494 research outputs found

    Interaction between water soluble and volatile compounds of Cistus ladanifer L.

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    Phytotoxic activity of single and combined application of water soluble and volatile compounds of Cistus ladanifer on germination and early root growth of subterranean clover. Was investigated. Total germination, lag and speed of germination were both inhibited and stimulated, with the activity of volatiles on total germination depending upon the presence of water solubles. Antagonism between water solubles and volatiles was always found, resulting in a reduction of inhibition or a shift from inhibition to stimulation. It is suggested that the simultaneous presence of water solubles and volatiles might result in changes of the chemical nature of metabolites released by C. ladanifer. Early root growth was always inhibited but only by water solubles, and no interaction was found. The ecological implications of these results are discussed in terms of the exhaustion of competitors seedbanks by a two-step process in which germination is less inhibited or even stimulated by water solubles and volatiles, followed by a stronger and volatiles-independent inhibition of early root growth

    Are drought occurrence and severity aggravating ? A study on SPI drought class transitions using log-linear models and ANOVA-like inference

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    Abstract. Long time series (95 to 135 yr) of the 12-month time scale Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) relative to 10 locations across Portugal were studied with the aim of investigating if drought frequency and severity are changing through time. Considering four drought severity classes, time series of drought class transitions were computed and later divided into several sub-periods according to the length of SPI time series. Drought class transitions were calculated to form a 2-dimensional contingency table for each sub-period, which refer to the number of transitions among drought severity classes. Two-dimensional log-linear models were fitted to these contingency tables and an ANOVA-like inference was then performed in order to investigate differences relative to drought class transitions among those subperiods, which were considered as treatments of only one factor. The application of ANOVA-like inference to these data allowed to compare the sub-periods in terms of probabilities of transition between drought classes, which were used to detect a possible trend in droughts frequency and severity. Results for a number of locations show some similarity between alternate sub-periods and differences between consecutive ones regarding the persistency of severe/extreme and sometimes moderate droughts. In global terms, results do not support the assumption of a trend for progressive aggravation of drought occurrence during the last century, but rather suggest the existence of long duration cycles

    A 3-year field study to assess winter cover crops as nitrogen sources for an organic maize crop in Mediterranean Portugal

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    Current environmental concerns, the rising economic and environmental costs of mineral fertilizers and the need to respond to the limitations of N fertilization in organic farming motivate the search for alternative sources of N in maize cropping. Forage legumes used as winter cover crops may improve soil N fertility and offer benefits to the environment. The aim of this study was to examine the effects, in a factorial field experiment, of two sowing dates (SD) and nine different cover crop treatments (balansa clover, crimson clover, gland clover, arrowleaf clover, French serradella, yellow lupin, Italian ryegrass, a cover mixture and a weedy fallow) as a potential alternative N source in an organically managed maize crop. The experiment was conducted at Viseu (Portugal) for three years (2007/2008, 2008/2009 and 2011/12), in the same field. Results showed that maize grain yield was not influenced by cover crop species but was affected by SD and the higher dry matter (DM) aboveground biomass production was observed in early SD (6.1 t ha 1). The cover crops revealed their importance in maize N uptake: yellow lupin of earlier SD had the highest N uptake (83.6 kg N ha 1), but this was not significantly different from balansa clover (83.2 kg N ha 1). Ryegrass was the most efficient in depleting soil mineral N but values were just significantly lower than yellow lupin. Lupin was the least efficient, leaving more mineral N in the soil than the others cover crops, immediately before the period when the risk of leaching is high. It was concluded that, under the edaphoclimatic conditions tested, most of the tested cover crops were efficient in supplying N to maize, and balansa clover had the best performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessment of Mineralized Nitrogen During Maize Growth Succeeding Different Winter Cover Crops in the Mediterranean Environment

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    Background: Understanding soil nitrogen (N) dynamics is essential to find alternative N sources and improve N use efficiency in agriculture. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess N mineralization rates from residues of winter cover crops, during maize crop season, under Mediterranean conditions. Methods: A field experiment was carried out from May to September in central Portugal, with four replications, two sowing dates of cover crops (15/10/2011 and 29/11/2011) and three cover crops residues (balansa clover, ryegrass and yellow lupine) that were incorporated in the soil. Plots were cropped with local maize and net N mineralization was measured during the crop cycle, using soil cylinders placed inside micro-perforated polyethylene bags. Results and Discussion: Early sowing of the cover crops residues increased the NH4+ and NO3- contents in the soil. Yellow lupine residue had the highest rate of daily N mineralization (0.71 mg N kg-1 day-1). For all treatments, the highest mineralization rate was found in the last incubation period, ranging between 0.78 mg N kg-1 day-1 and 1.84 mg N kg-1 day-1, both for balansa clover, from the second and the first sowing date, respectively. Conclusion: The present study suggests that, under Mediterranean field conditions, cover crops residue of Italian ryegrass, balansa clover and yellow lupin can be used as a nitrogen source namely for sustainable maize crops.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hypoxia Inhibits Hypertrophic Differentiation and Endochondral Ossification in Explanted Tibiae

