9 research outputs found

    Variations In Maternal Care Alter Corticosterone And 17beta-estradiol Levels, Estrous Cycle And Folliculogenesis And Stimulate The Expression Of Estrogen Receptors Alpha And Beta In The Ovaries Of Uch Rats

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    Background: Variations in maternal care are associated with neonatal stress, hormonal disturbances and reproductive injuries during adulthood. However, the effects of these variations on sex hormones and steroid receptors during ovary development remain undetermined. This study aimed to investigate whether variations in maternal care are able to influence the hormonal profile, follicular dynamics and expression of AR, ER-alpha and ER-beta in the ovaries of UCh rat offspring.Methods: Twenty-four adult UCh rats, aged 120 days, were randomly divided into two groups (UChA and UChB) and mated. Maternal care was assessed from birth (day 0) to the 10th postnatal day (PND). In adulthood, twenty adult female rats (UChA and UChB offspring; n = 10/group), aged 120 days, were euthanized by decapitation during the morning estrus.Results: UChA females (providing high maternal care) more frequently displayed the behaviors of carrying pups, as well as licking/grooming and arched back nursing cares. Also, mothers providing high care had elevated corticosterone levels. Additionally, offspring receiving low maternal care showed the highest estrous cycle duration, increased corticosterone and 17beta-estradiol levels, overexpression of receptors ER-alpha and ER-beta, increased numbers of primordial, antral and mature follicles and accentuated granulosa cell proliferation.Conclusions: Our study suggests that low maternal care alters corticosterone and 17beta-estradiol levels, disrupting the estrous cycle and folliculogenesis and differentially regulating the expression of ER-alpha and ER-beta in the ovaries of adult rats. © 2011 Amorim et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.9Walker, C.D., Deschamps, S., Proulx, K., Tu, M., Salzman, C., Woodside, B., Lupien, S., Richard, D., Mother to infant or infant to mother? 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    Pós-operatório de homoimplante de costela avaliado por toracoscopia paraxifóide transdiafragmática modificada em gatos Post-operative of toracoscopy paraxiphoid transdiaphragmatic modificed approach, in cats

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi de avaliar a exeqüibilidade do acesso paraxifóide transdiafragmático modificado, em gatos, no período pós-operatório de homoimplante de costela para reconstituição de parede torácica. Para tanto foram avaliados 16 gatos após a reconstituição de parede torácica com o uso de homoimplante de costela conservado em açúcar. A cavidade torácica dos animais foi acessada por via transdiafragmática modificada, por meio de uma incisão de 2cm na linha mediana paraxifóide para posterior introdução da cânula ao diafragma utilizando uma óptica de 10mm de diâmetro. Foi identificado o terço médio da parede torácica, sendo necessário que os animais fossem posicionados em decúbito lateral obliquado. Foram constatadas aderências e visibilizado o aspecto dos implantes. Foi possível avaliar a parede torácica de gatos com óptica de 10mm de diâmetro através do acesso transdiafragmático modificado.<br>The purpose of this study was to evaluate a modified thoracic access to test the rib homoimplant in cats. Sisteen adults cats was evaluated ofter thoracic wall reconstituition using a rib homoimplant preserved in sugar. The animals were submitted to a modified trans-diaphragmatic paraxiphoid access, using a optical of 10mm diameter through the midline. The lateral oblique recumbency made become possible the identification of the medial third of the thorax, and it also allowed the identification the adhesions and the aspect of the implants. The evaluation thoracic cavity of the cats with an optic of 10mm of diameter through the modified trans-diaphragmatic paraxiphoid access