support a role for dysregulated autophagy activation in pcd, and suggest that increased or aberrant mitophagy contributes to the Purkinje cell degeneration in pcd mice

    Implementing intelligent asset management systems (IAMS) within an industry 4.0 manufacturing environment

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    9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, MIM 2019; Berlin; Germany; 28 August 2019 through 30 August 2019. Publicado en IFAC-PapersOnLine 52(13), p. 2488-2493This paper aims to define the different considerations and results obtained in the implementation in an Intelligent Maintenance System of a laboratory designed based on basic concepts of Industry 4.0. The Intelligent Maintenance System uses asset monitoring techniques that allow, on-line digital modelling and automatic decision making. The three fundamental premises used for the development of the management system are the structuring of information, value identification and risk management

    Observational constraints on early dark energy

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    We review and update constraints on the Early Dark Energy (EDE) model from cosmological data sets, in particular Planck PR3 and PR4 cosmic microwave background (CMB) data and large-scale structure (LSS) data sets including galaxy clustering and weak lensing data from the Dark Energy Survey, Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam, and KiDS+VIKING-450, as well as BOSS/eBOSS galaxy clustering and Lyman-α\alpha forest data. We detail the fit to CMB data, and perform the first analyses of EDE using the CAMSPEC and Hillipop likelihoods for Planck CMB data, rather than Plik, both of which yield a tighter upper bound on the allowed EDE fraction than that found with Plik. We then supplement CMB data with large-scale structure data in a series of new analyses. All these analyses are concordant in their Bayesian preference for Λ\LambdaCDM over EDE, as indicated by marginalized posterior distributions. We perform a series of tests of the impact of priors in these results, and compare with frequentist analyses based on the profile likelihood, finding qualitative agreement with the Bayesian results. All these tests suggest prior volume effects are not a determining factor in analyses of EDE. This work provides both a review of existing constraints and several new analyses.Comment: 59 pages, 23 figures, 11 tables, Invited review for International Journal of Modern Physics

    An alternative differential method of femtosecond pump-probe examination of materials

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    We describe an alternative method for femtosecond pumpprobe beam examination of energy transport properties of materials. All already reported techniques have several drawbacks which limit precise measurements of reflection coefficient as function of time. A typical problem is present when rough samples are being studied. In this case the pump-beam polarization changes randomly which may produce a spurious signal, drastically reducing the signal to noise ratio. Some proposals to alleviate such problema have been reported, however, they have not been totally satisfactory. The method presented here consists on measuring the difference between the two delays’ signals of the probe-beam. As will be explained, our proposal is free of typical drawbacks. We also propose a numerical method to recover the DR(t)/R curve from the measured data. Numerical simulations show that our proposal is a viable alternative

    HD 69686: A Mysterious High Velocity B Star

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    We report on the discovery of a high velocity B star, HD 69686. We estimate its space velocity, distance, surface temperature, gravity, and age. With these data, we are able to reconstruct the trajectory of the star and to trace it back to its birthplace. We use evolutionary tracks for single stars to estimate that HD 69686 was born 73 Myr ago in the outer part of our Galaxy (r∼12r \sim 12 kpc) at a position well below the Galactic plane (z∼−1.8z \sim -1.8 kpc), a very unusual birthplace for a B star. Along the star's projected path in the sky, we also find about 12 other stars having similar proper motions, and their photometry data suggest that they are located at the same distance as HD 69686 and probably have the same age. We speculate on the origin of this group by star formation in a high velocity cloud or as a Galactic merger fragment.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
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