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    Purpose: Hypertrophic differentiation of growth plate chondrocytes induces angiogenesis which alleviates hypoxia normally present in cartilage. In the current study, we aim to determine whether alleviation of hypoxia is merely a downstream effect of hypertrophic differentiation as previously described or whether alleviation of hypoxia and consequent changes in oxygen tension mediated signaling events also plays an active role in regulating the hypertrophic differentiation process itself. Materials and Methods: Fetal mouse tibiae (E17.5) explants were cultured up to 21 days under normoxic or hypoxic conditions (21% and 2.5% oxygen respectively). Tibiae were analyzed on growth kinetics, histology, gene expression and protein secretion. Results: The oxygen level had a strong influence on the development of explanted fetal tibiae. Compared to hypoxia, normoxia increased the length of the tibiae, length of the hypertrophic zone, calcification of the cartilage and mRNA levels of hypertrophic differentiation-related genes e.g. MMP9, MMP13, RUNX2, COL10A1 and ALPL. Compared to normoxia, hypoxia increased the size of the cartilaginous epiphysis, length of the resting zone, calcification of the bone and mRNA levels of hyaline cartilage-related genes e.g. ACAN, COL2A1 and SOX9. additionally, hypoxia enhanced the mRNA and protein expression of the secreted articular cartilage markers GREM1, FRZB and DKK1, which are able to inhibit hypertrophic differentiation. Conclusions: Collectively our data suggests that oxygen levels play an active role in the regulation of hypertrophic differentiation of hyaline chondrocytes. Normoxia stimulates hypertrophic differentiation evidenced by the expression of hypertrophic differentiation related genes. In contrast, hypoxia suppresses hypertrophic differentiation of chondrocytes, which might be at least partially explained by the induction of GREM1, FRZB and DKK1 expressio

    SPI-based drought category prediction using loglinear models

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    Loglinear modeling for three-dimensional contingency tables was used with data from 14 rainfall stations located in Alentejo and Algarve region, southern of Portugal, for short term prediction of drought severity classes. Loglinear models were fitted to drought class transitions derived from Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) time series computed in a 12-month time scale. Quasi-association loglinear models proved to be the most adequate in fitting all the 14 data series. Odds and respective confidence intervals were calculated in order to understand the drought evolution and to estimate the drought class transition probabilities. The validation of the predictions was performed for the 2004–2006 drought, particularly for periods when the drought was initiating and establishing, and when it was dissipating. Despite the contingency tables of drought class transitions present a strong diagonal tendency, results of three-dimensional loglinear modeling present good results when comparing predicted and observed drought classes with 1 and 2 months lead for those 14 sites. Only for a few cases predictions did not fully match the observed drought severity, mainly for 2-month lead and when the SPI values are near the limit of the severity class. It could be concluded that loglinear prediction of drought class transitions is a useful tool for short term drought warnin

    High throughput generated micro-aggregates of chondrocytes stimulate cartilage formation in vitro and in vivo

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    Cell-based cartilage repair strategies such as matrix-induced autologous chondrocyte implantation (MACI) could be improved by enhancing cell performance. We hypothesised that micro-aggregates of chondrocytes generated in high-throughput prior to implantation in a defect could stimulate cartilaginous matrix deposition and remodelling. To address this issue, we designed a micro-mould to enable controlled high-throughput formation of micro-aggregates. Morphology, stability, gene expression profiles and chondrogenic potential of micro-aggregates of human and bovine chondrocytes were evaluated and compared to single-cells cultured in micro-wells and in 3D after encapsulation in Dextran-Tyramine (Dex-TA) hydrogels in vitro and in vivo. We successfully formed micro-aggregates of human and bovine chondrocytes with highly controlled size, stability and viability within 24 hours. Micro-aggregates of 100 cells presented a superior balance in Collagen type I and Collagen type II gene expression over single cells and micro-aggregates of 50 and 200 cells. Matrix metalloproteinases 1, 9 and 13 mRNA levels were decreased in micro-aggregates compared to single-cells. Histological and biochemical analysis demonstrated enhanced matrix deposition in constructs seeded with micro-aggregates cultured in vitro and in vivo, compared to single-cell seeded constructs. Whole genome microarray analysis and single gene expression profiles using human chondrocytes confirmed increased expression of cartilage-related genes when chondrocytes were cultured in micro-aggregates. In conclusion, we succeeded in controlled high-throughput formation of micro-aggregates of chondrocytes. Compared to single cell-seeded constructs, seeding of constructs with micro-aggregates greatly improved neo-cartilage formation. Therefore, micro-aggregation prior to chondrocyte implantation in current MACI procedures, may effectively accelerate hyaline cartilage formation

    Traçando mapas: a teoria histórico-cultural e as contribuições para a pesquisa com crianças e suas espacialidades

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    Este texto busca fazer uma reflexão sobre as pesquisas sistematizadas no campo da infância, tendo como enfoque principal as estratégias de pesquisas “com crianças”. O recorte ao qual nos dedicamos são as relações que as crianças estabelecem com o meio, tendo como foco principal as suas espacialidades. A partir das contribuições de pesquisas que se aportam em estratégias de natureza qualitativas e fundamentadas nos aportes da teoria históricas cultural, elege-se o conceito de vivência (perejivanie) como mote em torno do qual nossos trabalhos são desenvolvidos. Para isso, traça-se, inicialmente, a origem da pesquisa com base em paradigmas positivistas e evidenciam-se alguns caminhos que buscaram romper com essa perspectiva: os postulados etnográficos de Malinovky e Boas; o Interacionismo simbólico, cujo precursor é George Herbert Mead; a Etnometodologia de Harold Garfinkel; as contribuições de Marx e os princípios estabelecidos por Vigotski e seus colaboradores.</p