16 research outputs found


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    Background: One of the methods of comprehensive therapeutic effects on the human body is sylvinite therapy which has not been used in the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases at young age. Aims: Hygienic and clinical evaluation of the possible application of therapeutic factors of sylvinite devices in dentistry.Materials and methods: We conducted hygienic study of the basic physical factors of the internal environment of modern sylvinite structures (radiation background, aeroionization and aerosol environment, climate). The percentage of sylvine and halite in the sylvinite minerals was determined using color image analysis of the salt screen. The microbiological studies of the impact of the mineral sylvinite on the growth parameters of bacterial culture were performed. We examined 79 patients aged 20−25 years diagnosed with chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis, 36 persons underwent treatment course in the salt structure. The evaluation of the dental status and the periodontal status was conducted using hygienic and periodontal indices. The duration of study was 4 years.Results: Аll participants who entered the study completed it. In the experimental sylvinite room formed food-grade, biodegradable internal environment (background radiation ― 0,18±0,0027 µsv/h; LOA ― 802,33±62,69 ion/cm3; RO ― 509,33±37,17 ion/cm3; stable microclimate). We detected evidence of an inhibitory effect of the combination on Staphylococcus aureus. The use of a comprehensive dental program has improved the condition of periodontal tissues and careeradvantage tooth enamel (PMA and SBI fell of 80.8% and 75.5%; the reduction of the CPU ― 67.7%; fuel and energy resources increased by 37%). Conclusions: The inclusion of sylvinite therapy in the complex treatment of patients with chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis had a marked positive impact on the state of periodontal tissues and local immunity of the oral cavity.Обоснование. Одним из способов комплексного лечебного воздействия на организм человека является сильвинитотерапия, которая до настоящего времени не использовалась в терапии воспалительных заболеваний пародонта у лиц молодого возраста.Цель исследования: гигиеническая и клиническая оценка возможности применения лечебных факторов сильвинитовых устройств в стоматологии.Методы. Осуществляли гигиенические исследования основных физических факторов внутренней среды современных сооружений из калийных солей (радиационный фон, аэроионизационная и аэрозольная среды, микроклимат). Определяли содержание в сильвините минералов сильвина и галита с помощью разработанной нами компьютерной программы. Выполняли микробиологические исследования воздействия минерала сильвинита на ростовые показатели бактериальной культуры. Проводили рандомизированное проспективное исследование с участием 79 пациентов в возрасте 20−25 лет с диагнозом хронического генерализованного катарального гингивита, из них 36 человек проходили курс лечения в соляном сооружении. Оценивали стоматологический статус и состояние пародонта с использованием гигиенических и пародонтологических индексов. Продолжительность исследования составила 4 года.Результаты. Все участники, вступившие в исследование, завершили его. В экспериментальном сильвинитовом помещении формируется биопозитивная внутренняя среда (радиационный фон 0,18±0,0027 мкЗв/ч; содержание легких отрицательных аэроионов ― 802,33±62,69 ион/см3, легких положительных аэроионов ― 509,33±37,17 ион/см3; стабильный микроклимат). Доказано наличие ингибирующего влияния сильвинита на Staphylococcus aureus. Применение комплексной стоматологической программы способствовало улучшению состояния тканей пародонта и повышению кариесрезистентности эмали зубов: индексы гингивита и кровоточивости десневой борозды снизились на 80,8 и 75,5% соответственно; редукция уровня интенсивности кариеса (по индексу КПУ) составила 67,7%; структурно-функциональная резистентность эмали увеличилась на 37%.Заключение. Включение сильвинитотерапии в комплексное лечение больных хроническим генерализованным катаральным гингивитом оказывало выраженное положительное воздействие на состояние тканей пародонта и местный иммунитет полости рта

    A study of biotechnological changes in raw meat during salting process

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    The article presents the results of research on the use of biotechnological techniques in the process of salting raw meat, their effect on the microbiological stability of the product, the formation of the necessary properties and the creation of an effective barrier for pathogenic microflora.The results of the research indicate the positive effects of the introduction of bacterial preparations into the raw meat when salting the meat. On the basis of the data obtained, it has been found that the use of bacterial preparations in the production of various types of sausage products is a modern and relevant biotechnological device


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    The article analyzes results of successful prolonged treatment of children with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). Treatment with cyclosporine (median dose 4–5 mg/kg of body weight) combined with prednisolone (1–1.5 mg/kg/48 hours) was performed in 34 patients 1.5–16 years old with FSGS. Pulse-treatment with methylprednisolone (30 mg/kg every other day, 3–6 injections) was performed in 21 patients for the purpose of remission induction. In 6 month of treatment with cyclosporine, total clinical and laboratory remission of corticosteroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (CRNS) was detected in 12 (35%) patients, partial one — in 9 (26%) patients, remaining CRNS — in 13 (38%) of children. In 12 months of treatment total remission of CRNS was detected in 18 (53%) children, partial one — in 7 (21%) children, unefficient treatment — in 7 (21%) patients. Dose of prednisolone was decreased to minimal supporting level in 68% of children, and in 32% of patients corticosteroids were canceled. Thus, treatment with cyclosporine was effective in most children with SRNS and FSGS. Prolonged administration of cyclosporine up to 2 years and longer can be performed if regular control of kidney function is provided and symptoms of nephrotoxic action of this drug is absent (according to results of repeated biopsy).Key words: children, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, cyclosporine, methylprednisolone.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. – 2010;9(4):155-159


