257 research outputs found

    Controlled-NOT logic gate for phase qubits based on conditional spectroscopy

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    A controlled-NOT logic gate based on conditional spectroscopy has been demonstrated recently for a pair of superconducting flux qubits [Plantenberg et al., Nature 447, 836 (2007)]. Here we study the fidelity of this type of gate applied to a phase qubit coupled to a resonator (or a pair of capacitively coupled phase qubits). Our results show that an intrinsic fidelity of more than 99% is achievable in 45ns.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, To appear in Quantum Inf. Pro

    Spontaneous emission between an unusual pair of plates

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    We compute the modification in the spontaneous emission rate for a two-level atom when it is located between two parallel plates of different nature: a perfectly conducting plate (ϵ→∞)(\epsilon\to \infty) and an infinitely permeable one (μ→∞)(\mu\to \infty). We also discuss the case of two infinitely permeable plates. We compare our results with those found in the literature for the case of two perfectly conducting plates.Comment: latex file 4 pages, 4 figure

    Multidisciplinary Experience In The Selection Of Patients For Tubal Sterilization.

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    Results of the use of a special protocol for evaluation of patients requiring tubal ligation is presented after applied by a multidisciplinary group. The authors conclude that the use of defined parameters of age, parity, marital union duration, number of children alive and the presence of maternal clinical pathology are useful to identify patients with smaller chances of regret after surgery.27% of reproductive-age women in Brazil have chosen surgical sterilization as their contraceptive method. Most of these women who have undergone tubal sterilization opted for cesarean surgery. However, given the young ages of many of these women, many regret having been sterilized. This paper summarizes the experience of a multidisciplinary group in evaluating women who apply for surgical sterilization at the Department of Tocogynecology, Faculdade de Ciencas Medicas, Universidade Estadual de Campinas in Sao Paulo. Detailed descriptions are presented of the medical and social characteristics of cases seen between June 1988 and July 1989. The authors conclude that the use of the defined parameters of age, parity, marital union duration, number of living children, and the presence of maternal clinical pathology are useful in identifying the patients who are least likely to regret undergoing surgical sterilization.113171572

