124 research outputs found

    Is it worth changing pattern recognition methods for structural health monitoring?

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    The key element of this work is to demonstrate alternative strategies for using pattern recognition algorithms whilst investigating structural health monitoring. This paper looks to determine if it makes any difference in choosing from a range of established classification techniques: from decision trees and support vector machines, to Gaussian processes. Classification algorithms are tested on adjustable synthetic data to establish performance metrics, then all techniques are applied to real SHM data. To aid the selection of training data, an informative chain of artificial intelligence tools is used to explore an active learning interaction between meaningful clusters of data

    Foundations of population-based SHM, part II : heterogeneous populations – graphs, networks, and communities

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    This paper is the second in a series of three which aims to provide a basis for Population-Based Structural Health Monitoring (PBSHM); a new technology which will allow transfer of diagnostic information across a population of structures, augmenting SHM capability beyond that applicable to individual structures. The new PBSHM can potentially allow knowledge about normal operating conditions, damage states, and even physics-based models to be transferred between structures. The first part in this series considered homogeneous populations of nominally-identical structures. The theory is extended in this paper to heterogeneous populations of disparate structures. In order to achieve this aim, the paper introduces an abstract representation of structures based on Irreducible Element (IE) models, which capture essential structural characteristics, which are then converted into Attributed Graphs (AGs). The AGs form a complex network of structure models, on which a metric can be used to assess structural similarity; the similarity being a key measure of whether diagnostic information can be successfully transferred. Once a pairwise similarity metric has been established on the network of structures, similar structures are clustered to form communities. Within these communities, it is assumed that a certain level of knowledge transfer is possible. The transfer itself will be accomplished using machine learning methods which will be discussed in the third part of this series. The ideas introduced in this paper can be used to define precise terminology for PBSHM in both the homogeneous and heterogeneous population cases

    Foundations of population-based SHM, part III : heterogeneous populations – mapping and transfer

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    This is the third and final paper in a series laying foundations for a theory/methodology of Population-Based Structural Health Monitoring (PBSHM). PBSHM involves utilising knowledge from one set of structures in a population and applying it to a different set, such that predictions about the health states of each member in the population can be performed and improved. Central ideas behind PBSHM are those of knowledge transfer and mapping. In the context of PBSHM, knowledge transfer involves using information from a source domain structure, where labels are known for given feature sets, and mapping these onto the unlabelled feature space of a different, target domain structure. This mapping means a classifier trained on the transformed source domain data will generalise to the unlabelled target domain data; i.e. a classifier built on one structure will generalise to another, making Structural Heath Monitoring (SHM) cost-effective and applicable to a wide range of challenging industrial scenarios. This process of mapping features and labels across source and target domains is defined here via domain adaptation, a subcategory of transfer learning. A mathematical underpinning for when domain adaptation is possible in a structural dynamics context is provided, with reference to topology within a graphical representation of structures. Subsequently, a novel procedure for performing domain adaptation on topologically different structures is outlined

    Towards the probabilistic analysis of small bowel capsule endoscopy features to predict severity of duodenal histology in patients with villous atrophy

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    Small bowel capsule endoscopy (SBCE) can be complementary to histological assessment of celiac disease (CD) and serology negative villous atrophy (SNVA). Determining the severity of disease on SBCE using statistical machine learning methods can be useful in the follow up of patients. SBCE can play an additional role in differentiating between CD and SNVA. De-identified SBCEs of patients with CD and SNVA were included. Probabilistic analysis of features on SBCE were used to predict severity of duodenal histology and to distinguish between CD and SNVA. Patients with higher Marsh scores were more likely to have a positive SBCE and a continuous distribution of macroscopic features of disease than those with lower Marsh scores. The same pattern was also true for patients with CD when compared to patients with SNVA. The validation accuracy when predicting the severity of Marsh scores and when distinguishing between CD and SNVA was 69.1% in both cases. When the proportions of each SBCE class group within the dataset were included in the classification model, to distinguish between the two pathologies, the validation accuracy increased to 75.3%. The findings of this work suggest that by using features of CD and SNVA on SBCE, predictions can be made of the type of pathology and the severity of disease

    Domain-adapted Gaussian mixture models for population-based structural health monitoring

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    Transfer learning, in the form of domain adaptation, seeks to overcome challenges associated with a lack of available health-state data for a structure, which severely limits the effectiveness of conventional machine learning approaches to structural health monitoring (SHM). These technologies utilise labelled information across a population of structures (and physics-based models), such that inferences are improved, either for the complete population, or for particular target structures — enabling a population-based view of SHM. The aim of these methods is to infer a mapping between each member of the population’s feature space (called a domain) in which a classifier trained on one member of the population will generalise to the remaining structures. This paper introduces the domain-adapted Gaussian mixture model (DA-GMM) for population-based SHM (PBSHM) scenarios. The DA-GMM, infers a linear mapping that transforms target data from one structure onto a Gaussian mixture model that has been inferred from source data (from another structure). The proposed model is solved via an expectation maximisation technique. The method is demonstrated on three case studies: an artificial dataset demonstrating the approach’s effectiveness when the target domain differs by two-dimensional rotations; a population of two numerical shear-building structures; and a heterogeneous population of two bridges, the Z24 and KW51 bridges. In each case study, the method is shown to provide informative results, outperforming other conventional forms of GMM (where no target labelled data are assumed available), and provide mappings that allow the effective exchange of labelled information from source to target datasets

