27 research outputs found
Enzyme extraction of cupuassu (Theobroma grandiflorum S.) fat sedes
Enzyme-assisted extraction is considered an environmentally friendly technique. Cellulase, pectinase and protease were tested for cupuassu seeds fat extraction. The best fat efficiency (81.66%) was obtained for the solute:solvent 1:5 (m:w), orbital shaker at 120 rpm, 60 °C, for 8 hours and enzyme concentrations (cellulase, pectinase and protease) of 1.0%. The fat was characterized for physicochemical properties, fatty acid profile, phenolic compounds, antioxidant activities and oxidative stability. The fat showed good thermal stability (14.26 h) and high contents of monounsaturated (42.42%) and saturated (43.47%) fatty acids with higher concentrations of oleic and stearic acids, respectively, and a high content of phenolic compounds (141.84 µg EAG·g-1) in the fat, and in the aqueous extract (926.47 µg EAG·g-1). The results indicated that the cupuassu seed fat obtained by enzymatic extraction showed superior properties to cupuassu fat obtained by cold pressing, in addition to generating an aqueous fraction which is rich in bioactive compounds that can be used as ingredients in the food and pharmaceutical sectors
Perfil de ácidos grasos y comportamiento reológico de aceite y grasa de semillas de achiote (Bixa orellana), y de cacao blanco (Theobroma grandiflorum) y sus mezclas
Annatto seed oil (ASO) and cupuassu seed fat (CSF) were combined at the ratios: 30:70, 50:50, and 70:30 (% w/w). Their fatty acid profile, nutritional quality, FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) spectra, and rheological behavior were evaluated. ASO increased the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the blends; whereas CSF conferred higher contents of monounsaturated fatty acids. The blends exhibited low atherogenicity and thrombogenicity indices, suggesting nutritional advantages. The Newtonian fluid behavior and FTIR results suggested that mixing ASO and CSF at different proportions did not affect the functional groups. ASO showed an activation energy value which indicated that this fat viscosity was more sensitive to temperature changes. The Newtonian model proved to be suitable to describe the behavior of samples, according to statistical fit parameters R2, χ2, and RSS. The resulting blends presented improved physicochemical properties and nutritional attributes, indicating their feasibility for the development of new products.Se combinaron aceite de semilla de achiote (ASO) y grasa de semilla de cacao blanco (CSF) en las proporciones: 30:70, 50:50 y 70:30 (% p/p), respectivamente. Se evaluó su perfil de ácidos grasos, calidad nutricional, espectros FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) y comportamiento reológico. ASO incrementó el contenido de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados en las mezclas, mientras que CSF confirió mayores contenidos de ácidos grasos monoinsaturados. Las mezclas exhibieron bajos índices de aterogenicidad y trombogenicidad, lo que sugiere ventajas nutricionales. El comportamiento del fluido newtoniano y los resultados de FTIR sugirieron que mezclar ASO y CSF en diferentes proporciones no afectó a los grupos funcionales. ASO mostró un valor de energía de activación que indicó que la viscosidad de esta grasa era más sensible a los cambios de temperatura. El modelo newtoniano demostró ser adecuado para describir el comportamiento de las muestras, según los parámetros de ajuste estadístico R2, χ2 y RSS. Las mezclas resultantes presentaron propiedades fisicoquímicas y atributos nutricionales mejorados, lo que indica su viabilidad para el desarrollo de nuevos productos
Dissecting the sugarcane expressed sequence tag (SUCEST) database: unraveling flower-specific genes
There are almost 260,000 independent clones sequenced from the 5? end in the Sugarcane Expressed Sequence Tag (SUCEST) database, which have been obtained from 37 cDNA libraries prepared from different tissues. This large number of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) provides an opportunity, unprecedented in plants, to perform ?digital differential screening? on selected cDNA libraries. In general, the frequency of a particular EST correlates with transcript accumulation in the tissues from which the cDNA libraries were constructed, so it is possible to compare the whole transcriptome from different tissues using computer-assisted analysis of an EST database. In our research we analyzed sugarcane ESTs according to tissue expression and identified more than 1,000 putative flower-specific genes. The fact that using this technique we were able to identify sugarcane homologues of several genes previously described as pollen-specific justifies this method of assessing tissue specificity. In addition, ESTs similar to genes specific to reproductive organs were detected e.g. a sugarcane gene encoding a meiotic protein essential for assembly of the synaptonemal complex and normal synapsis. This approach also allowed the identification of many flower-specific anonymous sequences that are good candidates for being novel genes involved in plant reproduction. This paper describes the analysis of the gene expression levels of 24 EST clusters during flower development using a ?digital northern blot? constructed from direct EST counts made on the non-normalized sugarcane cDNA libraries.Existem quase 260.000 clones independentes, seqüenciados a partir da extremidade 5?, no banco de dados do SUCEST (Sugarcane Expressed Sequence Tag), os quais foram obtidos a partir de 37 bibliotecas de cDNA preparadas de diferentes tecidos. Este grande número de etiquetas de sequências expressas (ESTs) fornece uma oportunidade, sem precedentes em plantas, de realizar um ?digital differential screening? em bibliotecas de cDNA selecionadas. Geralmente, a frequência de um determinado EST está correlacionada ao acúmulo de transcritos nos tecidos dos quais as bibliotecas de cDNA foram construídas, e desta forma, é possível comparar o transcriptoma completo de diferentes tecidos, usando uma análise computacional de um banco de dados de ESTs. Em nossa pesquisa, analisamos os ESTs de cana-de-açúcar de acordo com sua expressão tecidual e identificamos mais de 1.000 putativos genes específicos de flor. O fato de que usando esta técnica fomos capazes de identificar homológos em cana-de-açúcar, de vários genes previamente descritos como específicos de pólen, sustenta este método de estimar especificidade tecidual. Além disto, ESTs com similaridade a genes específicos de órgãos reprodutivos foram revelados, como por exemplo, o gene que codifica uma proteína meiótica essencial para a montagem do complexo sinaptonêmico e sinapse normal. Esta abordagem também permitiu a identificação de muitas sequências anônimas, específicas de flor, que são boas candidatas para novos genes envolvidos com a reprodução de plantas. Este trabalho descreve a análise dos níveis de expressão gênica de 24 clusters de ESTs, durante o desenvolvimento floral, usando um ?northern blot digital? construído a partir da contagem direta dos ESTs das bibliotecas não-normalizadas de cDNAs de cana-de-açúcar.7784Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq