7 research outputs found

    Minnesota Farm Management Service Notes No. 27

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    Farm Labor; Costs of farm labor; Wages in relation to farm products; Saving man labo

    The Nebraska Agricultural Outlook for 1938

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    Each year the federal government gathers data relating to agriculture through the various departments of the United States Department of Agriculture. These data are classified and analyzed by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics at Washington and all information which may be helpful to farmers is published. For several years it has been the policy of the Department of Rural Economics and the Agricultural Extension Service of the College of Agriculture, Lincoln, to select from the federal information facts which may be especially helpful to Nebraska farmers. These facts and other economic conditions in Nebraska are published this year as the Agricultural Outlook for Nebraska, 1938. The Outlook should be helpful in the marketing of the crops and livestock on hand. It should also be helpful in making farm plans for 1938

    Redescription Of Physalaemus Barrioi (anura: Leiuperidae)

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    Physalaemus barrioi is a poorly known frog endemic to the highlands of Serra da Bocaina in the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil. Herein, we redescribe the species based on the type series and new specimens collected at the type locality. We also present additional data on its vocalization, karyotype, and tadpole, including the external morphology, internal oral features, and chondrocranium. Physalaemus barrioi can be diagnosed by the following combination of characters: SVL in males larger than 24 mm; inguinal glands associated with dark ocelli; throat and vocal sac dark brown; and chest dark with small light blotches. Bioacoustical characteristics also distinguish P. barrioi from all other species of Physalaemus. The tadpole of P. barrioi is very similar to those of the P. gracilis group, from which it can be distinguished by several characteristics, including marginal papillae in a single row, absence of submarginal papillae, elliptical nares, and upper jaw sheath in a wide arch. © 2012 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists.3507518Alcalde, L., Natale, G.S., Cajade, R., The tadpole of Physalaemus fernandezae (Anura: Leptodactylidae) (2006) Herpetological Journal, 16, pp. 203-211Altig, R., McDiarmid, R.W., Body plan: Development and morphology (1999) Tadpoles: The Biology of Anuran Larvae, pp. 24-51. , R. W. McDiarmid and R. Altig (eds.). 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    Synaptic Elimination in Neurological Disorders

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