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    14 children with various clinical forms of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome have been examined to assess the efficacy of pharmacological blocking of RAAS using inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme and Angiotensin II receptor blockers. While assessing the efficacy of the nephroprotective therapy, the following was found in all the children: a reliably meaningful 1,5 times reduction ((р = 0,013) in the daily proteinuria level in 3 to 6 months, and by the end of the study — a 2,5 times reduction (р = 0,001) and improvement in the renal filtration function metrics in 3 to 6 months (р = 0,001), in 1 year (р = 0,013) and by the end of the study (p = 0,002) in comparison with the metrics prior to the launch of the nephroprotective therapy. Key words: chronic renal disease, proteinuria, RAAS, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers. (Pediatric Pharmacology. – 2010; 7(2):105-109


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    The use of cystatin С as a probable marker of renal toxicity of cyclosporine A in children with nephritic syndrome, treated with this medication for a long time, is the subject of an interest. The present study included 29 children treated with cyclosporine A, divided into 3 groups depending on the duration of treatment (< 1 year, 1–2 years and > 2 years). The increase of cystatin С level in these groups compared with cystatin С level in control group (10 children without diseases of kidney) was marked. The highest level of cystatin С was detected in children treated with therapeutic doses of cyclosporine A (3–5 mg/kg daily) over 1 year. Authors showed positive correlation between cystatin С level in serum and medication’s dose.Key words: children, nephritic syndrome, cystatin С, cyclosporine A.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. 2010;9(1):131-135

    Organic matter in the Saf'yanovka copper massive sulfide deposit (Middle Urals)

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    The influence of tectonic processes on the transformation of organic matter in volcanic and volcano-sedimentary rocks within the East Ural uplift in the southern Rezh structural-formational zone was studied. The basic features and temperature ranges of organic matter (OM) and ore-bearing rock metamorphic transformations in the Saf'yanovka deposit were established using the methods of thermal analysis, electron paramagnetic resonance, and complex geochemical studies, including GC-MS. The geochemical study of organic matter in the ore-bearing rocks of the Saf'yanovka deposit confirmed its relation to the sapropelic type and to shallow marine conditions of formation. The syngenetic nature of the OM and ore-bearing rocks was established on the basis of the geochemical and physicochemical analyses. The transformation stage of OM in the Saf'yanovka deposit indicates its rapid, but incomplete maturation in the evolution of hydrothermal fluid


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    The article demonstrates successful experience of treatment of focal segmental glomerular sclerosis (FSGS) with cyclosporine A in children. 25 children over the age 1,5–16 years old with FSGS were treated with cyclosporine A in medium dose 4–5 mg/kg combined with prednisolone 1–1,5 mg/kg every other day. Pulse treatment with methylprednisolone 30 mg/kg every other day, in total 3–9 injections, was administrated for the purpose of remission induction. After 5 months of treatment with cyclosporine A complete clinical and laboratory remission of steroid-resistance nephritic syndrome (SRNS) was achieved in 9 (36%) patients, partial response was registered in 6 (24%) patients, maintenance of SRNS activity was detected in 10 (40%) cases. After the year of treatment complete remission was shown in 13 (52%) children, partial response — in 5 (20%) patients, and absence of effect was registered in 7 (28%) cases. In 56% of cases, the treatment with steroids was completely stopped after achievement of SRNS remission within administration of cyclosporine A. At the present times, authors observe 14 children, whose duration of treatment with cyclosporine A is 2 years. 12 patients remain previously achieved complete or partial remission of nephritic syndrome without decrease of nitrogen excretion function of kidneys. 9 patients underwent repeated biopsy of kidneys for the exclusion of nephrotoxic effect of cyclosporine A. The results of biopsy allowed prolongation of therapy: in 6 children the previous dose maintained, and 3 children got double decreased dose. Thus, the treatment with cyclosporine A is effective in 76% of patients with FSGS. Prolongation of treatment with cyclosporine A up to 2 years and more is possible in conditions of regular diagnostic of kidneys function and absence of its nephrotoxic effect signs, according to a data from repeated biopsy.Key words: children, focal segmental glomerular sclerosis, cyclosporine, methylprednisolone.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. 2009;8(5):93-97


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    14 children with various clinical forms of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome have been examined to assess the efficacy of pharmacological blocking of RAAS using inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme and Angiotensin II receptor blockers. While assessing the efficacy of the nephroprotective therapy, the following was found in all the children: a reliably meaningful 1,5 times reduction ((р = 0,013) in the daily proteinuria level in 3 to 6 months, and by the end of the study — a 2,5 times reduction (р = 0,001) and improvement in the renal filtration function metrics in 3 to 6 months (р = 0,001), in 1 year (р = 0,013) and by the end of the study (p = 0,002) in comparison with the metrics prior to the launch of the nephroprotective therapy. Key words: chronic renal disease, proteinuria, RAAS, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers. (Pediatric Pharmacology. – 2010; 7(2):105-109)Для оценки эффективности фармакологической блокады ренин-ангиотензин-альдостероновой системы с помощью применения ингибиторов ангиотензин-превращающего фермента и блокаторов рецепторов ангиотензина-II обследовано 14 детей с различными клиническими формами стероидрезистентного нефротического синдрома. При оценке эффективности проводимой нефропротективной терапии у всех детей выявлено: достоверно значимое снижение уровня суточной протеинурии в 1,5 раза (р=0,013) через 3-6 месяцев, а к окончанию исследования – в 2,5 раза (р=0,001) и улучшение показателей фильтрационной функции почек через 3-6 месяцев (р=0,001), 1 год (р=0,013) и к концу исследования (p=0,002) по сравнению с показателями до начала нефропротективной терапии. Ключевые слова: хроническая болезнь почек, протеинурия, ренин-ангиотензин-альдостероновая система, ингибиторы ангиотензин-превращающего фермента, блокаторы рецепторов ангиотензина-II. (Педиатрическая фармакология. – 2010; 7(2):105-109