    Overcoming the problem of repair in structural health monitoring: Metric-informed transfer learning

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    Structural repairs alter the physical properties of a structure, changing its responses, both in terms of its normal condition and of its different damage states. This difference in responses manifests itself as a shift between the pre- and post-repair data distributions, which can be problematic for conventional data-driven approaches to structural health monitoring (SHM), and limits their effectiveness in industrial applications. This limitation occurs typically because approaches assume that the data distribution is the same in training as appears in testing; with an algorithm failing to generalise when this assumption is not true; that is, pre-repair labels no longer apply to the post-repair data. Transfer learning, in the form of domain adaptation, proposes a solution to this issue, by mapping the pre- and post-repair data distributions onto a shared latent space where their distributions are approximately equal, allowing pre-repair label knowledge to be used to classify the post-repair data. This paper demonstrates the applicability of domain adaptation as a method for overcoming the problem of repair on a dataset from a Gnat trainer aircraft. In addition, a novel modification to an existing domain adaptation technique – joint distribution adaptation – is proposed, which seeks to improve the semi-supervised learning phase of the algorithm by considering a metric-informed procedure. The metric-informed joint distribution adaptation algorithm is benchmarked against, and shown to outperform, both conventional data-based approaches and other domain adaptation techniques

    Kernelised Bayesian transfer learning for population-based structural health monitoring

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    Population-based structural health monitoring is the process of utilising information from a group of structures in order to perform and improve inferences that generalise to the complete population. A significant challenge in inferring a general representation for structures is that feature spaces will be inconsistent for a wide variety of populations and datasets. This scenario, where the dimensions of the feature spaces for each structure are different, occurs for a variety of reasons. Firstly, the group of structures themselves may be a heterogeneous population, where differences occur due to topology, leading to inconsistency in modal-based features. Secondly, feature spaces may be inconsistent across the population due to differences in the raw data (i.e. different sample frequencies etc.) and feature extraction processing. In this context, where feature spaces are inconsistent between different structure in a population, a general model that describes their behaviours becomes challenging to infer. This issue is because dimensionality reduction must be performed such that each domain’s feature set projects to a consistent shared latent space where a model can be inferred. This paper introduces a technique, kernelised Bayesian transfer learning, that seeks to learn a projection matrix and kernel embedding that map to a latent space where a discriminative classifier can be inferred in a Bayesian manner, using variational inference. This algorithm allows a general discriminative classifier to be inferred across a population where the feature spaces for each structure are inconsistent. A numerical case study is presented, demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach and for providing a discussion of its implications for population-based structural health monitoring

    Active learning for semi-supervised structural health monitoring

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    A critical issue for structural health monitoring (SHM) strategies based on pattern recognition models is a lack of diagnostic labels to explain the measured data. In an engineering context, these descriptive labels are costly to obtain, and as a result, conventional supervised learning is not feasible. Active learning tools look to solve this issue by selecting a limited number of the most informative observations to query for labels. This work presents the application of cluster-adaptive active learning to measured data from aircraft experiments. These tests successfully illustrate the advantages of utilising active learning tools for SHM, and they present the first application/adaptation of active learning methods to engineering data — a MATLAB package is available via GitHub: https://github.com/labull/cluster_based_active_learning

    Normalising flows and nonlinear normal modes

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    In the context of dynamic decoupling problems, engineering dynamics has long held modal analysis as an exemplar. The method allows the exact decomposition of linear multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems into single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) oscillators, thus simplifying complex dynamic problems considerably. However, modal analysis is very much a linear theory; if applied to nonlinear systems, the decoupling property (among others) is lost. This unfortunate situation has led to numerous attempts to formulate workable nonlinear versions of the theory. The current paper extends previous work by the authors in using machine learning methods to learn nonlinear modal transformations on measured data, based on the premise that any latent modal variables should be statistically independent. Unlike previous work, the transformation here exploits the recent development of normalising flows in constructing the required transformations. The new approach is shown to overcome a number of the problems in the original approach when demonstrated on a simulated nonlinear system

    A sampling-based approach for information-theoretic inspection management

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    A partially supervised approach to Structural Health Monitoring is proposed, to manage the cost associated with expert inspections and maximize the value of monitoring regimes. Unlike conventional data-driven procedures, the monitoring classifier is learnt online while making predictions—negating the requirement for complete data before a system is in operation (which are rarely available). Most critically, periodic inspections are replaced (or enhanced) by an automatic inspection regime, which only queries measurements that appear informative to the evolving model of the damage-sensitive features. The result is a partially supervised Dirichlet process clustering that manages expert inspections online given incremental data. The method is verified on a simulated example and demonstrated on in situ bridge monitoring data
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