    Urinary Incontinence Among Climateric Brazilian Women: Household Survey

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    Objective. To investigate the prevalence of stress urinary incontinence and its associated factors in perimenopause women using a population-based household survey. Methods. A descriptive, exploratory cross-sectional population-based study with secondary analysis of a population-based household survey on perimenopause and menopause was conducted among women living in the city of Campinas, Brazil. Through a sampling process, 456 women between 45 and 60 years old were selected. Complaints of urinary incontinence and related risk factors, such as age, socioeconomic status, education level, race, parity, smoking habits, body mass index, previous gynecological surgeries, menopausal status, and hormonal replacement therapy were explored. Data were collected through home interviews using an adapted version of the structured pre-tested questionnaire elaborated by the International Health Foundation, International Menopause Society and the American Menopause Society. Statistical analysis were performed using prevalence rates (CI 95%). Results. Thirty-five percent of the interviewees referred stress urinary incontinence. None of the sociodemographic factors studied was associated to the risk of urinary incontinence. In addition, parity did not significantly change the risk of urinary incontinence. Other factors, such as previous gynecological surgeries, body mass index, and smoking habits, were not associated with the prevalence of stress urinary incontinence. Also, menopausal status and hormonal replacement therapy did not change the risk of stress urinary incontinence. Conclusion. Though there was a high prevalence of stress urinary incontinence among perimenopause women, there was not found any associations with sociodemographic and reproductive factors.355428435Bortolotti, A., Bernardini, B., Colli, E., Di Benedetto, P., Giocoli Nacci, G., Landoni, M., Prevalence and risk factors for urinary incontinence in Italy (2000) Eur Urol, 37, pp. 30-35Brown, J.S., Grady, D., Ouslander, J.G., Herzog, A.R., Varner, R.E., Posner, S.F., Prevalence of urinary incontinence and associated risk factors in postmenopausal women (1999) Obstet Gynecol, 94, pp. 66-70. , Hert & Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study (HERS) Research GroupBurgio, K.L., Mathews, K.A., Engel, B.T., Prevalence, incidence and correlates of urinary incontinence in healthy, middle-aged women (1991) J Urol, 146, pp. 1255-1259Comportamento sexual da população brasileira e percepção sobre o HIV/AIDS: Relatório final de pesquisa (1999), pp. 34-37. , Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento (CEBRAP), Ministério da Saúde-SPS-CNDST/HIV/AIDS. São PauloChiarelli, P., Brown, W., Mc Elduf, F.P., Leaking urine: Prevalence and associated factors in Australian women (1999) Neurourol Urodyn, 18, pp. 567-577Elving, L.B., Foldspang, A., Lam, G.W., Mommsen, S., Descriptive epidemiology of urinary incontinence in 3100 women age 30-59 (1989) Scand J Urol Nephrol, 125 (SUPPL.), pp. 37-43Fantl, J.A., Cardozo, L., Mc Clish, D.K., Estrogen therapy in the management of urinary incontinence in postmenopausal women: A meta-analisys (1994) Obstet Gynecol, 83, pp. 12-18. , First report of the Hormones and Urogenital Therapy CommiteeFantl, J.A., Bump, R.C., Robinson, D., Efficacy of estrogen supplementation in the treatment of urinary incontinece (1996) Obstet Gynecol, 88, pp. 745-749Guarisi, T., Pinto-Neto, A.M., Costa-Paiva, L.H.S., Pedro, A.O., Faúndes, A., Sintomas urinários e genitais em mulheres climatéricas (1998) J Bras Ginecol, 108, pp. 125-130Jaszmann, L., Epidemiology of climateric and postclimateric complaints (1973), pp. 22-24. , Van Keep PA, Lauritzen C, editors. Ageing and estrogens: front hormone research. Basel: KargerLaurenti, R., Mello-Jorge, M.L.P., Lebrão, M.L., Gotlieb, S.L.D., População: Recenseamento e estimativas (1987) Estatística de saúde., pp. 9-38. , editors. 2a ed. São Paulo: EPUMendonça, M., Reis, R.V., Macedo, C.B.M.S., Barbosa, K.S.R., Prevalência da queixa de incontinência urinária de esforço em pacientes atendidas no serviço de ginecologia do Hospital Júlia Kubitschek (1997) J Bras Ginecol, 107, pp. 153-155Moller, L.A., Lose, G., Jorgensen, T., The prevalence and bothersomeness of lower urinary tract symptons in women 40-60 years of age (2000) Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 79, pp. 298-305Thom, D.H., Brown, J.S., Reproductive and hormonal risk factors for urinary incontinence in later life: A review of the clinical and epidemiologic literature (1998) J Am Geriatr Soc, 46, pp. 1411-1417Van Geelen, J.M., Van de Weijer, P.H., Arnolds, H.T., Urogenital symptons and resulting discomfort in noninstitutionalized Dutch women aged 50-75 years (2000) Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct, 11, pp. 9-14Von Mühlen, D.G., Kritz-Silverstein, D., Barret-Connor, E., A community based study of menopause symptoms and estrogen replacement in older women (1995) Maturitas, 22, pp. 71-78Wilbur, J., Miller, A.M., Montgomery, A., Chandler, P., Sociodemographic characteristics, biological factors, an symptom reporting in midlife women (1998) Menopause, 5, pp. 43-5

    Quantum radiation pressure on a moving mirror at finite temperature

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    We compute the radiation pressure force on a moving mirror, in the nonrelativistic approximation, assuming the field to be at temperature T.T. At high temperature, the force has a dissipative component proportional to the mirror velocity, which results from Doppler shift of the reflected thermal photons. In the case of a scalar field, the force has also a dispersive component associated to a mass correction. In the electromagnetic case, the separate contributions to the mass correction from the two polarizations cancel. We also derive explicit results in the low temperature regime, and present numerical results for the general case. As an application, we compute the dissipation and decoherence rates for a mirror in a harmonic potential well.Comment: Figure 3 replaced, changes mainly in Sections IV and V, new appendix introduced. To appear in Physical Review

    Integrated Health Service Delivery Networks And Tuberculosis Avoidable Hospitalizations: Is There A Relation Between Them In Brazil?

