19 research outputs found

    Cashew cultivation in Guinea-Bissau – risks and challenges of the success of a cash crop

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    In recent decades a boom in cashew (Anacardium occidentale)cultivation has taken place in Guinea-Bissau, leading to the replacement of traditional slash-and-burn agriculture by a cash crop. As a result, the country is currently one of the world’s largest producers of raw cashew nuts and the cashew sector has acquired enormous importance in Guinea-Bissau’s economy. Changes induced by the cashew boom at social and environmental levels are yet to be analyzed and understood. The present study provides an account of the process of cashew expansion in Guinea-Bissau, reviews the current situation and discusses its future prospects. The cashew tree was introduced into the country by the Portuguese in the XIXth century, but only effectively expanded in the mid-1980s. It is largely cultivated by small farmers around villages and also plays a role in land ownership, since land tenure practices are linked to the planting of trees. The effects of this cashew boom on habitat fragmentation, fire regimes and biodiversity are still to be assessed. On the other hand, the spread of pests and diseases is becoming a problem. Strong dependence on a single cash crop also renders the country vulnerable to market fluctuations, entailing risks to local producers and the national economy. In the medium term, losses of export earnings can occur, which may impact the living standards and food security of Bissau-Guineans both in urban and rural areas

    Team dynamics in emergency surgery teams: results from a first international survey

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    Background: Emergency surgery represents a unique context. Trauma teams are often multidisciplinary and need to operate under extreme stress and time constraints, sometimes with no awareness of the trauma\u2019s causes or the patient\u2019s personal and clinical information. In this perspective, the dynamics of how trauma teams function is fundamental to ensuring the best performance and outcomes. Methods: An online survey was conducted among the World Society of Emergency Surgery members in early 2021. 402 fully filled questionnaires on the topics of knowledge translation dynamics and tools, non-technical skills, and difficulties in teamwork were collected. Data were analyzed using the software R, and reported following the Checklist for Reporting Results of Internet E-Surveys (CHERRIES). Results: Findings highlight how several surgeons are still unsure about the meaning and potential of knowledge translation and its mechanisms. Tools like training, clinical guidelines, and non-technical skills are recognized and used in clinical practice. Others, like patients\u2019 and stakeholders\u2019 engagement, are hardly implemented, despite their increasing importance in the modern healthcare scenario. Several difficulties in working as a team are described, including the lack of time, communication, training, trust, and ego. Discussion: Scientific societies should take the lead in offering training and support about the abovementioned topics. Dedicated educational initiatives, practical cases and experiences, workshops and symposia may allow mitigating the difficulties highlighted by the survey\u2019s participants, boosting the performance of emergency teams. Additional investigation of the survey results and its characteristics may lead to more further specific suggestions and potential solutions

    Cinética de secagem e difusividade efetiva em folhas de jenipapo (Genipa americana L.)

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    RESUMO O jenipapo (Genipa americana L.) é uma espécie nativa com importância medicinal, sendo amplamente utilizada no Brasil. Em função da necessidade de conhecimento à cerca do pré-processamento desta espécie, este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a cinética de secagem de folhas de jenipapo (G. americana L.), bem como determinar a difusividade efetiva da água durante o processo. As folhas foram coletadas com teor de água inicial de 2,30±0,05 (decimal b.s.), e submetidas à secagem em três condições de temperatura do ar (35,3; 46,0 e 65,0°C) até atingirem o teor de água de equilíbrio. Aos dados experimentais, ajustaram-se doze modelos matemáticos, recomendados para representar o processo de secagem de produtos agrícolas. As magnitudes do coeficiente de determinação (R2), do erro médio relativo (P), do erro médio estimado (SE) e do teste do qui-quadrado (χ2), foram utilizadas para verificar o grau de ajuste dos modelos. Os modelos de Henderson e Pabis modificado e Midilli apresentaram ajustes adequados aos dados experimentais, sendo o modelo de Midilli, em função de sua simplicidade, escolhido para representar a cinética de secagem das folhas de jenipapo. Aumentando a temperatura do ar de secagem de 35,3 para 46,0 e 65,0ºC houve redução no tempo de secagem das folhas de jenipapo de 91,1 para 62,5 e 24,2 horas, respectivamente. O coeficiente de difusão efetivo aumenta com a elevação da temperatura, e esta relação é descrita pela equação de Arrhenius, que apresenta energia de ativação para a difusão líquida de 33,9 kJ mol-1

    L’élevage de poulets biologiques : les verrous à lever et les opportunités offertes par cette production

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    International audienceFrance is currently Europe’s leading producer of organic chickens. However, this still represents only a small percent of its national production. Organic poultry farming is often seen as respectful of animal welfare and the environment. However, beyond the positive images that organic poultry farming and organic products convey, a number of constraints have already been identified that limit their development. Contact with wild fauna, which presents a health risk, range management, environmental pressures due to excretion of droppings on the range, which is difficult to control, and sensitivity to the economic context and consumer behaviour are all obstacles. Organic livestock farming nevertheless offers opportunities 1) for the animal: the grazing area facilitates the expression of numerous behaviours and allows the consumption of insects and plants with various properties (nutritional, medicinal, etc.) ; 2) for the farmer: improved working conditions and greater satisfaction are highlighted ; 3) for the environment: the grazing area is a source of biodiversity.After presenting the conditions for rearing organic chickens in France and Europe, we identify barriers to extending organic rearing and the levers/opportunities for overcoming them.La France est actuellement au premier rang des productions européennes de poulets biologiques. Cette production ne représente toutefois encore que quelques pourcents de la production nationale. L’élevage avicole biologique est souvent considéré comme respectueux du bien-être animal et de l’environnement. Cependant, au-delà de ces images positives que l’élevage avicole biologique et les produits biologiques véhiculent, certaines contraintes déjà identifiées limitent leur développement. Le contact avec la faune sauvage présentant un risque sanitaire, la gestion du parcours, les tensions sur l’environnement dues à une excrétion des déjections sur le parcours difficilement maîtrisable et la sensibilité au contexte économique et aux comportements de consommation sont autant d’obstacles. L’élevage biologique offre néanmoins des opportunités 1) pour l’animal : le parcours facilite l’expression de nombreux comportements et permet la consommation d’insectes et de plantes possédant diverses propriétés (nutritionnelle, médicinales…) ; 2) pour l’éleveur : une amélioration des conditions de travail ainsi qu’une plus grande satisfaction sont mises en avant ; 3) pour l’environnement : le parcours constitue une source de biodiversité.Après une présentation des conditions d’élevage des poulets biologiques en France et en Europe, nous proposons d’identifier les barrières à l’extension de l’élevage biologique et les leviers/opportunités pour les dépasser