106 research outputs found

    Surgical management of extrafollicular variant of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor in the maxillary posterior region

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    Background. Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT) is a relatively uncommon benign neoplasm of odontogenic epithelial origin, accounting for less than 5% of odontogenic tumors. Case Report. The reported case describes morphological characteristics, clinical course, radiographic and histopathological features, and surgical therapy of an extrafollicular variant of AOT in the maxillary posterior region. An asymptomatic swelling on the left side in the posterior region of the maxilla, gradually increased since approximately 12 months, developed in a 16-year-old Caucasian female patient. Radiographic images revealed a well-defined, unilocular radiolucency, with some small foci of radiopacity inside, and root resorption of the first and second molars. On the base of the histological examination of the specimen retrieved by incisional biopsy, the diagnosis of AOT was made, and the conservative surgical enucleation of the lesion was performed. Discussion. The present case was reported in agreement with an extensive review, in which it was recommended to discontinue reporting classic follicular cases because their clinicopathological profile was well-known, but to continue reporting well-documented cases of the extrafollicular variant, with indication of the exact position. Conclusion. The present case was reported in order to expand the knowledge about the clinical behavior and surgical treatment of the extrafollicular variant of AOT

    Estudio comparativo del postoperatorio con utilización de iodoformo

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    En un grupo de 100 pacientes concurrentes a la Cátedra de Cirugía "A" de la UNLP se practicaron exodoncias complicadas en molares y premolares a 50 pacientes se les incorporo yodoformo y al resto no. Luego de realizar la avulsión de las piezas se llego a la conclusión de que las complicaciones postoperatorias de tipo infecciosas eran nulas en los casos donde se administró yodoformo.Facultad de Odontologí

    Multi‑parametric MRI in the diagnosis and scoring of gastrointestinal acute graft‑versus‑host disease

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    Objectives Acute gastrointestinal graft-versus-host disease (GI-aGVHD) is a severe complication of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Diagnosis relies on clinical, endoscopic, and pathological investigations. Our purpose is to assess the value of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis, staging, and prediction of GI-aGVHD-related mortality. Methods Twenty-one hematological patients who underwent MRI for clinical suspicion of acute GI-GVHD were retrospectively selected. Three independent radiologists, blinded to the clinical findings, reanalyzed MRI images. The GI tract was evaluated from stomach to rectum by analyzing fifteen MRI signs suggestive of intestinal and peritoneal inflammation. All selected patients underwent colonoscopy with biopsies. Disease severity was determined on the basis of clinical criteria, identifying 4 stages of increasing severity. Disease-related mortality was also assessed. Results The diagnosis of GI-aGVHD was histologically confirmed with biopsy in 13 patients (61.9%). Using 6 major signs (diagnostic score), MRI showed 84.6% sensitivity and 100% specificity in identifying GI-aGVHD (AUC = 0.962; 95% confidence interval 0.891–1). The proximal, middle, and distal ileum were the segments most frequently affected by the disease (84.6%). Using all 15 signs of inflammation (severity score), MRI showed 100% sensitivity and 90% specificity for 1-month related mortality. No correlation with the clinical score was found. Conclusion MRI has proved to be an effective tool for diagnosing and scoring GI-aGVHD, with a high prognostic value. If larger studies will confirm these results, MRI could partly replace endoscopy, thus becoming the primary diagnostic tool for GI-aGVHD, being more complete, less invasive, and more easily repeatable. Key Points • We have developed a new promising MRI diagnostic score for GI-aGVHD with a sensitivity of 84.6% and specificity of 100%; results are to be confirmed by larger multicentric studies. • This MRI diagnostic score is based on the six MRI signs most frequently associated with GI-aGVHD: small-bowel inflammatory involvement, bowel wall stratification on T2-w images, wall stratification on post-contrast T1-w images, ascites, and edema of retroperitoneal fat and declivous soft tissues. • A broader MRI severity score based on 15 MRI signs showed no correlation with clinical staging but high prognostic value (100% sensitivity, 90% specificity for 1-month related mortality); these results also need to be confirmed by larger studies

    Serologic markers of viral and autoimmune liver diseases in celiac patients treated at the Institute of Gastroenterology