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    The early identification of the Breathing Symptoms within the scope of Primary Health Care is recommended, and is also one of the strategies of national sanitary authorities for reaching the elimination of tuberculosis. The purpose of this study is to consider which attributes and which territories have shown the most significant progress in Primary Health Care, in terms of coordination of Health Care Networks, and also check if those areas of Primary Health Care that are most critical regarding coordination, there were more or less cases of avoidable hospitalizations for tuberculosis. Methods: This is an ecological study that uses primary and secondary data. For analysis, coropletic maps were developed through the ArcGIS software, version 10.2. There was also the calculation of gross annual and Bayesian rates for hospitalizations for tuberculosis, for each Primary Health Care territory. Results: There were satisfactory results for attributes such as Population (n = 37; 80.4 %), Primary Health Care (n = 43; 93.5 %), Support System (n = 45; 97.8 %); the exceptions were Logistics System (n = 32; 76.0 %) and Governance System, with fewer units in good condition (n = 31; 67.3 %). There is no evidence of any connection between networks' coordination by Primary Health Care and tuberculosis avoidable admissions. Conclusion: The results show that progress has been made regarding the coordination of the Health Care Networks, and a positive trend has been shown, even though the levels are not excellent. It was found no relationship between the critical areas of Primary Health Care and tuberculosis avoidable hospitalizations, possibly because other variables necessary to comprehend the phenomena. © 2016 Popolin et al.16

    Project manager-to-project allocations in practice: an empirical study of the decision-making practices of a multi-project based organization

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    Empirical studies that examine how managers make project manager-to-project (PM2P) allocation decisions in multi-project settings are currently limited. Such decisions are crucial to organizational success. An empirical study of the PM2P practice, conducted in the context of Botswana, revealed ineffective processes in terms of optimality in decision-making. A conceptual model to guide effective PM2P practices was developed. The focus of this study is on deploying the model as a lens to study the PM2P practices of a large organization, with a view to identify and illustrate strengths and weaknesses. A case study was undertaken in the mining industry, where core activities in terms of projects are underground mineral explorations at identified geographical regions. A semi-structured interview protocol was used to collect data from 15 informants, using an enumeration. Integrated analysis of both data types (using univariate descriptive analysis for the quantitative data, content and thematic analysis for the qualitative data) revealed strengths in PM2P practices, demonstrated by informants’ recognition of some important criteria to be considered. The key weaknesses were exemplified by a lack of effective management tools and techniques to match project managers to projects. The findings provide a novel perspective through which improvements in working practices can be made

    A Phenotype of Childhood Autism Is Associated with Preexisting Maternal Anxiety and Depression

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    This study explored whether ASD phenotypes in the child were associated with a history of anxiety or depression in the mother. We hypothesized that an ASD profile in children characterized by mild delays and increased rates of dysregulation would be associated with preexisting maternal anxiety or depression. Participants were 672 preschool children with ASD and their mothers. Children were classified as ASD after a comprehensive developmental evaluation. Mothers reported whether a healthcare provider ever diagnosed them with anxiety or depression before the birth of their child. Four child ASD phenotypes were derived from latent class analysis: Mild Language Delay with Cognitive Rigidity (Type 1), Significant Developmental Delay with Repetitive Motor Behaviors (Type 2), General Developmental Delay (Type 3), and Mild Language and Motor Delay with Dysregulation (i.e., aggression, anxiety, depression, emotional reactivity, inattention, somatic complaints, and sleep problems) (Type 4). Type 2 ASD served as the referent category in statistical analyses. Results showed that 22.6% of mothers reported a diagnosis of anxiety or depression before the birth of their child. Maternal anxiety or depression was associated with 2.7 times the odds (95% confidence interval: 1.4, 5.3) of Type 4 or Dysregulated ASD in the child; maternal anxiety and depression was associated with 4.4 times the odds (95% confidence interval: 1.4, 14.0) of Type 4 or Dysregulated ASD in the child. Our findings suggest an association between Dysregulated ASD in the child and anxiety and depression in the mother. These findings can enhance screening methods and inform future research efforts
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