798 research outputs found

    Partial characterization of genes encoding the ATP-binding cassette proteins of Cryptosporidium parvum

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    The present study aims to explore the possible mechanisms underlying the multidrug resistance characteristic of Cryptosporidium parvum by detecting the presence of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) protein encoding genes, especially one that shows high similarity to members belonging to the multidrug resistance protein (MDR) and multidrug resistance associated protein (MRP) subfamilies. PCR using ABC-specific degenerate primers successfully amplified two unique fragments, designated Cpnbd1 and Cpnbd2, from C. parvum genomic DNA. Cpnbd1 exhibited high degree of homology (99-100) with the nucleotide- binding domains (NBDs) at the NH2 -terminal halves of two previously reported ABC proteins (CpABC and CpABC1) of human and bovine origin C. parvum isolates. It is likely that CpABC, CpABC1 and Cpnbd1 were encoded by homologous genes of a type of ABC transporter protein found in different C. parvum isolates. However, Cpnbd2 showed moderate levels of similarities (28-49) to the NBDs of four ABC proteins characterised in C. parvum to date. Therefore, Cpnbd2 could be a novel member of an ABC superfamily of proteins in C. parvum. Phylogenetic analyses on a list of ABC transporters known to associate with MDR phenotype has significantly linked Cpnbd1 and Cpnbd2 to these transporters, thus suggesting that Cpnbd1 and Cpnbd2 proteins may contribute to the intrinsic multidrug resistance phenotype of C. parvu

    Semiclassical treatment of the Dirac sea contribution for finite nuclei

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    Dirac sea corrections for bulk properties of finite nuclei are computed within a self-consistent scheme in the σ\sigma-ω\omega model. The valence part is treated in the Hartree approximation whereas the sea contribution is evaluated semiclassically up to fourth order in \hbar. Numerically, we find a quick convergence of the semiclassical expansion; the fourth order contributing much less than one percent to the binding energy per nucleon.Comment: LaTeX, 11 page

    Direct construction of the effective action of chiral gauge fermions in the anomalous sector

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    The anomaly implies an obstruction to a fully chiral covariant calculation of the effective action in the abnormal parity sector of chiral theories. The standard approach then is to reconstruct the anomalous effective action from its covariant current. In this work we use a recently introduced formulation which allows to directly construct the non trivial chiral invariant part of the effective action within a fully covariant formalism. To this end we develop an appropriate version of Chan's approach to carry out the calculation within the derivative expansion. The result to four derivatives, i.e., to leading order in two and four dimensions and next-to-leading order in two dimensions, is explicitly worked out. Fairly compact expressions are found for these terms.Comment: 19 pages, revtex, no figures. Writing improved. (Refers to arXiv:0807.1696.

    Gauge invariant derivative expansion of the effective action at finite temperature and density and the scalar field in 2+1 dimensions

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    A method is presented for the computation of the one-loop effective action at finite temperature and density. The method is based on an expansion in the number of spatial covariant derivatives. It applies to general background field configurations with arbitrary internal symmetry group and space-time dependence. Full invariance under small and large gauge transformations is preserved without assuming stationary or Abelian fields nor fixing the gauge. The method is applied to the computation of the effective action of spin zero particles in 2+1 dimensions at finite temperature and density and in presence of background gauge fields. The calculation is carried out through second order in the number of spatial covariant derivatives. Some limiting cases are worked out.Comment: 34 pages, REVTEX, no figures. Further comments adde

    Casimir interaction between two concentric cylinders: exact versus semiclassical results

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    The Casimir interaction between two perfectly conducting, infinite, concentric cylinders is computed using a semiclassical approximation that takes into account families of classical periodic orbits that reflect off both cylinders. It is then compared with the exact result obtained by the mode-by-mode summation technique. We analyze the validity of the semiclassical approximation and show that it improves the results obtained through the proximity theorem.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures include

    Sexual violence against women and children in Chinese societies

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    This article provides a comprehensive overview of the reported patterns of sexual violence against women and children in China. It reviews the prevalence of and risk factors for various types of sexual violence and discusses community knowledge and perceptions of these violent acts. It also critically examines three major problems of sexual violence research in China. First, the diversity of findings and study methods reported by surveys and criminal reports reflects the problems in obtaining accurate figures on the scope of the problem. Second, precautions must be taken in reading studies on Chinese culture-specific risk factors for domestic violence. Third, the study of culture-specific factors should not focus solely on cultural factors in a vacuum but rather, should examine traditional culture in the context of modern societies and consensus international standards of human rights. Recommendations for future research are also discussed. © 2009 Sage Publications.postprin

    Space-like Penguin Effects in BPPB \to PP Decays

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    The space-like penguin contributions to branching ratios and CP asymmetries in charmless decays of BB to two pseudoscalar mesons are studied using the next-to-leading order low energy effective Hamiltonian. Both the gluonic penguin and the electroweak penguin diagrams are considered. We find that the effects are significant.Comment: 18 pages, LaTex file, 2 figure

    Low Energy Chiral Lagrangian in Curved Space-Time from the Spectral Quark Model

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    We analyze the recently proposed Spectral Quark Model in the light of Chiral Perturbation Theory in curved space-time. In particular, we calculate the chiral coefficients L1,...,L10L_1, ..., L_{10}, as well as the coefficients L11L_{11}, L12L_{12}, and L13L_{13}, appearing when the model is coupled to gravity. The analysis is carried for the SU(3) case. We analyze the pattern of chiral symmetry breaking as well as elaborate on the fulfillment of anomalies. Matching the model results to resonance meson exchange yields the relation between the masses of the scalar, tensor and vector mesons, Mf0=Mf2=2MV=43/NcπfπM_{f_0}=M_{f_2}=\sqrt{2} M_V= 4 \sqrt{3 /N_c} \pi f_\pi. Finally, the large-NcN_c limit suggests the dual relations in the vector and scalar channels, MV=MS=26/NcπfπM_V=M_S= 2 \sqrt{6 /N_c} \pi f_\pi and S1/2=<r2>V1/2=2Nc/fπ=0.59fm^{1/2}_S = < r^2 >^{1/2}_V = 2 \sqrt{N_c} / f_\pi = 0.59 {\rm fm} .Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Supersymmetric Dark Matter and Yukawa Unification

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    An analysis of supersymmetric dark matter under the Yukawa unification constraint is given. The analysis utilizes the recently discovered region of the parameter space of models with gaugino mass nonuniversalities where large negative supersymmetric corrections to the b quark mass appear to allow bτb-\tau unification for a positive μ\mu sign consistent with the bs+γb\to s+\gamma and gμ2g_{\mu}-2 constraints. In the present analysis we use the revised theoretical determination of aμSMa_{\mu}^{SM} (aμ=(gμ2)/2a_{\mu}= (g_{\mu}-2)/2) in computing the difference aμexpaμSMa_{\mu}^{exp}-a_{\mu}^{SM} which takes account of a reevaluation of the light by light contribution which has a positive sign. The analysis shows that the region of the parameter space with nonuniversalities of the gaugino masses which allows for unification of Yukawa couplings also contains regions which allow satisfaction of the relic density constraint. Specifically we find that the lightest neutralino mass consistent with the relic density constraint, bτb\tau unification for SU(5) and btτb-t-\tau unification for SO(10) in addition to other constraints lies in the region below 80 GeV. An analysis of the maximum and the minimum neutralino-proton scalar cross section for the allowed parameter space including the effect of a new determination of the pion-nucleon sigma term is also given. It is found that the full parameter space for this class of models can be explored in the next generation of proposed dark matter detectors.Comment: 28 pages,nLatex including 5 fig