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    Introduction: The spectrum of hepatic involvement in celiac disease is very broad and includes viral and autoimmune hepatopathies.Objective: To characterize the behavior of serologic markers of viral and autoimmune hepatopathies in adult celiac patients treated at the Institute of Gastroenterology.Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted in 43 adult celiac patients treated at the Institute of Gastroenterology of Havana from March 2016 to March 2017.  Prior informed consent, biochemical and serologic studies were carried out in all cases, in order to identify hepatitis B and C virus infections and humoral immune response to liver and systemic autoantibodies. Frequency distributions were used for statistical analysis, and Fisher's exact test was used for the comparison between groups.Results: 58.1% of the patients presented hypophosphatasemia and hypertransaminasemia in 14%, with no coincidence between the cases recorded. The 100% of the celiac patients were negative for hepatitis C virus. The positivity of liver autoantibodies was recorded between 2,3% and 14% of the patients evaluated. There was a significant association between hypertransaminasemia and the presence of serum antibodies against tissue transglutaminase.Conclusions: The expression markers of liver autoimmunity in celiac patients was frequent, but not the presence of markers of viral hepatopathy.Keywords: celiac disease, hypertransaminasemia, viral hepatitis, autoimmune liver disease

    Long-term strenuous exercise promotes vascular injury by selectively damaging the tunica media: experimental evidence

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    Moderate exercise has well-founded benefits in cardiovascular health. However, increasing, yet controversial, evidence suggests that extremely trained athletes may not be protected from cardiovascular events as much as moderately trained individuals. In our rodent model, intensive but not moderate training promoted aorta and carotid stiffening and elastic lamina ruptures, tunica media thickening of intramyocardial arteries, and an imbalance between vasoconstrictor and relaxation agents. An up-regulation of angiotensin-converter enzyme, miR-212, miR-132, and miR-146b might account for this deleterious remodeling. Most changes remained after a 4-week detraining. In conclusion, our results suggest that intensive training blunts the benefits of moderate exercise

    Caracterización fisicoquímica, actividad antioxidante y contenido de fenoles y flavonoides totales de nopal morado (Opuntia gosseliniana) en dos etapas de coloración

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    Nopal (Opuntia gosseliniana) is considered a food product of interest due to its functional properties, including its antioxidant activity. The objective of this work was to evaluate the physical-chemical properties (color, pH and total soluble solids), antioxidant activity (DPPH, ABTS and FRAP), content of total phenols and flavonoids and betalain content of ethanolic extracts of nopal in two stages of coloration: green and purple. The highest values for total phenols and flavonoids were found in the purple samples, with values of 2.31 mg EAG/gps and 3.06 mg EQ/gps, respectively. Similarly, in the antioxidant activity (in the three techniques used) and betalain content, higher values were obtained in the purple color stage. Therefore, this species of cacti could be a potential source of antioxidants and pigments of agroindustrial interest.El nopal (Opuntia gosseliniana) es considerado un producto alimenticio de interés debido a sus propiedades funcionales, incluyendo su actividad antioxidante. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar las propiedades físico-químicas (color, pH y sólidos solubles totales), actividad antioxidante (DPPH, ABTS y FRAP), contenido de fenoles y flavonoides totales y contenido de betalaínas extractos etanólicos de nopal en dos etapas de coloración: verde y morado. Los valores más altos para fenoles y flavonoides totales se encontraron en las muestras de color morado, con valores de 2.31 mg EAG/gps y 3.06 mg EQ/gps, respectivamente. De igual manera, en la actividad antioxidante se obtuvieron valores más altos en la etapa de color morado en las tres técnicas utilizadas. Por lo que, esta especie de cactácea podría ser una fuente potencial de antioxidantes y pigmentos de interés agroindustrial

    Validación de un inmunoensayo tipo ELISA para la cuantificación de los niveles séricos de antígeno de superficie en pacientes con infección crónica por virus de la hepatitis B.

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    Introducción: Durante la etapa aguda de la infección por el virus de la hepatitis B y el período inicial de una infección crónica, el DNA está en forma episomal (libre o extracromosomal) y replica en el hepatocito produciendo entre otros viriones infectivos, DNA polimerasa y antígeno de superficie del virus (HBsAg). Objetivo: Validar un inmunoensayo tipo ELISA para cuantificar los niveles de HBsAg en pacientes con hepatitis B crónica. Método: Se realizó un estudio experimental de desarrollo tecnológico. Se llevó a cabo la normalización y validación de un inmunoensayo enzimático heterogéneo de doble anticuerpo para la cuantificación de HBsAg en sueros humanos. 115 muestras de sueros de pacientes con hepatitis B crónica con resultados de carga viral se correlacionaron con las concentraciones de HBsAg. Resultados y discusión: El método presentó coeficientes de variación intra e interensayo de 9,8 y 13,2% respectivamente. El rango de trabajo se estimó entre 0.15 y 60ng/mL. El porcentaje de recuperación estuvo entre el 90 y 110% y el ajuste lineal de la curva estándar presentó un coeficiente de determinación superior a 0,99. La correlación alcanzada entre los niveles de DNA y la concentración de HBsAg fue de 62.5%. Conclusiones: La evaluación del ELISA para la cuantificación de HBsAg desarrollado en el laboratorio mostró que cumple los parámetros de validación para su uso clínico