609 research outputs found

    'Foreign' books for English readers : published translations of navigation manuals and their audience in the English Renaissance, 1500-1640

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    Although there has been an increasing interest in the study of Renaissance translations and the early world of print, the history of navigation and exploration has not been the subject of any such in-depth bibliographical research. This thesis identifies and analyses a corpus of translated navigation manuals and related works that were printed in England between 1500 and 1640. The context is sketched by defining the different areas of maritime writing found in Renaissance England. Although English contributions were particularly strong in such topics as the mathematical side of navigation, the technical instruments and the debates about magnetism and compass variation, publications of manuals and sailing directions were scarce. This thesis reveals that such knowledge was imported from continental Europe through translation. Forty-three translations out of seven different source languages are discussed from a book-historical perspective to establish what their source text was, how they came to England and who was responsible for translating and publishing them. Such information was obtained, in part, from a study of the paratexts, in particular the translators’ and publishers’ dedications and addresses to the reader, which show the reason and purpose of the translations, the methods employed and particular problems encountered, as well certain linguistic and rhetorical characteristics. One work is selected as a case-study for in-depth research, namely Martin CortĂ©s’s Breue compendio de la sphera y de la arte de nauegar (1551) and its translation by Richard Eden, The Arte of Navigation (1561), which went through ten editions and became the model for English navigation manuals. Finally, by turning to the agents involved in the production and dissemination of these translations, particularly the printers and booksellers, and establishing the connections between them, this thesis reveals intricate social networks and sheds new light on certain aspects of the fields of navigation, translation and print

    Essential facts of the monitoring of the sand extraction and its impact on the Flemish banks on the Belgian Continental Shelf from 2003 to 2012

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    The monitoring of sand extraction on the Flemish sandbanks of the Belgian continental shelf is based on multiple types of data: statistics derived from the extraction registers, data from the Electronic Monitoring System (EMS = “black-boxes”) on board the dredging vessels (complete records are available since 2003), and regular bathymetric surveys with the multibeam echosounders MBES) EM1002 and EM3002D (installed on the R/V Belgica) across the sandbanks along parallel lines and on specific areas. The analysis of the various types of data provides a 4D (space and time) view of the evolution of the extraction and admits robust and pragmatic conclusions about the real impact of the sand extraction on the marine environment. From 2003 to 2012, the global bathymetric evolution, based on MBES EM1002 and EM3002D measurements along lines across the control zones, confirms thestraightforward relation between the extraction and the bathymetrical evolution. On a larger scale, virtually all ofthe bathymetric variation can be explained by the extraction itself. In areas without any extraction, no significanttrend of the bathymetry is observed

    Extra-articular hip endoscopy: a review of the literature

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    The aim of this review is to evaluate the current available literature evidencing on periarticular hip endoscopy (the third compartment). A comprehensive approach has been set on reports dealing with endoscopic surgery for recalcitrant trochanteric bursitis, snapping hip (or coxa-saltans; external and internal), gluteus medius and minimus tears and endoscopy (or arthroscopy) after total hip arthroplasty. This information can be used to trigger further research, innovation and education in extra-articular hip endoscopy

    How do referring clinicians want radiologists to report? Suggestions from the COVER survey

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate what referring clinicians suggest when asked how the quality of radiology reports can be improved. METHODS: At the end of the questionnaire of the COVER survey, a bi-national quantitative survey on the radiology report among referring physicians, clinical specialists and general practitioners were able to freely enter suggestions with regard to improving the quality of the report. These suggestions were isolated from the quantitative results. Subjects and themes were identified, examined, ordered, counted, compared and analysed. RESULTS: Of a total of 3,884 invitations to participate, we received 735 response forms from clinicians (18.9%), 233 (31.7%) of which contained suggestions. Issues mentioned most frequently were the need for clinical information and a clinical question, for a conclusion, structuring, communicating directly with the clinician, completeness, integrating images or referring to images, mentioning relevant findings outside of the clinical question, mentioning a diagnosis or suitable differential diagnosis, and concise reporting. CONCLUSION: Although these spontaneous suggestions are erratic and sometimes contradictory, they summarise the ideas as well as the emotions of these clients of the radiology department. Therefore it is advisable to take them into account when developing new ways of reporting

    Theorem on the Distribution of Short-Time Particle Displacements with Physical Applications

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    The distribution of the initial short-time displacements of particles is considered for a class of classical systems under rather general conditions on the dynamics and with Gaussian initial velocity distributions, while the positions could have an arbitrary distribution. This class of systems contains canonical equilibrium of a Hamiltonian system as a special case. We prove that for this class of systems the nth order cumulants of the initial short-time displacements behave as the 2n-th power of time for all n>2, rather than exhibiting an nth power scaling. This has direct applications to the initial short-time behavior of the Van Hove self-correlation function, to its non-equilibrium generalizations the Green's functions for mass transport, and to the non-Gaussian parameters used in supercooled liquids and glasses.Comment: A less ambiguous mathematical notation for cumulants was adopted and several passages were reformulated and clarified. 40 pages, 1 figure. Accepted by J. Stat. Phy

    Fluctuating magnetic moments in liquid metals

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    We re-analyze literature data on neutron scattering by liquid metals to show that non-magnetic liquid metals possess a magnetic moment that fluctuates on a picosecond time scale. This time scale follows the motion of the cage-diffusion process in which an ion rattles around in the cage formed by its neighbors. We find that these fluctuating magnetic moments are present in liquid Hg, Al, Ga and Pb, and possibly also in the alkali metals.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Comparison of methods to estimate the affected body surface area and the dosage of topical treatments in psoriasis and atopic dermatitis : the advantage of a picture‐based tool

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    Background: The accurate determination of the dosage of topical treatments is important given its repercussions on patient adherence and therapeutic efficacy. Up till now, the fingertip unit calculated by the rule of hands is considered the gold standard, although its use is associated with several drawbacks. Objective: To compare different methods to estimate the affected body surface area (BSA) and dosage of topical treatments in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis and investigate its reliability, user-friendliness and timing. Methods: In this study, we compared the reliability of three different methods: (i) the fingertip unit calculated by the 1% hand rule; (ii) a picture-based tool [termed Cutaneous Inflammatory Disease Extent Score (CIDES)]; and (iii) a digital drawing tool. Eleven observers scored 40 patients with psoriasis and eczema to assess the inter-rater and intrarater reliability. Timing was automatically recorded, and user-friendliness was investigated by a questionnaire. Results: An excellent intraclass correlation (ICC) was found for both inter-rater agreement and intrarater agreement for the picture-based tool (ICC = 0.92 and ICC = 0.96, respectively). The ICCs for drawing the area of involvement on a silhouette were 0.89 and 0.93, respectively. Finally, the rule of hands was associated with an increased inter-rater variability although an excellent intrarater agreement was found (ICC = 0.79 and 0.95, respectively). Automated calculation of the amount of topical treatment improved reliability, and CIDES was associated with the least variation. CIDES was considered the preferred method by all observers and was fast to perform (median: 30 s). Conclusion: A picture-based method offered the most advantages (in terms of reliability, speed and user-friendliness) to estimate the affected BSA and calculate the dosage of topical treatments

    Dutch GP healthcare consumption in COVID-19 heterogeneous regions:An interregional time-series approach in 2020-2021

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    Background Many countries observed a sharp decline in the use of general practice services after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, research has not yet considered how changes in healthcare consumption varied among regions with the same restrictive measures but different COVID-19 prevalence.Aim To investigate how the COVID-19 pandemic affected healthcare consumption in Dutch general practice during 2020 and 2021, among regions with known heterogeneity in COVID-19 prevalence, from a pre-pandemic baseline in 2019.Design Population-based cohort study using electronic health records.Setting Dutch general practices involved in regional research networks.MethodsInterrupted time-series analysis of changes in healthcare consumption from before to during the pandemic. Descriptive statistics on the number of potential COVID-19 related contacts, reason for contact and type of contact.Results The study covered 3 627 597 contacts (425 639 patients), 3 532 693 contacts (433 340 patients), and 4 134 636 contacts (434 872 patients) in 2019, 2020, and 2021, respectively. Time-series analysis revealed a significant decrease in healthcare consumption after the outbreak of the pandemic. Despite interregional heterogeneity in COVID-19 prevalence, healthcare consumption decreased comparably over time in the three regions, before rebounding to a level significantly higher than baseline in 2021. Physical consultations transitioned to phone or digital over time.Conclusions Healthcare consumption decreased irrespective of the regional prevalence of COVID-19 from the start of the pandemic, with the Delta variant triggering a further decrease. Overall, changes in care consumption appeared to reflect contextual factors and societal restrictions rather than infection rates
